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Boards include members appointed by the government and may also include members appointed by the public agency itself.

The list below includes those board members appointed by the government.

Select a department or public agency from the dropdown menu below to show a listing of current appointees. Click on an individual’s name to read their biography.

Agency Name Ministry Position Appointment Date Expiry Date Appointment Method Remuneration
Alberta Association of Architects - Council Ng, Michael Advanced Education Public Member 2019/01/22 2020/01/21 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Association of Landscape Architects - Board of Directors Power, Barbara Advanced Education Public Member 2017/11/21 2019/11/20 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Board of Skilled Trades Boutin, Blaine Advanced Education Member 2022/07/20 2024/07/19 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Board of Skilled Trades Massey, Raymond Advanced Education Chair & Member 2022/07/20 2025/07/19 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Board of Skilled Trades Suranyi, Nancy Advanced Education Member 2022/07/20 2024/07/19 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Board of Skilled Trades de Jong, Paul Advanced Education Member 2022/07/20 2025/07/19 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Board of Skilled Trades Anderson, Sheldon Advanced Education Member 2022/07/20 2024/07/19 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Board of Skilled Trades Calver, Rob Advanced Education Member 2022/07/20 2024/07/19 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Board of Skilled Trades Hartigan, Caitlin Advanced Education Member 2022/07/20 2024/07/19 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Board of Skilled Trades Hartman, Ryan Advanced Education Member 2022/07/20 2025/07/19 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Board of Skilled Trades Kavanagh, David Advanced Education Member 2022/07/20 2025/07/19 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Board of Skilled Trades Lindberg, Matthew Advanced Education Member 2022/07/20 2024/07/19 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Board of Skilled Trades MacCallum, Heather Advanced Education Member 2022/07/20 2025/07/19 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Board of Skilled Trades Regan, Declan Advanced Education Member 2022/07/20 2025/07/19 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Human Ecology and Home Economics Association - Board of Directors Oberik, Tammy Advanced Education Public Member 2017/07/04 2019/07/03 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Human Ecology and Home Economics Association - Board of Directors Thomas, Sarah Advanced Education Public Member 2017/11/21 2019/11/20 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Institute of Agrologists - Complaint Review and Hearing Tribunals Chow, Geoff Advanced Education Public Member 2022/06/29 2025/06/28 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Institute of Agrologists - Complaint Review and Hearing Tribunals Abiiba, Funmi Advanced Education Public Member 2022/06/29 2025/06/28 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Institute of Agrologists - Council Staples, Larry Advanced Education Public Member 2017/10/18 2020/10/17 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Institute of Agrologists - Council Schuld, Albert Advanced Education Public Member 2017/10/18 2020/10/17 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Land Surveyors' Association - Council Barnes, Russell Advanced Education Public Member 2017/10/18 2018/10/17 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Land Surveyors' Association - Practice Review Board Solomon, Josh Advanced Education Public Member 2022/09/13 2025/09/12 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Professional Planners Institute - Council Hooper, Marilyn Advanced Education Public Member 2017/07/04 2019/07/03 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Shorthand Reporters' Association - Council Chalifoux, Nancy Advanced Education Public Member 2017/07/04 2019/07/03 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Society of Professional Biologists - Board of Directors Beckett, Jim Advanced Education Public Member 2017/07/04 2019/07/03 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Society of Professional Biologists - Board of Directors Thomas, Sarah Advanced Education Public Member 2017/11/21 2019/11/20 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta University of the Arts Board of Governors Stimson, Adrian Advanced Education Chair 2024/03/20 2027/03/19 Order in Council Expenses Only
Alberta University of the Arts Board of Governors Taylor, Sheila Advanced Education Member 2023/02/19 2026/02/18 Order in Council Expenses Only
Alberta University of the Arts Board of Governors Iliya-Ndule, Chi Advanced Education Member 2023/11/29 2026/11/28 Order in Council Expenses Only
Alberta University of the Arts Board of Governors Waddell, Justin Advanced Education Academic Staff Rep 2021/05/27 2024/05/26 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Alberta University of the Arts Board of Governors Anhorn, Sara Advanced Education Member 2022/04/06 2025/04/05 Order in Council Expenses Only
Alberta University of the Arts Board of Governors Cran, Chris Advanced Education Member 2022/04/06 2025/04/05 Order in Council Expenses Only
Alberta University of the Arts Board of Governors Calenso, Morgan Advanced Education Student Member Rep 2022/09/27 2024/05/15 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Alberta University of the Arts Board of Governors Graham, Tom Advanced Education Member 2022/09/27 2025/09/26 Order in Council Expenses Only
Alberta University of the Arts Board of Governors Legate, Evan Advanced Education Member 2023/03/29 2026/03/28 Order in Council Expenses Only
Alberta University of the Arts Board of Governors Paul, Cassandra Advanced Education Non-Academic Staff Member Rep 2024/07/01 2026/06/30 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Alberta University of the Arts Board of Governors Covey, Quynn Advanced Education Student Member Rep 2023/10/27 2024/05/15 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Alberta University of the Arts Board of Governors Price, Tammi Advanced Education Member 2023/11/29 2026/11/28 Order in Council Expenses Only
Alberta University of the Arts Board of Governors Kelly-Frère, Mackenzie Advanced Education Academic Staff Rep 2024/02/15 2027/02/14 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Alberta University of the Arts Board of Governors Gupta, Ruby Advanced Education Member 2024/03/13 2027/03/12 Order in Council Expenses Only
Alberta University of the Arts Board of Governors Chiu, Patrick Advanced Education Member 2024/03/20 2027/03/19 Order in Council Expenses Only
Alberta Veterinary Medical Association - Council Plecash, Ross Advanced Education Public Member 2019/01/22 2022/01/21 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Veterinary Medical Association - Council Howden, Michael Advanced Education Public Member 2017/11/21 2020/11/20 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Veterinary Medical Association - Hearing Tribunal and Complaint Review Committee deJong, John Advanced Education Public Member 2022/06/29 2025/06/28 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Veterinary Medical Association - Hearing Tribunal and Complaint Review Committee Johnstone, Dianne Advanced Education Public Member 2022/06/29 2025/06/28 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Veterinary Medical Association - Hearing Tribunal and Complaint Review Committee Marcotte, Brian Advanced Education Public Member 2022/06/29 2025/06/28 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Association of Alberta Forest Management Professionals Council Nair Anil, Krishnanunni Advanced Education Public Member 2017/10/18 2020/10/17 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Association of Alberta Forest Management Professionals Council Hooper, Marilyn Advanced Education Public Member 2017/10/18 2020/10/17 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Association of Alberta Forest Management Professionals Council Jones, Jack Advanced Education Public Member 2017/10/18 2020/10/17 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Association of Alberta Forest Management Professionals-Joint Complaint Review Committee & Hearing Tribunal Hack, Nancy Advanced Education Public Member 2019/01/22 2022/01/21 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Association of Alberta Forest Management Professionals-Joint Complaint Review Committee & Hearing Tribunal Hull, Patricia Advanced Education Public Member 2019/01/22 2022/01/21 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Association of Alberta Forest Management Professionals-Joint Complaint Review Committee & Hearing Tribunal Lindsay, John Advanced Education Public Member 2019/01/22 2022/01/21 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Association of Alberta Forest Management Professionals-Joint Complaint Review Committee & Hearing Tribunal Piecowye, Debi Advanced Education Public Member 2019/01/22 2022/01/21 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta - Appeal Board Neth, Harold Advanced Education Public Member 2017/07/04 2020/07/03 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta - Board of Examiners Skakun, Ernie Advanced Education Public Member 2022/09/13 2025/09/12 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta - Board of Examiners Mah, Allan Advanced Education Public Member 2022/09/13 2025/09/12 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta - Board of Examiners Beard, Leslie Advanced Education Public Member 2022/09/13 2025/09/12 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta - Council Phillips-Rickey, Mary Advanced Education Public Member 2017/03/15 2019/03/14 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta - Discipline Committee Dunnigan, Muriel Advanced Education Public Member 2021/09/13 2024/09/12 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Association of Science and Engineering Technology Professionals of Alberta (ASET) - Council McDonald, Rick Advanced Education Public Member 2017/11/21 2020/11/20 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Association of the Chemical Profession of Alberta - Board of Directors Innes, Trina Advanced Education Public Member 2019/01/22 2021/01/21 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Athabasca University Board of Governors Kuzio, Brenda Advanced Education Tutor Member 2024/01/24 2027/01/23 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Athabasca University Board of Governors Nelson, Byron Warren Advanced Education Chair 2022/05/25 2025/05/24 Order in Council Expenses Only
Athabasca University Board of Governors Hobal, Jackie Advanced Education Public Member 2022/04/06 2025/04/05 Order in Council Expenses Only
Athabasca University Board of Governors Morrill, Roger Advanced Education Public Member 2022/04/06 2025/04/05 Order in Council Expenses Only
Athabasca University Board of Governors Gould, Elena Advanced Education Public Member 2022/03/23 2025/03/22 Order in Council Expenses Only
Athabasca University Board of Governors Huntrods, Richard Advanced Education Academic Staff Rep 2022/01/31 2025/01/30 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Athabasca University Board of Governors Cleveland-Innes, Martha Advanced Education Academic Staff Rep 2021/07/22 2024/07/21 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Athabasca University Board of Governors Spagnolo, Larry Advanced Education Public Member 2022/10/05 2025/10/04 Order in Council Expenses Only
Athabasca University Board of Governors Van Rooijen, Lori Advanced Education Public Member 2022/10/05 2025/10/04 Order in Council Expenses Only
Athabasca University Board of Governors Willier, Wilfred Advanced Education Public Member 2022/10/05 2025/10/04 Order in Council Expenses Only
Athabasca University Board of Governors Gnatiuk, Don Advanced Education Public Member 2022/10/05 2025/10/04 Order in Council Expenses Only
Athabasca University Board of Governors Groening, Chantel Advanced Education Student Member Rep 2023/10/05 2026/10/04 Ministerial Order Other
Athabasca University Board of Governors Rupok, Russell Advanced Education Graduate Student Member Rep 2023/10/05 2026/10/04 Ministerial Order Other
Athabasca University Board of Governors Arcilla, Monica Advanced Education Non-Academic Staff Rep 2023/10/18 2026/10/17 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Athabasca University Board of Governors de Bever, Leo Advanced Education Public Member 2022/10/05 2025/10/04 Order in Council Expenses Only
Athabasca University Board of Governors Leckelt, Dan Advanced Education Public Member 2022/10/05 2025/10/04 Order in Council Expenses Only
Athabasca University Board of Governors Lovelace, Terry Advanced Education Public Member 2022/10/05 2025/10/04 Order in Council Expenses Only
Athabasca University Board of Governors Syed, Dur-E-Najaf Advanced Education Student Member Rep 2023/10/05 2026/10/04 Ministerial Order Other
Banff Centre Board of Governors Sandhu, Pinder Advanced Education Public Member 2024/04/10 2027/04/09 Order in Council Expenses Only
Banff Centre Board of Governors Schmold, Naomi Advanced Education Public Member 2024/04/10 2027/04/09 Order in Council Expenses Only
Banff Centre Board of Governors Tetreault, Myron Advanced Education Public Member 2024/04/10 2027/04/09 Order in Council Expenses Only
Banff Centre Board of Governors Brinkerhoff, Brinna Advanced Education Public Member 2024/04/10 2027/04/09 Order in Council Expenses Only
Banff Centre Board of Governors Baay, Paul Advanced Education Chair 2024/04/10 2027/04/09 Order in Council Expenses Only
Banff Centre Board of Governors Paine, Lori Advanced Education Public Member 2024/04/10 2027/04/09 Order in Council Expenses Only
Bow Valley College Board of Governors Smith, Indira Advanced Education Non-Academic Staff Rep 2021/09/11 2024/09/10 Ministerial Order Other
Bow Valley College Board of Governors Yeates, Neil Advanced Education Member 2023/04/04 2026/04/03 Order in Council Other
Bow Valley College Board of Governors Kousinioris, John Advanced Education Member 2022/12/06 2025/12/05 Order in Council Other
Bow Valley College Board of Governors McLeod, Steven Advanced Education Member 2022/12/06 2025/12/05 Order in Council Other
Bow Valley College Board of Governors Pierre-Gilles, Bettina Advanced Education Member 2022/12/06 2025/12/05 Order in Council Other
Bow Valley College Board of Governors Lee, Louise Advanced Education Member 2023/04/04 2026/04/03 Order in Council Other
Bow Valley College Board of Governors Quon, Anny Advanced Education Member 2021/05/15 2024/05/14 Order in Council Other
Bow Valley College Board of Governors Dubois, Dwayne Advanced Education Member 2022/09/16 2025/09/15 Order in Council Other
Bow Valley College Board of Governors Bowen-Smed, Shannon Advanced Education Chair & Member 2024/06/20 2027/06/19 Order in Council Other
Bow Valley College Board of Governors Argonza, Eddie Advanced Education Student Member Rep 2024/05/22 2025/05/21 Ministerial Order Other
Bow Valley College Board of Governors Bernardi, Vitoria Advanced Education Student Member Rep 2024/05/22 2025/05/21 Ministerial Order Other
Bow Valley College Board of Governors Mahdavi, Flora Advanced Education Academic Staff Rep 2024/02/26 2026/06/30 Ministerial Order Other
Campus Alberta Quality Council McQuillan, Kevin Advanced Education Member 2024/02/08 2027/02/07 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Campus Alberta Quality Council Doherty, Jaclyn Advanced Education Member 2024/02/08 2027/02/07 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Campus Alberta Quality Council McGinn, Fred Advanced Education Member 2023/02/08 2026/02/07 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Campus Alberta Quality Council McPherson, Moira Advanced Education Member 2023/02/08 2026/02/07 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Campus Alberta Quality Council Prud'homme-Genereux, Annie Advanced Education Member 2021/09/27 2024/06/30 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Campus Alberta Quality Council Stubbs, John Advanced Education Member 2021/09/27 2024/06/30 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Campus Alberta Quality Council Goldberg, Jeffrey Advanced Education Member 2021/09/27 2024/06/30 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Campus Alberta Quality Council Nixon, Gordon Advanced Education Co-Chair 2024/02/08 2024/06/30 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Campus Alberta Quality Council Rogers, Gayla Advanced Education Co-Chair 2022/09/22 2025/09/21 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Campus Alberta Quality Council Zinck, Arlette Advanced Education Member 2022/09/22 2025/09/21 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Campus Alberta Quality Council Zutter, Cynthia Advanced Education Member 2021/09/27 2024/06/30 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Canadian Information Processing Society of Alberta - Board of Directors Power, Barbara Advanced Education Public Member 2017/11/21 2019/11/20 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Chartered Professional Accountants of Alberta – Board of Directors Graham, Karen Advanced Education Public Member 2017/11/21 2020/11/20 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Chartered Professional Accountants of Alberta - Discipline and Appeal Tribunals Roster of Public Members Armstrong, Steven Advanced Education Public Member 2018/11/27 2021/11/26 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Chartered Professional Accountants of Alberta - Discipline and Appeal Tribunals Roster of Public Members McKinley, Barbara Advanced Education Public Member 2018/11/27 2021/11/26 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Chartered Professional Accountants of Alberta - Discipline and Appeal Tribunals Roster of Public Members McCorkell, Tammy Advanced Education Public Member 2018/11/27 2021/11/26 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Chartered Professional Accountants of Alberta - Discipline and Appeal Tribunals Roster of Public Members McCartney, James Advanced Education Public Member 2018/11/27 2021/11/26 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Chartered Professional Accountants of Alberta - Discipline and Appeal Tribunals Roster of Public Members McMullan-Baron, Sharon Advanced Education Public Member 2018/11/27 2021/11/26 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Chartered Professional Accountants of Alberta - Discipline and Appeal Tribunals Roster of Public Members Yatscoff, Randall Advanced Education Public Member 2018/11/27 2021/11/26 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Chartered Professional Accountants of Alberta - Discipline and Appeal Tribunals Roster of Public Members Chow, Geoff Advanced Education Public Member 2018/11/27 2021/11/26 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Chartered Professional Accountants of Alberta - Discipline and Appeal Tribunals Roster of Public Members Pickard, Tom Advanced Education Public Member 2018/11/27 2021/11/26 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Chartered Professional Accountants of Alberta - Discipline and Appeal Tribunals Roster of Public Members Baron, Michael Advanced Education Public Member 2018/11/27 2021/11/26 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Chartered Professional Accountants of Alberta - Discipline and Appeal Tribunals Roster of Public Members Flaman, Leo Advanced Education Public Member 2018/11/27 2021/11/26 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Chartered Professional Accountants of Alberta - Discipline and Appeal Tribunals Roster of Public Members Wheadon, Patricia Advanced Education Public Member 2018/11/27 2021/11/26 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Chartered Professional Accountants of Alberta - Discipline and Appeal Tribunals Roster of Public Members Coutinho, Charmaine Advanced Education Public Member 2018/11/27 2021/11/26 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Chartered Professional Accountants of Alberta - Discipline and Appeal Tribunals Roster of Public Members Piecowye, Debi Advanced Education Public Member 2018/11/27 2021/11/26 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Chartered Professional Accountants of Alberta - Discipline and Appeal Tribunals Roster of Public Members Abiiba, Funmi Advanced Education Public Member 2018/11/27 2021/11/26 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Chartered Professional Accountants of Alberta - Discipline and Appeal Tribunals Roster of Public Members Weatherill, Stuart Advanced Education Public Member 2018/11/27 2021/11/26 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Chartered Professional Accountants of Alberta - Discipline and Appeal Tribunals Roster of Public Members Bottcher, Erika Advanced Education Public Member 2018/11/27 2021/11/26 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Chartered Professional Accountants of Alberta - Discipline and Appeal Tribunals Roster of Public Members Doolaege, Shari-Anne Advanced Education Public Member 2018/11/27 2021/11/26 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Chartered Professional Accountants of Alberta - Discipline and Appeal Tribunals Roster of Public Members Fleck, Stephanie Advanced Education Public Member 2018/11/27 2021/11/26 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Chartered Professional Accountants of Alberta - Discipline and Appeal Tribunals Roster of Public Members Letourneau, Adam Advanced Education Public Member 2018/11/27 2021/11/26 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Chartered Professional Accountants of Alberta - Discipline and Appeal Tribunals Roster of Public Members Lindsay, John Advanced Education Public Member 2018/11/27 2021/11/26 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Electrical Contractors Association of Alberta - Board of Directors Rockwood, Susan Advanced Education Public Member 2017/11/21 2019/11/20 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Grant MacEwan University Board of Governors Graham, Carolyn Advanced Education Chair & Member 2022/08/15 2025/08/14 Order in Council Expenses Only
Grant MacEwan University Board of Governors Kennedy, Martin Advanced Education Member 2024/06/06 2027/06/05 Order in Council Expenses Only
Grant MacEwan University Board of Governors Martin, Julian Advanced Education Member 2023/06/28 2026/06/27 Order in Council Expenses Only
Grant MacEwan University Board of Governors Kashuba, Scott Advanced Education Alumni Member Rep 2023/07/15 2026/07/14 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Grant MacEwan University Board of Governors Guiney, Adam Advanced Education Member 2022/08/15 2025/08/14 Order in Council Expenses Only
Grant MacEwan University Board of Governors Banister, Linda Advanced Education Member 2023/04/22 2026/04/21 Order in Council Expenses Only
Grant MacEwan University Board of Governors Stelter, John Advanced Education Member 2023/06/28 2026/06/27 Order in Council Expenses Only
Grant MacEwan University Board of Governors Gelmini, Lucio Advanced Education Academic Staff Rep 2022/08/04 2025/06/30 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Grant MacEwan University Board of Governors Sopkow, Tracy Advanced Education Alumni Member Rep 2023/07/15 2026/07/14 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Grant MacEwan University Board of Governors Beka, Abby Advanced Education Student Member Rep 2023/05/17 2024/04/30 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Grant MacEwan University Board of Governors Haskins, Sandra Advanced Education Member 2022/08/15 2025/08/14 Order in Council Expenses Only
Grant MacEwan University Board of Governors Joseph, Reg Advanced Education Member 2024/06/06 2027/06/05 Order in Council Expenses Only
Grant MacEwan University Board of Governors Wells, René Advanced Education Academic Staff Rep 2022/07/04 2025/07/03 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Grant MacEwan University Board of Governors Cui, Victor Advanced Education Member 2022/10/30 2025/10/29 Order in Council Expenses Only
Grant MacEwan University Board of Governors Ambutong, Gabriel Advanced Education Student Member Rep 2023/05/01 2024/04/30 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Grant MacEwan University Board of Governors Onyegbula, Cynthia Advanced Education Member 2023/06/28 2026/06/27 Order in Council Expenses Only
Grant MacEwan University Board of Governors Baltimore, Brittany Advanced Education Member 2024/06/06 2027/06/05 Order in Council Expenses Only
Institute of Certified Management Consultants of Alberta - Board of Directors Wood Edwards, Linda Advanced Education Public Member 2017/11/21 2019/11/20 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Keyano College Board of Governors MacNeil, Joe Advanced Education Member 2023/04/22 2025/09/15 Order in Council Other
Keyano College Board of Governors Scott, Donald Advanced Education Chair & Member 2023/03/29 2026/03/28 Order in Council Other
Keyano College Board of Governors Zukic, Nermin Advanced Education Academic Staff Member Rep 2021/08/09 2024/08/08 Ministerial Order Other
Keyano College Board of Governors Thomson, Adele Advanced Education Member 2023/04/22 2026/04/21 Order in Council Other
Keyano College Board of Governors Farwell, Kim Advanced Education Member 2022/09/16 2025/09/15 Order in Council Other
Keyano College Board of Governors Brennan, Kathleen Advanced Education Non-Academic Staff Member Rep 2024/07/15 2026/06/30 Ministerial Order Other
Keyano College Board of Governors Powder, Raymond Advanced Education Member 2023/03/29 2026/03/28 Order in Council Other
Keyano College Board of Governors Skeel, Shavell Advanced Education Student Member Rep 2023/10/27 2024/04/30 Ministerial Order Other
Keyano College Board of Governors Miller, Sheresee Advanced Education Student Member Rep 2023/10/27 2024/04/30 Ministerial Order Other
Keyano College Board of Governors Patel, Kalpesh Advanced Education Member 2022/09/16 2025/09/15 Order in Council Other
Keyano College Board of Governors Rosser, Andrew Advanced Education Member 2022/09/16 2025/09/15 Order in Council Other
Lakeland College Board of Governors Shackel-Hardman, Barb Advanced Education Member 2023/05/13 2026/05/12 Order in Council Other
Lakeland College Board of Governors Mechor, Trisha Advanced Education Non-Academic Staff Rep 2023/09/01 2025/08/31 Ministerial Order Other
Lakeland College Board of Governors Mokelky, A.J. Advanced Education Member 2024/06/06 2027/06/05 Order in Council Other
Lakeland College Board of Governors Olson, Alana Advanced Education Student Member Rep 2024/05/14 2025/05/13 Ministerial Order Other
Lakeland College Board of Governors Tsuyuki, Michiko Advanced Education Student Member Rep 2024/05/14 2025/05/13 Ministerial Order Other
Lakeland College Board of Governors Fischer, Brent Advanced Education Member 2023/05/13 2026/05/12 Order in Council Other
Lakeland College Board of Governors Waterman, Adam Advanced Education Chair & Member 2023/05/13 2026/05/12 Order in Council Other
Lakeland College Board of Governors Smith-Fraser, Kelly Advanced Education Member 2022/06/29 2025/06/28 Order in Council Other
Lakeland College Board of Governors Fahselt, Dean Advanced Education Member 2022/01/26 2025/01/25 Order in Council Other
Lakeland College Board of Governors Lessard, Sean Advanced Education Member 2022/01/26 2025/01/25 Order in Council Other
Lakeland College Board of Governors Njoroge-Kaai, Wanjiku Advanced Education Academic Staff Rep 2024/07/15 2026/08/31 Ministerial Order Other
Land Agent Advisory Committee Rysavy, Neil Advanced Education Member 2021/12/21 2024/08/07 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land Agent Advisory Committee DeBruijn, Gunnar Advanced Education Member 2021/08/08 2024/08/07 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land Agent Advisory Committee Parent, Edward Advanced Education Member 2021/08/08 2024/08/07 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land Agent Advisory Committee Quaschnick, Clayton Advanced Education Member 2021/08/08 2024/08/07 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land Agent Advisory Committee Serfas, David Advanced Education Member 2021/08/08 2024/08/07 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land Agent Advisory Committee Bradford, Megan Advanced Education Member 2021/08/08 2024/08/07 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land Agent Advisory Committee Vass, Josh Advanced Education Chair & Member 2021/08/08 2024/08/07 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land Agent Advisory Committee White, Amanda Advanced Education Member 2021/08/08 2024/08/07 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land Agent Advisory Committee Wieben, Beverley Advanced Education Member 2021/08/08 2024/08/07 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Lethbridge College Board of Governors Marcotte, Michael Advanced Education Chair & Member 2022/11/30 2025/11/29 Order in Council Other
Lethbridge College Board of Governors Johnson, Nolan Advanced Education Member 2024/04/24 2027/04/23 Order in Council Other
Lethbridge College Board of Governors Moch, Janene Advanced Education Member 2024/04/24 2027/04/23 Order in Council Other
Lethbridge College Board of Governors Day Chief, Joshua Advanced Education Member 2021/12/08 2024/12/07 Order in Council Other
Lethbridge College Board of Governors Petracek-Kolb, Jennifer Advanced Education Member 2024/06/20 2027/06/19 Order in Council Other
Lethbridge College Board of Governors Scholz, Preston Advanced Education Member 2024/06/20 2027/06/19 Order in Council Other
Lethbridge College Board of Governors Jensen, Niculina Advanced Education Student Member Rep 2023/05/17 2024/04/30 Ministerial Order Other
Lethbridge College Board of Governors Joseph, Stefan Advanced Education Student Member Rep 2023/05/17 2024/04/30 Ministerial Order Other
Lethbridge College Board of Governors Hope, Marni Advanced Education Non-Academic Rep 2023/07/02 2026/07/01 Ministerial Order Other
Lethbridge College Board of Governors French, Sheila Advanced Education Academic Staff Rep 2022/12/01 2024/11/30 Ministerial Order Other
Lethbridge College Board of Governors Stein, Perry Advanced Education Member 2022/12/14 2025/12/13 Order in Council Other
Medicine Hat College Board of Governors Asare, Ebenezer Advanced Education Member 2023/02/28 2026/02/27 Order in Council Other
Medicine Hat College Board of Governors Krasnuik, Russel Advanced Education Academic Staff Rep 2022/10/01 2024/09/30 Ministerial Order Other
Medicine Hat College Board of Governors Schaerer, Lily Advanced Education Student Member Rep 2023/06/01 2024/05/31 Ministerial Order Other
Medicine Hat College Board of Governors Kovalev, Nikita Advanced Education Student Member Rep 2023/06/01 2024/05/31 Ministerial Order Other
Medicine Hat College Board of Governors West, Lana Advanced Education Non-Academic Staff Rep 2023/05/31 2026/05/30 Ministerial Order Other
Medicine Hat College Board of Governors Hoekstra, David Advanced Education Member 2022/04/06 2025/04/05 Order in Council Other
Medicine Hat College Board of Governors Stauth, Brian Advanced Education Member 2022/04/06 2025/04/05 Order in Council Other
Medicine Hat College Board of Governors MacKenzie, Sarah Advanced Education Chair and Member 2022/10/17 2025/10/16 Order in Council Other
Medicine Hat College Board of Governors Beck, Shelley Advanced Education Member 2023/04/29 2026/04/28 Order in Council Other
Medicine Hat College Board of Governors Smith, Kent Advanced Education Member 2023/04/29 2026/04/28 Order in Council Other
Medicine Hat College Board of Governors Mohammed, Yusuf Advanced Education Member 2023/04/29 2026/04/28 Order in Council Other
Minister's Advisory Council on Higher Education and Skills Rock, Terry Advanced Education Member 2022/06/08 2025/06/07 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Minister's Advisory Council on Higher Education and Skills Dave, Darshana Advanced Education Member 2022/06/08 2025/06/07 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Minister's Advisory Council on Higher Education and Skills Finch, David Advanced Education Member 2022/06/08 2025/06/07 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Minister's Advisory Council on Higher Education and Skills Rimmer, Anne Advanced Education Co-Chair 2023/03/08 2025/06/07 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Minister's Advisory Council on Higher Education and Skills Walsh, Elka Advanced Education Member 2022/06/08 2025/06/07 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Minister's Advisory Council on Higher Education and Skills Barmby, James Advanced Education Co-Chair 2023/03/08 2025/06/07 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Minister's Advisory Council on Higher Education and Skills Cotae, Frank Advanced Education Member 2022/06/08 2025/06/07 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Minister's Advisory Council on Higher Education and Skills Ogilvie, Timothy Advanced Education Member 2022/10/03 2025/10/02 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Mount Royal University Board of Governors Karlenzig, Pamela Advanced Education Non-Academic Staff Rep 2023/07/01 2025/06/30 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Mount Royal University Board of Governors Evers, Sherri Advanced Education Member 2022/12/14 2025/12/13 Order in Council Expenses Only
Mount Royal University Board of Governors Schaefer, Robert Advanced Education Member 2022/08/18 2025/08/17 Order in Council Expenses Only
Mount Royal University Board of Governors Roberts, Kari Advanced Education Academic Staff Rep 2023/07/01 2026/06/30 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Mount Royal University Board of Governors Singh, Sheba Advanced Education Member 2023/11/29 2026/11/28 Order in Council Expenses Only
Mount Royal University Board of Governors Hunter, Brenden Advanced Education Member 2024/03/13 2027/03/12 Order in Council Expenses Only
Mount Royal University Board of Governors Tetzlaff, Reynold Advanced Education Member 2024/03/13 2027/03/12 Order in Council Expenses Only
Mount Royal University Board of Governors O'Leary, Thomas Advanced Education Member 2022/12/13 2025/12/12 Order in Council Expenses Only
Mount Royal University Board of Governors Lonardelli, Carrie Advanced Education Member 2022/08/18 2025/08/17 Order in Council Expenses Only
Mount Royal University Board of Governors Lee, Chris Advanced Education Chair & Member 2023/11/29 2026/11/28 Order in Council Expenses Only
Mount Royal University Board of Governors Pestun, Shannon Advanced Education Alumni Member 2022/09/01 2025/08/31 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Mount Royal University Board of Governors Routledge, David Advanced Education Alumni Member 2022/09/01 2025/08/31 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Mount Royal University Board of Governors Ryhorchuk, Shannon Advanced Education Member 2021/06/14 2024/06/13 Order in Council Expenses Only
Mount Royal University Board of Governors Musabende, Jacqueline Advanced Education Academic Staff Rep 2023/06/30 2025/06/29 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Mount Royal University Board of Governors Daniels, Laura Advanced Education Member 2024/03/13 2027/03/12 Order in Council Expenses Only
Mount Royal University Board of Governors Nguyen, Joseph Advanced Education Student Member Rep 2023/05/02 2024/05/01 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
NorQuest College Board of Governors James, Supriya Advanced Education Member 2024/05/23 2027/05/22 Order in Council Other
NorQuest College Board of Governors Naqvi-Rota, Tina Advanced Education Member 2024/05/23 2027/05/22 Order in Council Other
NorQuest College Board of Governors Hugo, Daniel Advanced Education Member 2021/09/29 2024/09/28 Order in Council Other
NorQuest College Board of Governors Schwann, Megan Advanced Education Member 2021/09/29 2024/09/28 Order in Council Other
NorQuest College Board of Governors Lavin, Chris Advanced Education Member 2022/10/17 2025/10/16 Order in Council Other
NorQuest College Board of Governors Decore, Joette Advanced Education Member 2023/04/29 2026/04/28 Order in Council Other
NorQuest College Board of Governors Cleall, Jennifer Advanced Education Member 2023/04/22 2026/04/21 Order in Council Other
NorQuest College Board of Governors Adams, Jenny Advanced Education Member 2023/04/22 2026/04/21 Order in Council Other
NorQuest College Board of Governors Pickering, Brad Advanced Education Member 2024/05/23 2027/05/22 Order in Council Other
NorQuest College Board of Governors Dogbefou, Ama Advanced Education Student Member Rep 2023/11/22 2025/11/21 Ministerial Order Other
NorQuest College Board of Governors Heron, Robert Advanced Education Chair & Member 2023/12/18 2026/12/17 Order in Council Other
NorQuest College Board of Governors Andrews, Lawrence Advanced Education Student Member Rep 2024/05/14 2026/05/13 Ministerial Order Other
NorQuest College Board of Governors Snape, Ashley Advanced Education Member 2022/11/30 2025/11/29 Order in Council Other
NorQuest College Board of Governors Parham, June Advanced Education Academic Staff Rep 2022/12/01 2025/11/30 Ministerial Order Other
Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Board of Governors Cameron, Don Advanced Education Member 2022/09/27 2025/09/26 Order in Council Expenses Only
Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Board of Governors Daniel, Maya Advanced Education Academic Staff Rep 2023/10/05 2026/10/04 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Board of Governors Bruno, Marina Advanced Education Student Member Rep 2023/09/01 2024/08/31 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Board of Governors Lacoursiere, Solomon Advanced Education Student Member Rep 2023/09/01 2024/08/31 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Board of Governors Royer, Lorraine Advanced Education Member 2023/03/29 2026/03/28 Order in Council Expenses Only
Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Board of Governors Sidhu, PS Advanced Education Member 2024/04/24 2027/04/23 Order in Council Expenses Only
Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Board of Governors Mulholland, Ruth Advanced Education Non-Academic Staff Rep 2024/04/24 2027/04/23 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Board of Governors Smith, Rachel Advanced Education Member 2024/06/20 2027/06/19 Order in Council Expenses Only
Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Board of Governors Jivraj, Yasmin Advanced Education Chair & Member 2023/03/29 2026/03/28 Order in Council Expenses Only
Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Board of Governors Brown, Daniel Advanced Education Member 2021/09/29 2024/09/28 Order in Council Expenses Only
Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Board of Governors Neigel, Andrew Advanced Education Member 2023/04/29 2026/04/28 Order in Council Expenses Only
Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Board of Governors Verhesen, Paul Advanced Education Member 2022/08/18 2025/08/17 Order in Council Expenses Only
Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Board of Governors Mauthe, Kris Advanced Education Member 2022/08/18 2025/08/17 Order in Council Expenses Only
Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Board of Governors Williams, Kristina Advanced Education Member 2022/08/18 2025/08/17 Order in Council Expenses Only
Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Board of Governors Pincock, Jason Advanced Education Member 2022/08/15 2025/08/14 Order in Council Expenses Only
Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Board of Governors Prévost, Jean-Paul Advanced Education Academic Staff Rep 2021/07/03 2024/07/02 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Northern Lakes College Board of Governors Daniels, Lana Advanced Education Member 2021/08/10 2024/08/09 Order in Council Other
Northern Lakes College Board of Governors Ghostkeeper, Darrell Advanced Education Member 2024/05/09 2027/05/08 Order in Council Other
Northern Lakes College Board of Governors Hatch, Barb Advanced Education Member 2024/05/09 2027/05/08 Order in Council Other
Northern Lakes College Board of Governors Labrecque, Lucille Advanced Education Member 2024/05/09 2027/05/08 Order in Council Other
Northern Lakes College Board of Governors Ward, Treena Advanced Education Member 2024/05/09 2027/05/08 Order in Council Other
Northern Lakes College Board of Governors Paulson, Kyle Advanced Education Non-Academic Staff Rep 2024/02/15 2027/02/14 Ministerial Order Other
Northern Lakes College Board of Governors Giese, Nancy Advanced Education Academic Staff Rep 2023/11/30 2025/12/29 Ministerial Order Other
Northern Lakes College Board of Governors El-Sharkawi, Bady Advanced Education Chair & Member 2022/04/06 2025/04/05 Order in Council Other
Northern Lakes College Board of Governors Suderman, Adele Advanced Education Student Member Rep 2024/05/22 2025/06/30 Ministerial Order Other
Northern Lakes College Board of Governors Sharron, Travis Advanced Education Student Member Rep 2023/01/26 2024/06/30 Ministerial Order Other
Northwestern Polytechnic Board of Governors Fjeld, Dominique Advanced Education Student Member Rep 2022/09/15 2024/06/30 Ministerial Order Other
Northwestern Polytechnic Board of Governors Pietsch, Andrew Advanced Education Academic Staff Rep 2022/09/16 2025/09/15 Ministerial Order Other
Northwestern Polytechnic Board of Governors Pack, Melanie Advanced Education Student Member Rep 2023/10/05 2024/06/30 Ministerial Order Other
Northwestern Polytechnic Board of Governors Forbes, Jason Advanced Education Member 2024/02/16 2027/02/15 Order in Council Other
Northwestern Polytechnic Board of Governors Landis, Dennis Advanced Education Member 2024/02/16 2027/02/15 Order in Council Other
Northwestern Polytechnic Board of Governors Wittig, Ken Advanced Education Member 2024/02/16 2027/02/15 Order in Council Other
Northwestern Polytechnic Board of Governors May, Tyler Advanced Education Member 2024/06/20 2027/06/19 Order in Council Other
Northwestern Polytechnic Board of Governors McMann, Michael Advanced Education Member 2024/06/20 2027/06/19 Order in Council Other
Northwestern Polytechnic Board of Governors Birnie-Browne, Angela Advanced Education Non-Academic Staff Rep 2022/05/02 2024/05/01 Ministerial Order Other
Northwestern Polytechnic Board of Governors Kerschbaumer, Heather Advanced Education Member 2024/06/20 2027/06/19 Order in Council Other
Northwestern Polytechnic Board of Governors Torgerson, Lydell Advanced Education Member 2022/08/18 2025/08/17 Order in Council Other
Northwestern Polytechnic Board of Governors Cage, Brent Advanced Education Member 2022/08/18 2025/08/17 Order in Council Other
Northwestern Polytechnic Board of Governors Miller, Shawna Advanced Education Chair & Member 2023/12/18 2026/12/17 Order in Council Other
Northwestern Polytechnic Board of Governors Horseman, Darlene Advanced Education Academic Staff Rep 2023/10/14 2026/06/30 Ministerial Order Other
Northwestern Polytechnic Board of Governors Beairsto, Cody Advanced Education Member 2023/02/28 2026/02/27 Order in Council Other
Olds College Board of Governors Copithorne-Barnes, Cherie Advanced Education Member 2024/06/20 2027/06/19 Order in Council Other
Olds College Board of Governors Kemmere, Al Advanced Education Member 2023/03/14 2026/03/13 Order in Council Other
Olds College Board of Governors Hamilton, Mabel Advanced Education Member 2024/03/13 2027/03/12 Order in Council Other
Olds College Board of Governors Richardson, Brendan Advanced Education Academic Staff Rep 2022/05/30 2024/05/29 Ministerial Order Other
Olds College Board of Governors Bauer, Mykaela Advanced Education Non-Academic Staff Rep 2023/11/30 2025/11/29 Ministerial Order Other
Olds College Board of Governors Dau, Anna Advanced Education Student Member Rep 2024/05/14 2025/05/13 Ministerial Order Other
Olds College Board of Governors Kaur Khambha, Ashmeet Advanced Education Student Member Rep 2024/05/14 2025/05/13 Ministerial Order Other
Olds College Board of Governors Gardner, Tracy Advanced Education Member 2023/03/14 2026/03/13 Order in Council Other
Olds College Board of Governors Hayes, Sarah Advanced Education Member 2023/05/09 2026/05/08 Order in Council Other
Portage College Board of Governors Irwin, John Advanced Education Member 2023/02/28 2026/02/27 Order in Council Other
Portage College Board of Governors Lyons, Cordelia Advanced Education Student Member Rep 2024/01/15 2025/01/14 Ministerial Order Other
Portage College Board of Governors Weigelt, Kaylee Advanced Education Student Member Rep 2023/10/05 2024/10/04 Ministerial Order Other
Portage College Board of Governors Pare, Kevin Advanced Education Member 2024/04/10 2027/04/09 Order in Council Other
Portage College Board of Governors Lett, Heather Advanced Education Non-Academic Staff Rep 2024/02/16 2027/02/15 Ministerial Order Other
Portage College Board of Governors Brosseau, Elisa Advanced Education Member 2024/06/06 2027/06/05 Order in Council Other
Portage College Board of Governors Sallstrom, Linda Advanced Education Member 2022/04/06 2025/04/05 Order in Council Other
Portage College Board of Governors Fyten, Molly Advanced Education Member 2022/04/06 2025/04/05 Order in Council Other
Portage College Board of Governors Rudyk, Brian Advanced Education Member 2023/12/18 2026/12/17 Order in Council Other
Portage College Board of Governors Young, Ron Advanced Education Member 2023/12/18 2026/12/17 Order in Council Other
Portage College Board of Governors Benson, Randy Advanced Education Chair & Member 2023/07/22 2026/07/21 Order in Council Other
Portage College Board of Governors Webster, Donna Advanced Education Member 2022/04/06 2025/04/05 Order in Council Other
Portage College Board of Governors Makokis, Patricia Advanced Education Member 2022/04/06 2025/04/05 Order in Council Other
Premier's Council on Skills Gibson, Ken Advanced Education Member 2023/11/03 2024/11/02 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Premier's Council on Skills Krips, Jason Advanced Education Member 2023/11/03 2025/11/02 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Premier's Council on Skills Feltham, Glenn Advanced Education Vice-Chair 2023/11/03 2024/11/02 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Premier's Council on Skills Lockyer, Tara Advanced Education Member 2023/11/03 2025/11/02 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Premier's Council on Skills Perrin, Dennis Advanced Education Chair 2023/11/03 2026/11/02 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Premier's Council on Skills Allison, Brent Advanced Education Member 2023/11/03 2026/11/02 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Premier's Council on Skills Koslowsky, Ron Advanced Education Member 2023/11/03 2025/11/02 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Premier's Council on Skills Lail, Gurpreet Advanced Education Member 2023/11/03 2025/11/02 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Premier's Council on Skills Parker, Terry Advanced Education Member 2023/11/03 2026/11/02 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Premier's Council on Skills Reeder, Darren Advanced Education Member 2023/11/03 2025/11/02 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Premier's Council on Skills Snell, Tom Advanced Education Member 2023/11/03 2026/11/02 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Red Deer Polytechnic Board of Governors Graham, Caroline Advanced Education Non-Academic Member Rep 2022/06/20 2025/06/19 Ministerial Order Other
Red Deer Polytechnic Board of Governors Burke, Tammy Advanced Education Member 2022/12/14 2025/12/13 Order in Council Other
Red Deer Polytechnic Board of Governors Rebman, Brenda Advanced Education Member 2022/12/14 2025/12/13 Order in Council Other
Red Deer Polytechnic Board of Governors Rudd, Tiara Advanced Education Student Member Rep 2023/09/25 2024/09/24 Ministerial Order Other
Red Deer Polytechnic Board of Governors Wahl, Marc Advanced Education Member 2024/06/06 2027/06/05 Order in Council Other
Red Deer Polytechnic Board of Governors Dowe, Devyn Advanced Education Student Member Rep 2024/05/01 2025/04/30 Ministerial Order Other
Red Deer Polytechnic Board of Governors Pelletier, Guy Advanced Education Chair & Member 2022/09/27 2025/09/26 Order in Council Other
Red Deer Polytechnic Board of Governors Robinson, Scott Advanced Education Member 2022/04/01 2025/03/31 Order in Council Other
Red Deer Polytechnic Board of Governors Plante, Carmen Advanced Education Academic Member Rep 2021/12/01 2024/11/30 Ministerial Order Other
Red Deer Polytechnic Board of Governors Hodson, Mark Advanced Education Member 2021/11/03 2024/11/02 Order in Council Other
Red Deer Polytechnic Board of Governors Rattan, Paul Advanced Education Member 2021/11/03 2024/11/02 Order in Council Other
Red Deer Polytechnic Board of Governors Wyzykoski, Shannon Advanced Education Member 2021/11/03 2024/11/02 Order in Council Other
Red Deer Polytechnic Board of Governors Taheri, Cyrus Advanced Education Academic Member Rep 2021/07/22 2024/07/21 Ministerial Order Other
Red Deer Polytechnic Board of Governors Oliver, Julie Advanced Education Member 2022/09/27 2025/09/26 Order in Council Other
Southern Alberta Institute of Technology Board of Governors Murphy, Lara Advanced Education Member 2022/08/18 2025/08/17 Order in Council Other
Southern Alberta Institute of Technology Board of Governors Fleming, Tonya Advanced Education Member 2022/08/18 2025/08/17 Order in Council Other
Southern Alberta Institute of Technology Board of Governors Barry, Stephen Advanced Education Academic Staff Rep 2022/07/01 2024/06/30 Ministerial Order Other
Southern Alberta Institute of Technology Board of Governors Annesley, Janet Advanced Education Member 2021/12/11 2024/12/10 Order in Council Other
Southern Alberta Institute of Technology Board of Governors Erickson, David Advanced Education Chair & Member 2023/04/22 2026/04/21 Order in Council Other
Southern Alberta Institute of Technology Board of Governors Kad, Sanjeev Advanced Education Member 2022/03/23 2025/03/22 Order in Council Other
Southern Alberta Institute of Technology Board of Governors MacDonald, Ryan Advanced Education Member 2022/06/29 2025/06/28 Order in Council Other
Southern Alberta Institute of Technology Board of Governors Bailey, Cam Advanced Education Member 2022/08/18 2025/08/17 Order in Council Other
Southern Alberta Institute of Technology Board of Governors Billington, Susan Advanced Education Member 2023/07/04 2026/07/03 Order in Council Other
Southern Alberta Institute of Technology Board of Governors Lauder, Robert Advanced Education Member 2024/01/24 2027/01/23 Order in Council Other
Southern Alberta Institute of Technology Board of Governors Sekhon, Ravdeep Advanced Education Member 2024/01/24 2027/01/23 Order in Council Other
Southern Alberta Institute of Technology Board of Governors Van Apeldoorn, Candace Advanced Education Academic Staff Rep 2023/10/05 2025/06/30 Ministerial Order Other
Southern Alberta Institute of Technology Board of Governors Ali, Mansoor Advanced Education Student Member Rep 2023/06/16 2024/06/15 Ministerial Order Other
Southern Alberta Institute of Technology Board of Governors Trache, Andy Advanced Education Non-Academic Staff Rep 2022/10/21 2025/10/20 Ministerial Order Other
Southern Alberta Institute of Technology Board of Governors Ramos, Aaron Advanced Education Student Member Rep 2023/06/16 2024/06/15 Ministerial Order Other
Supply Chain Management Association Alberta - Board of Directors Nagy, Alex Advanced Education Public Member 2019/01/22 2021/01/21 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
University of Alberta Board of Governors Ross-Graham, Margot Advanced Education Senate Member 2023/07/16 2024/06/30 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
University of Alberta Board of Governors Ross, Tom Advanced Education Member 2022/08/18 2025/08/17 Order in Council Expenses Only
University of Alberta Board of Governors Saraf, Rakesh Advanced Education Member 2022/08/18 2025/08/17 Order in Council Expenses Only
University of Alberta Board of Governors MacKinnon, Janice Advanced Education Member 2023/03/14 2026/03/13 Order in Council Expenses Only
University of Alberta Board of Governors Bridgeman, Guy Advanced Education Member 2022/11/26 2025/11/25 Order in Council Expenses Only
University of Alberta Board of Governors Bhambhani, Zarina Advanced Education Member 2023/07/08 2026/07/07 Order in Council Expenses Only
University of Alberta Board of Governors Zenari, Lillian Advanced Education Member 2023/07/08 2026/07/07 Order in Council Expenses Only
University of Alberta Board of Governors Vethanayagam, Dilini Advanced Education Academic Staff Member Rep 2023/07/13 2026/07/12 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
University of Alberta Board of Governors Bricker, Ross Advanced Education Member 2024/06/06 2027/06/05 Order in Council Expenses Only
University of Alberta Board of Governors Policicchio, Sett Advanced Education Member 2023/09/28 2026/09/27 Order in Council Expenses Only
University of Alberta Board of Governors Bruce, Heather Advanced Education Academic Staff Member Rep 2021/11/26 2024/11/25 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
University of Alberta Board of Governors Whittaker, Paul Advanced Education Member 2023/03/14 2026/03/13 Order in Council Expenses Only
University of Alberta Board of Governors Seidel, Rob Advanced Education Member 2024/06/06 2027/06/05 Order in Council Expenses Only
University of Alberta Board of Governors Chisholm, Kate Advanced Education Chair 2022/08/18 2025/08/17 Order in Council Expenses Only
University of Alberta Board of Governors Ashdown, Christopher Advanced Education Alumni Member 2022/07/04 2025/07/03 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
University of Alberta Board of Governors Young, Kate Advanced Education Alumni Member 2022/09/17 2025/09/16 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
University of Alberta Board of Governors Dickie, Stephanie Advanced Education Non-Academic Staff Member Rep 2023/05/25 2026/05/24 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
University of Alberta Board of Governors Vemana, Venkata Advanced Education Member 2024/03/27 2027/03/26 Order in Council Expenses Only
University of Alberta Board of Governors Arshad, Muhammad Haseeb Advanced Education Graduate Student Member Rep 2024/05/01 2025/04/30 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
University of Alberta Board of Governors Glock, Lisa Advanced Education Student Member Rep 2024/05/01 2025/04/30 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
University of Alberta Board of Governors Lam, Adrien Advanced Education Student Member Rep 2024/05/01 2025/04/30 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
University of Alberta Board of Governors Durstling, Darren Advanced Education Member 2024/06/06 2027/06/05 Order in Council Expenses Only
University of Alberta Board of Governors Hastman, Ryan Advanced Education Member 2024/06/06 2027/06/05 Order in Council Expenses Only
University of Alberta Board of Governors Safranovich, Miles Advanced Education Member 2024/06/06 2027/06/05 Order in Council Expenses Only
University of Alberta Board of Governors Wheatley, Diane Advanced Education Member 2024/06/06 2027/06/05 Order in Council Expenses Only
University of Calgary Board of Governors Dutt, Karan Advanced Education Public Member 2024/06/06 2027/06/05 Order in Council Expenses Only
University of Calgary Board of Governors Rezaei-Afsah, Ermia Advanced Education Student Member Rep 2024/04/29 2025/04/28 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
University of Calgary Board of Governors Shah, Siraaj Advanced Education Student Member Rep 2024/04/29 2025/04/28 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
University of Calgary Board of Governors Kiefer, Eva Advanced Education Public Member 2024/02/28 2027/02/27 Order in Council Expenses Only
University of Calgary Board of Governors Sood, Arun Advanced Education Public Member 2024/02/28 2027/02/27 Order in Council Expenses Only
University of Calgary Board of Governors Rai, Cristina Advanced Education Non-Academic Staff Member Rep 2023/10/14 2026/10/13 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
University of Calgary Board of Governors Ganzlin, Karen Advanced Education Public Member 2023/03/22 2026/03/21 Order in Council Expenses Only
University of Calgary Board of Governors Wolf, Cara Advanced Education Alumni Member 2022/09/12 2025/09/11 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
University of Calgary Board of Governors O'Yeung, William Advanced Education Alumni Member 2022/09/12 2025/09/11 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
University of Calgary Board of Governors Zonneveld, Paul Advanced Education Public Member 2022/09/27 2025/09/26 Order in Council Expenses Only
University of Calgary Board of Governors Jenson Labrie, Jodi Advanced Education Public Member 2022/09/27 2025/09/26 Order in Council Expenses Only
University of Calgary Board of Governors Zhang, Gary Advanced Education Public Member 2022/09/27 2025/09/26 Order in Council Expenses Only
University of Calgary Board of Governors Li, Candice Advanced Education Public Member 2022/09/27 2025/09/26 Order in Council Expenses Only
University of Calgary Board of Governors Davison, Jeff Advanced Education Public Member 2022/09/27 2025/09/26 Order in Council Expenses Only
University of Calgary Board of Governors Blackwell, Mark Advanced Education Public Member 2022/12/21 2025/12/20 Order in Council Expenses Only
University of Calgary Board of Governors Thomas, Melanee Advanced Education Academic Staff Member Rep 2023/07/02 2025/07/03 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
University of Calgary Board of Governors Herman, Mark Advanced Education Chair 2022/08/15 2025/08/14 Order in Council Expenses Only
University of Calgary Board of Governors Foster, Nancy Advanced Education Public Member 2022/01/26 2025/01/25 Order in Council Expenses Only
University of Calgary Board of Governors Sulemana Saaka, Saaka Advanced Education Graduate Student Member Rep 2024/05/01 2025/04/30 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
University of Calgary Board of Governors Joy, Barbara Advanced Education Public Member 2024/06/20 2027/06/19 Order in Council Expenses Only
University of Calgary Board of Governors Dhanani, Aleem Advanced Education Public Member 2022/09/27 2025/09/26 Order in Council Expenses Only
University of Calgary Board of Governors Price, David Advanced Education Public Member 2023/03/22 2026/03/21 Order in Council Expenses Only
University of Calgary Board of Governors Brown, Jay Advanced Education Public Member 2021/05/12 2024/05/11 Order in Council Expenses Only
University of Calgary Board of Governors Bergerson, Joule Advanced Education Academic Staff Member Rep 2021/11/09 2024/11/08 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
University of Calgary Senate Monea, Duane Advanced Education Public Member 2024/07/01 2027/06/30 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
University of Calgary Senate Rakka, Ali Advanced Education Public Member 2024/01/15 2027/01/14 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
University of Calgary Senate Baker, Richard Advanced Education Public Member 2023/11/22 2026/11/21 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
University of Calgary Senate Han, May Advanced Education Public Member 2024/04/08 2027/04/07 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
University of Calgary Senate Lodha, Nidhi Advanced Education Public Member 2024/04/08 2027/04/07 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
University of Calgary Senate Charanek, Ali Advanced Education Public Member 2024/04/08 2027/04/07 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
University of Calgary Senate Singh Pannu, Amanjot Advanced Education Public Member 2024/07/01 2027/06/30 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
University of Lethbridge Board of Governors Westwood, David Advanced Education Public Member 2024/06/20 2027/06/19 Order in Council Expenses Only
University of Lethbridge Board of Governors Fox, Terri-Lynn Advanced Education Member 2024/01/24 2027/01/23 Order in Council Expenses Only
University of Lethbridge Board of Governors Dixit, Yash Advanced Education Student Member Rep 2024/05/22 2025/05/21 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
University of Lethbridge Board of Governors Lockett, Monica Advanced Education Non-Academic Staff Member Rep 2024/01/24 2027/01/23 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
University of Lethbridge Board of Governors Thomas, Maleeka Advanced Education Student Member Rep 2024/05/22 2025/05/21 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
University of Lethbridge Board of Governors Reiter, Jaxon Advanced Education Graduate Student Member Rep 2024/05/22 2025/05/21 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
University of Lethbridge Board of Governors McKenna, Deirdre Advanced Education Alumni Member 2022/08/23 2024/08/22 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
University of Lethbridge Board of Governors Burton, Bev Advanced Education Public Member 2022/09/16 2025/09/15 Order in Council Expenses Only
University of Lethbridge Board of Governors Van Mulligen, Nikki Advanced Education Public Member 2022/09/16 2025/09/15 Order in Council Expenses Only
University of Lethbridge Board of Governors Dymond, Anne Advanced Education Academic Staff Member Rep 2022/07/13 2025/07/12 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
University of Lethbridge Board of Governors Boulet, Toby Advanced Education Senate Member 2022/07/13 2025/07/12 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
University of Lethbridge Board of Governors Davis, Sherry Advanced Education Public Member 2022/06/29 2025/06/28 Order in Council Expenses Only
University of Lethbridge Board of Governors Gallimore, Dean Advanced Education Chair 2022/06/29 2025/06/28 Order in Council Expenses Only
University of Lethbridge Board of Governors Chapman, William Advanced Education Public Member 2024/01/24 2027/01/23 Order in Council Expenses Only
University of Lethbridge Board of Governors Philipp, Kelly Advanced Education Public Member 2021/09/18 2024/09/17 Order in Council Expenses Only
University of Lethbridge Board of Governors Reid, Karen Advanced Education Public Member 2021/09/18 2024/09/17 Order in Council Expenses Only
University of Lethbridge Board of Governors Zielke, Sayeh Advanced Education Public Member 2024/06/20 2027/06/19 Order in Council Expenses Only
University of Lethbridge Board of Governors Casson, Richard Advanced Education Public Member 2022/10/30 2025/10/29 Order in Council Expenses Only
University of Lethbridge Board of Governors Johnson, David Advanced Education Alumni Member 2023/03/13 2026/03/12 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
University of Lethbridge Board of Governors Gonci, Darcy Advanced Education Public Member 2024/01/24 2027/01/23 Order in Council Expenses Only
University of Lethbridge Board of Governors Coburn, Craig Advanced Education Academic Staff Member Rep 2021/08/17 2024/08/16 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
University of Lethbridge Senate Galts, Bruce Advanced Education Public Member 2022/07/06 2025/07/05 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
University of Lethbridge Senate Kolk, Leighton Advanced Education Public Member 2022/07/06 2025/07/05 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
University of Lethbridge Senate Doria, Rufa Advanced Education Public Member 2022/07/06 2025/07/05 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
University of Lethbridge Senate DeGagne, Ronald Advanced Education Public Member 2022/07/06 2025/07/05 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
University of Lethbridge Senate Dempsey, James Advanced Education Public Member 2022/07/06 2025/07/05 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
University of Lethbridge Senate Mintz, Sandra Advanced Education Public Member 2022/07/06 2025/07/05 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
University of Lethbridge Senate Panczak, Trevor Advanced Education Public Member 2022/07/06 2025/07/05 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
University of Lethbridge Senate Patel, Upen Advanced Education Public Member 2022/07/06 2025/07/05 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
University of Lethbridge Senate Rempel, Tim Advanced Education Public Member 2022/07/06 2025/07/05 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Alberta Electric System Operator Clark, Stephen Affordability and Utilities Member 2023/04/11 2026/04/10 Ministerial Order Other
Alberta Electric System Operator Federucci, Alex Affordability and Utilities Member 2023/04/11 2026/04/10 Ministerial Order Other
Alberta Electric System Operator Maxwell, Michael Affordability and Utilities Member 2022/10/15 2025/10/14 Ministerial Order Other
Alberta Electric System Operator Habib, Georgette Affordability and Utilities Member 2024/01/26 2026/11/18 Ministerial Order Other
Alberta Electric System Operator Kaiser, Patricia Affordability and Utilities Member 2024/01/25 2027/01/17 Ministerial Order Other
Alberta Electric System Operator Engen, Aaron Affordability and Utilities Member 2023/02/19 2026/02/18 Ministerial Order Other
Alberta Electric System Operator Osinski, Ann-Marie Affordability and Utilities Member 2023/02/19 2026/02/18 Ministerial Order Other
Alberta Electric System Operator Johannson, Karl Affordability and Utilities Chair & Member 2023/02/19 2026/02/18 Ministerial Order Other
Alberta Utilities Commission Sebalj, Kristi Affordability and Utilities Vice-Chair & Member 2023/07/08 2028/07/08 Order in Council RABCCA
Alberta Utilities Commission Kostesky, Vincent Affordability and Utilities Acting Member 2021/01/04 2026/01/03 Order in Council Other
Alberta Utilities Commission Price, Cairns Affordability and Utilities Member 2021/01/04 2026/01/03 Order in Council RABCCA
Alberta Utilities Commission Slawinski, Vera Affordability and Utilities Member 2021/01/04 2026/01/03 Order in Council RABCCA
Alberta Utilities Commission Marx, Renee Affordability and Utilities Member 2022/07/18 2027/07/17 Order in Council RABCCA
Alberta Utilities Commission Larder, Douglas Affordability and Utilities Member 2021/06/01 2026/05/31 Order in Council RABCCA
Alberta Utilities Commission Oliver, Matthew Affordability and Utilities Member 2022/04/18 2027/04/17 Order in Council RABCCA
Alberta Utilities Commission Dahl Rees, Carolyn Affordability and Utilities Chair & Member 2021/06/01 2025/03/24 Order in Council RABCCA
Alberta Utilities Commission McCarthy, John Affordability and Utilities Acting Member 2022/04/18 2027/04/17 Order in Council Other
Alberta Utilities Commission Arthur, Michael Affordability and Utilities Member 2023/04/03 2028/04/02 Order in Council RABCCA
Alberta Utilities Commission Frehlich, Dennis Affordability and Utilities Acting Member 2023/04/03 2028/04/02 Order in Council Other
Alberta Utilities Commission Hawkins, Doug Affordability and Utilities Acting Member 2023/04/03 2028/04/02 Order in Council Other
Balancing Pool Clark, Greg Affordability and Utilities Chair & Member 2022/11/06 2025/11/05 Ministerial Order Other
Market Surveillance Administrator Olmstead, Derek Affordability and Utilities Market Surveillance Administrator 2020/09/11 2025/09/10 Ministerial Order RABCCA
Power and Natural Gas Consumers' Panel Clews, Annette Affordability and Utilities Chair & Public-at-Large Member 2022/04/22 2025/04/21 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 2, Part B
Power and Natural Gas Consumers' Panel Pashak, Mike Affordability and Utilities Member, AM 2022/05/26 2025/05/25 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 2, Part B
Power and Natural Gas Consumers' Panel Rosvold, Karen Affordability and Utilities Member, RMA 2023/03/28 2026/03/27 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 2, Part B
Agriculture Financial Services Corporation Greidanus, Romke (Ron) Agriculture and Irrigation Member 2024/05/28 2027/05/28 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Agriculture Financial Services Corporation Vandenberg, Shelley Agriculture and Irrigation Member 2024/04/13 2027/04/12 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Agriculture Financial Services Corporation Harpe, Andre Agriculture and Irrigation Member 2022/04/12 2025/04/12 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Agriculture Financial Services Corporation Bradshaw, Rodney Agriculture and Irrigation Member 2023/04/12 2026/04/12 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Agriculture Financial Services Corporation Howden, Michael Agriculture and Irrigation Member 2022/04/12 2025/04/12 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Agriculture Financial Services Corporation Ufodike, Chioma Agriculture and Irrigation Member 2023/04/12 2026/04/12 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Agriculture Financial Services Corporation Bricker, Ross Agriculture and Irrigation Member 2022/04/12 2025/04/12 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Agriculture Financial Services Corporation Smith-Fraser, Kelly Agriculture and Irrigation Chair & Member 2024/04/13 2027/04/12 Ministerial Order 2x CRO Schedule 1 Part A
Alberta Agricultural Products Marketing Council Bos, Henricus Agriculture and Irrigation Member 2022/06/15 2025/06/14 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Agricultural Products Marketing Council Buckley, John Agriculture and Irrigation Member 2022/06/15 2025/06/14 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Agricultural Products Marketing Council Guelly, John Agriculture and Irrigation Member 2022/06/15 2025/06/14 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Agricultural Products Marketing Council Novak, Susan Agriculture and Irrigation Member 2023/11/29 2026/11/28 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Agricultural Products Marketing Council Henderson, Patricia Agriculture and Irrigation Vice-Chair & Member 2023/05/27 2026/05/26 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Agricultural Products Marketing Council Sawyer, Doug Agriculture and Irrigation Chair & Member 2020/05/27 2025/03/20 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Agricultural Products Marketing Council Robinson, Frank Agriculture and Irrigation Member 2022/06/15 2025/06/14 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Drainage Council Fenske, Blaine Agriculture and Irrigation Member 2024/03/25 2025/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Drainage Council Majek, Stephen Agriculture and Irrigation Chair Designate 2023/06/14 2026/06/13 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Drainage Council Soehn, Carlin Agriculture and Irrigation GOA Member 2023/03/09 Ministerial Order No Remuneration
Drainage Council Reist, John Agriculture and Irrigation Member 2023/06/14 2026/06/13 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Farm Implement Board Christensen, Chris Agriculture and Irrigation Member 2023/12/31 2026/12/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Irrigation Council Philipsen, Anne Marie Agriculture and Irrigation Member 2022/07/05 2025/07/04 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Irrigation Council Miyanaga, Mark Agriculture and Irrigation Member 2022/07/05 2025/07/04 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Irrigation Council Wuite, Jamie Agriculture and Irrigation Ex-Officio 2017/07/18 Ministerial Order No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Irrigation Council Appels, Willemijn Agriculture and Irrigation Member 2022/07/05 2025/07/04 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Irrigation Council Brewin, Brian Agriculture and Irrigation Chair & Member 2023/07/03 2025/04/30 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Irrigation Council Slomp, Klaas Agriculture and Irrigation Member 2024/07/05 2027/07/04 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Irrigation Council Ardell, Dave Agriculture and Irrigation Ex-Officio 2017/07/18 Ministerial Order No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Marketing of Agricultural Products Act Appeal Tribunal Broere, Pieter Agriculture and Irrigation Member 2023/06/29 2026/06/30 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Marketing of Agricultural Products Act Appeal Tribunal Dziwenka, Margitta Agriculture and Irrigation Vice-Chair & Member 2023/12/04 2026/06/30 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Marketing of Agricultural Products Act Appeal Tribunal Girard, Ben Agriculture and Irrigation Member 2023/12/04 2026/12/04 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Marketing of Agricultural Products Act Appeal Tribunal Toma, Ward Agriculture and Irrigation Member 2023/12/06 2026/12/04 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Marketing of Agricultural Products Act Appeal Tribunal Therrien, Normand Agriculture and Irrigation Member 2023/12/06 2026/12/04 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Marketing of Agricultural Products Act Appeal Tribunal Andres, Gerd Agriculture and Irrigation Member 2023/12/06 2026/12/04 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Marketing of Agricultural Products Act Appeal Tribunal Ilochonwu, Kene Agriculture and Irrigation Chair & Member 2023/12/06 2026/12/04 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Foundation for the Arts Bo, Le Arts, Culture and Status of Women Vice-Chair 2023/03/29 2026/02/28 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Foundation for the Arts Fernandez, Robert Arts, Culture and Status of Women Member 2023/03/29 2025/02/28 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Foundation for the Arts Ndumbi, Sylvester Arts, Culture and Status of Women Member 2023/03/29 2026/02/28 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Foundation for the Arts Shana Yang, Xuejia Arts, Culture and Status of Women Member 2023/03/29 2026/02/28 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Foundation for the Arts True Joy Fox, Andrea Arts, Culture and Status of Women Member 2023/11/04 2025/02/28 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Foundation for the Arts McKnight, Melody Arts, Culture and Status of Women Member 2022/02/23 2025/02/22 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Foundation for the Arts Moore, Cynthia Arts, Culture and Status of Women Chair 2024/04/10 2027/04/09 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Foundation for the Arts Malik, Nabil Arts, Culture and Status of Women Member 2023/03/29 2025/02/28 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Foundation for the Arts Jivraj, Yasmin Arts, Culture and Status of Women Member 2023/03/29 2026/02/28 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Conseil consultatif de l'Alberta en matière de francophonie / Alberta Advisory Council on the Francophonie Bérubé, Camille Arts, Culture and Status of Women Member 2024/02/28 2027/01/25 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 2, Part B
Conseil consultatif de l'Alberta en matière de francophonie / Alberta Advisory Council on the Francophonie Doell, Lesley Arts, Culture and Status of Women Member 2024/02/28 2027/01/25 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 2, Part B
Conseil consultatif de l'Alberta en matière de francophonie / Alberta Advisory Council on the Francophonie Poirier, Rhéal Arts, Culture and Status of Women Co-Chair 2021/01/01 Ministerial Order No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Conseil consultatif de l'Alberta en matière de francophonie / Alberta Advisory Council on the Francophonie Karwandy, Lori Arts, Culture and Status of Women Member 2023/03/31 2026/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 2, Part B
Conseil consultatif de l'Alberta en matière de francophonie / Alberta Advisory Council on the Francophonie Mosker, Andrew Arts, Culture and Status of Women Member 2023/04/25 2025/04/29 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 2, Part B
Conseil consultatif de l'Alberta en matière de francophonie / Alberta Advisory Council on the Francophonie Goa, Arnaud Arts, Culture and Status of Women Member 2023/04/25 2025/04/29 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 2, Part B
Conseil consultatif de l'Alberta en matière de francophonie / Alberta Advisory Council on the Francophonie Cantin, Gilbert Arts, Culture and Status of Women Representative of ACFA 2024/02/28 2027/02/25 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 2, Part B
Conseil consultatif de l'Alberta en matière de francophonie / Alberta Advisory Council on the Francophonie Poulin, Geneviève Arts, Culture and Status of Women Representative of FCSFA 2024/02/28 2027/02/25 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 2, Part B
Family Violence Death Review Committee Steinhauer, Dale Children and Family Services Member 2022/09/26 2024/10/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Family Violence Death Review Committee Weber, Jenna Children and Family Services Member 2022/09/26 2024/10/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Family Violence Death Review Committee Elter, Maxine Children and Family Services Member 2022/09/26 2024/10/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Family Violence Death Review Committee Armstrong, Sean Children and Family Services Chair & Member 2022/11/01 2024/10/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Family Violence Death Review Committee Thunder, Arlene Children and Family Services Member 2021/09/23 2024/10/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Family Violence Death Review Committee Wagner, Nadine Children and Family Services Member 2021/09/23 2024/10/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Family Violence Death Review Committee Johnson-Green, Joy Children and Family Services Member 2021/09/23 2024/10/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Family Violence Death Review Committee Steinhauer, Sharon Children and Family Services Member 2021/09/23 2024/10/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Family Violence Death Review Committee Grauwiler, David Children and Family Services Member 2021/09/23 2024/10/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Attendance Board Walsh, Todd Education Member 2022/09/01 2024/08/31 Ministerial Order Other
Attendance Board Cavanagh, Dan Education Member 2022/09/01 2024/08/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 2, Part A
Attendance Board Lickacz, Wendy Education Member 2022/09/01 2024/08/31 Ministerial Order Other
Attendance Board Johnson, Linda Education Member 2023/04/21 2025/08/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 2, Part A
Attendance Board Henderson, Hamish Education Member 2022/09/01 2024/08/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 2, Part A
Attendance Board Andrus, Brian Education Member 2022/09/01 2024/08/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 2, Part A
Attendance Board Shim, Wilma Education Member 2022/09/01 2024/08/31 Ministerial Order Other
Attendance Board Benoit, Daniel Education Member 2022/09/01 2024/08/31 Ministerial Order Other
Attendance Board Betts, Angela Education Chair & Member 2022/09/01 2024/08/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 2, Part A
Attendance Board Byron, Mila Education Member 2022/09/01 2024/08/31 Ministerial Order Other
Attendance Board Gar, Gar Education Member 2022/09/01 2024/08/31 Ministerial Order Other
Attendance Board Kinoshita, Paula Education Member 2022/09/01 2024/08/31 Ministerial Order Other
Attendance Board Mackie, Neil Education Member 2022/09/01 2024/08/31 Ministerial Order Other
Attendance Board Shwetz, Kanesa Education Member 2022/09/01 2024/08/31 Ministerial Order Other
Attendance Board Thompson, Caroline Education Member 2022/09/01 2024/08/31 Ministerial Order Other
Attendance Board Wilcox, Elizabeth Education Member 2022/09/01 2024/08/31 Ministerial Order Other
Attendance Board Jones, Mark Education Member 2022/09/01 2024/08/31 Ministerial Order Other
Attendance Board Tiamiyu, Tony Education Member 2022/09/01 2024/08/31 Ministerial Order Other
Attendance Board Baier, Ron Education Member 2023/04/21 2025/08/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 2, Part A
Attendance Board Gauthier, Monique Education Member 2023/04/21 2025/08/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 2, Part A
Attendance Board McKay, David Education Member 2023/04/21 2025/08/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 2, Part A
Attendance Board Stix, Karen Education Member 2023/04/21 2025/08/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 2, Part A
Attendance Board Taylor, Wes Education Member 2023/04/21 2025/08/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 2, Part A
Attendance Board Thompson, Kennedy Education Member 2023/04/21 2025/08/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 2, Part A
Attendance Board Vandenhoek, Marvin Education Member 2023/04/21 2025/08/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 2, Part A
Attendance Board Ezike-Dennis, Emeka Education Member 2023/04/21 2025/08/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 2, Part A
Board of Reference Roster Yingst Bartel, Cheryl Education Member 2023/10/26 2024/10/25 Order in Council Other
Board of Reference Roster Asbell, Mark Education Member 2023/10/26 2024/10/25 Order in Council Other
Certification Appeal Committee Penner, Keith Education Member 2022/09/06 2025/09/05 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Certification Appeal Committee Davis, Stephen Education Member 2022/09/06 2025/09/05 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Certification Appeal Committee King, Katherine Education Member 2022/09/06 2025/09/05 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Certification Appeal Committee Radford Evans, Dee-Ann Education Member 2022/09/06 2025/09/05 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Certification Appeal Committee Safran, Laura Education Chair & Member 2022/09/06 2025/09/05 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Certification Appeal Committee Wilcox, Elizabeth Education Member 2022/09/06 2025/09/05 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Professional Conduct and Competency General Panel Sparks, Lorrie Education Teacher Member 2023/01/01 2024/12/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Professional Conduct and Competency General Panel McCauley, Cathy Education Teacher Leader Member 2023/01/01 2025/12/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Professional Conduct and Competency General Panel Kingma, Maryanne Education Public Member 2023/01/01 2025/12/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Professional Conduct and Competency General Panel Fayers, William Edward Education Public Member 2023/01/01 2024/12/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Professional Conduct and Competency General Panel Henderson, Hamish Education Public Member 2023/01/01 2024/12/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Professional Conduct and Competency General Panel Colenutt, Avril Education Public Member 2023/01/01 2024/12/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Professional Conduct and Competency General Panel Pergel, Violet Education Public Member 2023/01/01 2024/12/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Professional Conduct and Competency General Panel Malik, Nabil Education Public Member 2023/01/01 2025/12/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Professional Conduct and Competency General Panel Hunt, Joanne Education Teacher Member 2023/01/01 2024/12/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Professional Conduct and Competency General Panel Hazelton, Alana Education Teacher Member 2023/01/01 2025/12/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Professional Conduct and Competency General Panel Leinweber, Kurtis Education Teacher Leader Member 2023/01/01 2024/12/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Professional Conduct and Competency General Panel Billy, Allen Education Public Member 2023/01/01 2024/12/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Professional Conduct and Competency General Panel Litun, Barry Education Chair and Teacher Member 2023/01/01 2025/12/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Professional Conduct and Competency General Panel Hellman, Chuck Education Teacher Leader Member 2023/01/01 2025/12/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Professional Conduct and Competency General Panel Cameron, Caitlyn Education Teacher Leader Member 2023/01/01 2024/12/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Professional Conduct and Competency General Panel Bouma, David Education Teacher Leader Member 2023/01/01 2024/12/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Professional Conduct and Competency General Panel Bacon, Lyne Education Teacher Leader Member 2023/01/01 2024/12/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Professional Conduct and Competency General Panel Albrecht, Cory Education Teacher Leader Member 2023/01/01 2025/12/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Professional Conduct and Competency General Panel Turpin, Elizabeth Education Teacher Leader Member 2023/01/01 2025/12/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Professional Conduct and Competency General Panel Gray, Ian Education Teacher Leader Member 2023/01/01 2025/12/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Professional Conduct and Competency General Panel Sidhu, Jagwinder Education Teacher Leader Member 2023/01/01 2025/12/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Professional Conduct and Competency General Panel Hauptman, Michael Education Vice-Chair 2023/01/01 2025/12/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Professional Conduct and Competency General Panel Gonsalvez, Sean Education Teacher Leader Member 2023/01/01 2025/12/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Professional Conduct and Competency General Panel Mutala, Alene Education Teacher Member 2023/01/01 2025/12/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Professional Conduct and Competency General Panel King, Lynn Education Public Member 2023/01/01 2024/12/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Professional Conduct and Competency General Panel Parker, Shane Education Public Member 2023/01/01 2024/12/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Professional Conduct and Competency General Panel Wanyandie, Cathy Education Public Member 2023/01/01 2025/12/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Professional Conduct and Competency General Panel Harley, Jason Education Public Member 2023/01/01 2025/12/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Professional Conduct and Competency General Panel Thompson, Lana Education Public Member 2023/01/01 2025/12/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Professional Conduct and Competency General Panel Klassen, Carolyn Education Teacher Leader Member 2024/07/22 2026/07/21 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Professional Conduct and Competency General Panel Kenyon, Trent Education Teacher Member 2024/07/22 2026/07/21 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Professional Conduct and Competency General Panel Baker, Bettylyn Education Teacher Member 2024/07/22 2026/07/21 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Alberta Energy Regulator- Board of Directors Au, Duncan Energy and Minerals Member 2024/04/26 2024/08/31 Order in Council Other
Alberta Energy Regulator- Board of Directors Yager, David Energy and Minerals Member 2024/04/26 2026/04/25 Order in Council Other
Alberta Energy Regulator- Board of Directors Arnett, Carey Energy and Minerals Member 2024/04/26 2029/04/25 Order in Council Other
Alberta Energy Regulator- Board of Directors Rippin Armstrong, Allison Energy and Minerals Member 2022/08/22 2027/08/21 Order in Council Other
Alberta Energy Regulator- Board of Directors Bryson, Corrina Energy and Minerals Member 2020/04/15 2025/04/14 Order in Council Other
Alberta Energy Regulator- Board of Directors Watson, Theresa Energy and Minerals Member 2024/04/26 2029/04/25 Order in Council Other
Alberta Energy Regulator- Board of Directors Leach, Gary Energy and Minerals Member 2020/04/15 2025/04/14 Order in Council Other
Alberta Energy Regulator- Board of Directors Goldie, David Energy and Minerals Chair 2020/04/15 2024/08/31 Order in Council Other
Alberta Energy Regulator- Hearing Commission McNaughtan, Elizabeth Energy and Minerals Hearing Commissioner 2024/04/08 2028/04/07 Order in Council Other
Alberta Energy Regulator- Hearing Commission Robinson, Harold Energy and Minerals Hearing Commissioner 2022/07/25 2025/07/24 Order in Council Other
Alberta Energy Regulator- Hearing Commission Mackenzie, Shona Energy and Minerals Hearing Commissioner 2022/07/25 2025/07/24 Order in Council Other
Alberta Energy Regulator- Hearing Commission Bolton, Alex Energy and Minerals Chief Hearing Commissioner 2023/07/23 2025/06/16 Order in Council Other
Alberta Energy Regulator- Hearing Commission Chiasson, Cindy Energy and Minerals Hearing Commissioner 2024/07/01 2027/06/30 Order in Council RABCCA
Alberta Energy Regulator- Hearing Commission Meysami, Parand Energy and Minerals Hearing Commissioner 2022/07/25 2027/07/24 Order in Council Other
Alberta Energy Regulator- Hearing Commission Stock, Tracey Energy and Minerals Hearing Commissioner 2022/07/25 2027/07/24 Order in Council Other
Alberta Energy Regulator- Hearing Commission Zaitlin, Brian Energy and Minerals Hearing Commissioner 2024/07/01 2028/06/30 Order in Council Other
Alberta Energy Regulator- Hearing Commission Barker, Meg Energy and Minerals Hearing Commissioner 2022/07/25 2025/07/24 Order in Council Other
Alberta Petroleum Marketing Commission Sterling, Stephanie Energy and Minerals Director 2023/07/19 2027/07/18 Ministerial Order Other
Alberta Petroleum Marketing Commission Bryson, Corrina Energy and Minerals Director 2022/01/19 2025/01/18 Ministerial Order Other
Alberta Petroleum Marketing Commission Kaumeyer, Larry Energy and Minerals Chair & Director 2023/08/25 2027/08/24 Ministerial Order Other
Alberta Petroleum Marketing Commission Mowat, David Energy and Minerals Director 2022/01/19 2025/01/18 Ministerial Order Other
Alberta Petroleum Marketing Commission Pettie, Diane Energy and Minerals Director 2023/07/19 2027/07/18 Ministerial Order Other
Alberta Petroleum Marketing Commission LeBlanc, Roxanne Energy and Minerals Vice-Chair 2024/02/27 2028/02/26 Ministerial Order Other
Alberta Petroleum Marketing Commission Kutryk, Terrance Energy and Minerals Director 2022/01/19 2025/01/18 Ministerial Order Other
Alberta Conservation Association Cotterill, Sue Environment and Protected Areas GOA Rep Member 2022/12/08 Letter No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Alberta Recycling Management Authority Pickering, Brad Environment and Protected Areas Chair & Public Member 2022/01/01 2024/12/31 Letter Other
Alberta Recycling Management Authority Boucher, Jim Environment and Protected Areas Director 2022/03/18 2025/03/17 Letter Other
Alberta Recycling Management Authority Rich, Kate Environment and Protected Areas GoA Member, Non-Voting 2024/03/01 Letter No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Beverage Container Management Board Schmidt, Jaclyn Environment and Protected Areas GOA Rep Member 2024/01/09 Letter No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Caribou Sub-Regional Council Dersch, Ava Environment and Protected Areas Wandering River: Treaty 8 First Nations of Alberta 2021/08/13 Letter CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Caribou Sub-Regional Council Employee, Environment and Parks Environment and Protected Areas AEP Employee Member Ministerial Order No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Caribou Sub-Regional Council Employee, Environment and Parks Environment and Protected Areas AEP Employee Alternate Member Ministerial Order No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Climate Change and Emissions Management Corporation (operating as Emissions Reduction Alberta) Curran, Jamie Environment and Protected Areas GOA Rep 2022/08/28 Letter No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Climate Change and Emissions Management Corporation (operating as Emissions Reduction Alberta) Ogle, Kelly Environment and Protected Areas Chair & Director 2023/11/15 2025/11/14 Letter CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Climate Change and Emissions Management Corporation (operating as Emissions Reduction Alberta) Swampy, Dale Environment and Protected Areas Director 2024/06/24 2027/06/23 Letter CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Climate Change and Emissions Management Corporation (operating as Emissions Reduction Alberta) Birn, Kevin Environment and Protected Areas Director 2024/06/24 2027/06/23 Letter CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Endangered Species Conservation Committee Executive Director, Fish & Wildlife Policy Branch, Alberta Environment & Parks Environment and Protected Areas GOA Member, Ex-Officio 2020/01/22 Ministerial Order No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Endangered Species Conservation Committee Representative, Alberta Agriculture and Forestry Environment and Protected Areas GOA Member, Ex-Officio 2020/01/22 Ministerial Order No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Endangered Species Conservation Committee Representative, Alberta Energy Environment and Protected Areas GOA Member, Ex-Officio 2020/01/22 Ministerial Order No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Endangered Species Conservation Committee Representative, Environment and Climate Change Canada Environment and Protected Areas GOA Member, Ex-Officio 2020/01/22 Ministerial Order No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Endangered Species Conservation Committee Loewen, Todd Environment and Protected Areas Chair & MLA Member 2020/01/22 Ministerial Order No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Environmental Appeals Board Aalbers, Angela Environment and Protected Areas Member 2024/06/22 2027/06/21 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Environmental Appeals Board Averill, Kurtis Environment and Protected Areas Member 2024/02/25 2026/02/24 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Environmental Appeals Board Johnston, Barbara Environment and Protected Areas Chair & Member 2024/02/25 2027/02/24 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Environmental Appeals Board McLauchlin, Paul Environment and Protected Areas Member 2023/11/22 2025/11/21 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Environmental Appeals Board Lacasse, Line Environment and Protected Areas Member 2023/11/27 2024/11/26 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Environmental Appeals Board Powter, Chris Environment and Protected Areas Member 2023/11/27 2024/11/26 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Environmental Appeals Board Fawcett, Kyle Environment and Protected Areas Member 2024/06/06 2027/06/05 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Environmental Appeals Board Quarshie, Elizabeth Environment and Protected Areas Member 2023/11/22 2025/11/21 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Environmental Appeals Board Riddell, Jo-Ann Environment and Protected Areas Member 2024/06/06 2027/06/05 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Environmental Appeals Board Deibert, Lee Environment and Protected Areas Member 2024/06/06 2027/06/05 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Environmental Appeals Board Armstrong, James Environment and Protected Areas Member 2023/03/29 2026/03/28 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Environmental Appeals Board Rippin Armstrong, Allison Environment and Protected Areas Member 2023/11/22 2025/11/21 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Indigenous Wisdom Advisory Panel Kaquitts, Alice Environment and Protected Areas Member 2024/05/06 2027/05/05 Ministerial Order Other
Indigenous Wisdom Advisory Panel Bastien, Harley Environment and Protected Areas Member 2022/08/11 2024/08/15 Ministerial Order Other
Indigenous Wisdom Advisory Panel Crowshoe, Reggie Environment and Protected Areas Member 2022/03/31 2025/02/28 Ministerial Order Other
Indigenous Wisdom Advisory Panel Ghostkeeper, Elmer Environment and Protected Areas Member 2022/08/11 2024/08/15 Ministerial Order Other
Indigenous Wisdom Advisory Panel Lepine, Melody Environment and Protected Areas Member 2022/08/11 2024/08/15 Ministerial Order No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Indigenous Wisdom Advisory Panel Little Bear, Leroy Environment and Protected Areas Member 2022/08/11 2024/08/15 Ministerial Order Other
Indigenous Wisdom Advisory Panel Littlechild, Willie Environment and Protected Areas Member 2022/03/31 2025/02/28 Ministerial Order Other
Indigenous Wisdom Advisory Panel Spicer, Norma Environment and Protected Areas Member 2024/05/06 2027/05/05 Ministerial Order Other
Mackenzie River Basin Board Armstrong, Alden Environment and Protected Areas Indigenous Member 2023/12/05 2026/12/04 Letter CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Mackenzie River Basin Board Hussey, Morna Environment and Protected Areas GOA Rep 2023/02/13 Letter No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Natural Resources Conservation Board Smith, Richard Environment and Protected Areas Part-time Member 2023/04/11 2027/04/10 Order in Council RABCCA
Natural Resources Conservation Board Stepaniuk, Darin Environment and Protected Areas Acting Member 2023/04/11 2026/11/25 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Natural Resources Conservation Board Heaney, Daniel Environment and Protected Areas Acting Member 2020/10/01 2025/09/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Natural Resources Conservation Board Roberts, Sandi Environment and Protected Areas Part-time Member 2023/10/01 2026/09/30 Order in Council RABCCA
Natural Resources Conservation Board Graham, Earl Environment and Protected Areas Acting Member 2023/10/01 2025/09/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Natural Resources Conservation Board Woloshyn, Peter Environment and Protected Areas Chair & Part-time Member 2023/12/13 2024/12/12 Order in Council RABCCA
Natural Resources Conservation Board Ceroici, Walter Environment and Protected Areas Acting Member 2023/11/26 2025/11/25 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Prairie Provinces Water Board Non-GoA Appointment, (Member) Environment and Protected Areas Government Representatives (4) Order in Council No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Prairie Provinces Water Board Hussey, Morna Environment and Protected Areas GOA Rep 2023/03/14 Order in Council No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Ronald Lake Bison Herd Cooperative Management Board Senior Wildlife Biologist, Environment & Parks Environment and Protected Areas Active Member 2019/12/13 Ministerial Order No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Ronald Lake Bison Herd Cooperative Management Board Parks Regional Director, Environment & Parks Environment and Protected Areas Advisory Member 2019/12/13 Ministerial Order No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Ronald Lake Bison Herd Cooperative Management Board Cotterill, Sue Environment and Protected Areas Co-Chair & Active Member 2021/07/22 Ministerial Order No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Science Advisory Panel Cooke, Steven Environment and Protected Areas Member 2024/04/09 2027/12/16 Ministerial Order Other
Science Advisory Panel Kidd, Karen Environment and Protected Areas Member 2023/03/15 2026/03/14 Ministerial Order Other
Science Advisory Panel Macdonald, Ellen Environment and Protected Areas Chair 2024/04/29 2026/04/29 Ministerial Order Other
Science Advisory Panel Jenkins, Alan Environment and Protected Areas Member 2023/03/15 2026/03/14 Ministerial Order Other
Science Advisory Panel Creed, Irena Environment and Protected Areas Member 2023/03/15 2026/03/14 Ministerial Order Other
Science Advisory Panel Schnell, Russell Environment and Protected Areas Member 2024/04/29 2027/04/29 Ministerial Order Other
Science Advisory Panel Adamowicz, Vic Environment and Protected Areas Member 2024/04/09 2028/04/08 Ministerial Order Other
Science Advisory Panel Merrill, Evelyn Environment and Protected Areas Member 2023/01/28 2026/01/27 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Water and Wastewater Operator Certification Advisory Committee Donovan, Christine Environment and Protected Areas EPA Program Rep 2023/11/10 Letter No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Water and Wastewater Operator Certification Advisory Committee Michalopoulos, John Environment and Protected Areas Manager, Municipal Government 2023/01/01 2025/12/31 Letter Expenses Only
Water and Wastewater Operator Certification Advisory Committee Simon, Shawne Environment and Protected Areas Certified Operator, Industrial Facility 2023/01/01 2025/12/31 Letter Expenses Only
Water and Wastewater Operator Certification Advisory Committee Moore, Chad Environment and Protected Areas EPA Regional Rep 2022/03/01 Letter No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Water and Wastewater Operator Certification Advisory Committee Vis, Nathan Environment and Protected Areas Certified Operator 2024/02/15 2027/02/11 Letter Expenses Only
Water and Wastewater Operator Certification Advisory Committee McAteer, Nancy Environment and Protected Areas Certified Operator 2024/01/01 2024/12/31 Letter Expenses Only
Water and Wastewater Operator Certification Advisory Committee Carl, Garth Environment and Protected Areas Certified Operator 2022/01/01 2024/12/31 Letter Expenses Only
Water and Wastewater Operator Certification Advisory Committee Mascaluk, Sean Environment and Protected Areas Certified Operator 2023/01/01 2025/12/31 Letter Expenses Only
Water and Wastewater Operator Certification Advisory Committee Dawson, Terena Environment and Protected Areas Faculty Member 2022/01/01 2024/12/31 Letter Expenses Only
Water and Wastewater Operator Certification Advisory Committee Straub, Keith Environment and Protected Areas Member, Discretionary 2023/08/01 2026/07/31 Letter Expenses Only
Water and Wastewater Operator Certification Advisory Committee Tooth, Shawn Environment and Protected Areas Chair, Manager, Industry with Certified Operators 2024/01/01 2024/12/31 Letter Expenses Only
Water and Wastewater Operator Certification Advisory Committee Wenzel, Darrin Environment and Protected Areas AWWOA Rep 2021/11/01 2024/10/31 Letter Expenses Only
Alberta Order of Excellence Council Hodgson, Brian Executive Council Member 2024/01/24 2026/12/31 Order in Council Expenses Only
Alberta Order of Excellence Council Naqvi, Jerry Executive Council Member 2023/01/01 2025/12/31 Order in Council Expenses Only
Alberta Order of Excellence Council Mar, Gary Executive Council Chair & Member 2022/01/01 2024/12/31 Order in Council Expenses Only
Alberta Order of Excellence Council Boucher, Jim Executive Council Member 2022/01/01 2024/12/31 Order in Council Expenses Only
Alberta Order of Excellence Council Moore, Patricia Executive Council Member 2024/03/13 2024/12/31 Order in Council Expenses Only
Alberta Order of Excellence Council Carry, Sharon Executive Council Member 2023/01/01 2025/12/31 Order in Council Expenses Only
Invest Alberta Corporation Riopel, Janet Executive Council Director 2023/11/22 2026/01/30 Order in Council Other
Invest Alberta Corporation Redford, Alison Executive Council Director 2024/06/06 2027/01/30 Order in Council Other
Invest Alberta Corporation Mawji, Ashif Executive Council Director 2023/11/22 2026/01/30 Order in Council Other
Invest Alberta Corporation McLellan, Anne Executive Council Vice-Chair & Director 2023/11/22 2026/01/30 Order in Council Other
Invest Alberta Corporation Hutcheson, Scott Executive Council Chair & Director 2023/11/22 2026/01/30 Order in Council Other
Invest Alberta Corporation Fong, Chen Executive Council Director 2023/11/22 2026/01/30 Order in Council Other
Invest Alberta Corporation Dhillon, Bob Executive Council Director 2023/11/22 2026/01/30 Order in Council Other
Invest Alberta Corporation Hubble, Donald Executive Council Director 2023/11/22 2027/01/30 Order in Council Other
Invest Alberta Corporation Jaber, Sam Executive Council Director 2023/11/22 2027/01/30 Order in Council Other
Invest Alberta Corporation Price, Robert Executive Council Director 2023/11/22 2027/01/30 Order in Council Other
Invest Alberta Corporation Fernandez, Robert Executive Council Director 2023/11/22 2027/01/30 Order in Council Other
Alberta Professional Outfitters Society Non-GoA Appointment, (Chair) Forestry and Parks Director (President of the Society) Letter No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Alberta Professional Outfitters Society Non-GoA Appointment, (Member) Forestry and Parks Director Letter No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Birch Mountains Wildland Provincial Park Cooperative Management Board Parks Regional Director, Environment & Parks Forestry and Parks Co-Chair & Member 2019/03/12 Ministerial Order No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Birch Mountains Wildland Provincial Park Cooperative Management Board Parks Area Manager, Environment & Parks Forestry and Parks Member 2019/03/12 Ministerial Order No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Birch Mountains Wildland Provincial Park Cooperative Management Board Parks Land & Resource Manager, Environment & Parks Forestry and Parks Member 2019/03/12 Ministerial Order No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Birch River Wildland Provincial Park Cooperative Management Board Parks Land & Resource Manager, Environment & Parks Forestry and Parks Member 2019/03/12 Ministerial Order No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Birch River Wildland Provincial Park Cooperative Management Board Parks Regional Director, Environment & Parks Forestry and Parks Co-Chair & Member 2019/03/12 Ministerial Order No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Birch River Wildland Provincial Park Cooperative Management Board Parks Area Manager, Environment & Parks Forestry and Parks Member 2019/03/12 Ministerial Order No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Dillon River Wildland Provincial Park Cooperative Management Board Parks Regional Director, Environment & Parks Forestry and Parks Co-Chair & Member 2019/03/12 Ministerial Order No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Dillon River Wildland Provincial Park Cooperative Management Board Parks Land & Resource Manager, Environment & Parks Forestry and Parks Member 2019/03/12 Ministerial Order No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Dillon River Wildland Provincial Park Cooperative Management Board Parks Area Manager, Environment & Parks Forestry and Parks Member 2019/03/12 Ministerial Order No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Forest Resource Improvement Association of Alberta Lux, Daniel Forestry and Parks Member 2022/03/29 Ministerial Order No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Kananaskis Improvement District Council Cowley, Kateri Forestry and Parks Alberta Citizen's-at-Large Rep 2024/02/07 2026/02/06 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 2, Part A
Kananaskis Improvement District Council Rodney, Dave Forestry and Parks Alberta Citizen's-at-Large Rep 2024/02/07 2026/02/06 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 2, Part A
Kazan Wildland Provincial Park Cooperative Management Board Parks Area Manager, Environment & Parks Forestry and Parks Member 2019/03/12 Ministerial Order No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Kazan Wildland Provincial Park Cooperative Management Board Parks Land & Resource Manager, Environment & Parks Forestry and Parks Member 2019/03/12 Ministerial Order No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Kazan Wildland Provincial Park Cooperative Management Board Parks Regional Director, Environment & Parks Forestry and Parks Co-Chair & Member 2019/03/12 Ministerial Order No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Public Lands Appeal Board McClure, Gordon Forestry and Parks Chair & Appeals Coordinator 2017/08/12 Ministerial Order No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Richardson Wildland Provincial Park Cooperative Management Board Parks Regional Director, Environment & Parks Forestry and Parks Co-Chair & Member 2019/03/12 Ministerial Order No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Richardson Wildland Provincial Park Cooperative Management Board Parks Area Manager, Environment & Parks Forestry and Parks Member 2019/03/12 Ministerial Order No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Richardson Wildland Provincial Park Cooperative Management Board Parks Land & Resource Manager, Environment & Parks Forestry and Parks Member 2019/03/12 Ministerial Order No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Alberta College of Combined Laboratory and X-Ray Technologists - Council Papirnik, Patti Health Public Member 2021/05/12 2024/05/11 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Alberta College of Combined Laboratory and X-Ray Technologists - Council Upshaw, Doreen Health Public Member 2022/06/29 2025/06/28 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Alberta College of Combined Laboratory and X-Ray Technologists - Council Dhingra, Poshika Health Public Member 2023/03/29 2026/03/28 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Alberta College of Combined Laboratory and X-Ray Technologists - Council Koop, Robert Health Public Member 2023/03/29 2026/03/28 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Alberta College of Dental Hygienists Gibbons Kroeker, Carol Health Public Member 2022/06/15 2025/06/14 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Alberta College of Dental Hygienists Hansen, Judy Health Public Member 2022/06/29 2025/06/28 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Alberta College of Dental Hygienists Mosier, Louise Health Public Member 2022/04/20 2024/02/16 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Alberta College of Dental Hygienists Jossa, John Health Public Member 2022/06/01 2025/05/31 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Alberta College of Medical Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologists - Council Bunce, Terry Health Public Member 2021/01/20 2023/12/04 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Alberta College of Medical Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologists - Council Slenders, Wilma Health Public Member 2021/01/20 2023/12/04 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Alberta College of Medical Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologists - Council Georgsen, Samantha Health Public Member 2021/05/12 2024/05/11 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Alberta College of Medical Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologists - Council Liu, John Health Public Member 2024/05/09 2027/02/02 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Alberta College of Medical Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologists - Council Liu, John Health Public Member 2021/02/03 2024/02/02 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Alberta College of Occupational Therapists - Council Bergman, Christie Health Public Member 2021/05/12 2024/05/11 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Alberta College of Occupational Therapists - Council Bergman, Christie Health Public Member 2024/05/12 2027/05/11 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Alberta College of Occupational Therapists - Council Fitzgerald, James Health Public Member 2022/06/15 2025/06/14 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Alberta College of Optometrists - Council Barker, Kara Health Public Members 2024/05/12 2027/05/11 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Alberta College of Optometrists - Council Camplin, Rhonda Health Public Members 2021/05/12 2024/05/11 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Alberta College of Paramedics - Council Dyck, Tim Health Public Member 2024/06/23 2027/06/22 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Alberta College of Paramedics - Council Stephenson, Donna Health Public Member 2022/06/15 2025/06/14 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Alberta College of Paramedics - Council Osiberu, Tosin Health Public Member 2022/02/23 2025/02/22 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Alberta College of Paramedics - Council Salmon, Christopher Health Public Member 2023/02/28 2025/12/02 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Alberta College of Paramedics - Council Cherry, Lynda Health Public Member 2017/03/21 2020/03/20 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Alberta College of Pharmacy - Council Wyton, Carmen Health Public Member 2022/09/27 2025/01/21 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Alberta College of Pharmacy - Council Maligec, Christine Health Public Member 2021/05/15 2024/05/14 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Alberta College of Pharmacy - Council West, Jason Health Public Member 2023/08/10 2026/08/09 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Alberta College of Pharmacy - Council Manz, Deborah Health Public Member 2023/04/07 2026/04/06 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Alberta College of Social Workers - Council Goldie, Elizabeth Health Public Member 2021/08/10 2024/08/09 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Alberta College of Social Workers - Council Smith, Geraldine Health Public Member 2022/06/15 2025/06/14 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Alberta College of Social Workers - Council Delfs, Laura Health Public Member 2022/06/15 2024/05/14 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Alberta College of Social Workers - Council Liskowich, Trevor Health Public Member 2022/04/20 2024/05/14 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Alberta College of Social Workers - Council Pickering, Brad Health Public Member 2023/03/14 2026/03/13 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Alberta College of Social Workers - Council Billy, Allen Health Public Member 2022/06/15 2025/06/14 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Alberta College of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists - Council Rasheed, Muhammad Health Public Member 2022/06/29 2025/06/28 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Alberta College of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists - Council Dueck, Kenton Health Public Member 2021/08/10 2024/08/09 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Alberta College of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists - Council Zabel, Alexandra Health Public Member 2021/08/10 2024/08/09 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Alberta College of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists - Council DeVuyst, Mike Health Public Member 2024/06/23 2027/06/22 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Alberta Emergency Medical Services Standing Committee Senior Representative, Alberta College of Paramedics Health Member 2024/03/28 2027/03/27 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Alberta Emergency Medical Services Standing Committee Senior Leadership Representative, Rural Municipalities Association Health Member 2024/03/28 2027/03/27 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Alberta Emergency Medical Services Standing Committee Senior Leadership Representative, Alberta Municipalities Health Member 2024/03/28 2027/03/27 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Alberta Emergency Medical Services Standing Committee Representative, Siksika Health Services (Treaty 7) Health Member 2024/03/28 2027/03/27 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Alberta Emergency Medical Services Standing Committee Representative, Treaty 8 First Nations of Alberta Health Member 2024/03/28 2027/03/27 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Alberta Emergency Medical Services Standing Committee Representative, Metis Settlements Health Board Health Member 2024/03/28 2027/03/27 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Alberta Emergency Medical Services Standing Committee President, Alberta Paramedic Association Health Member 2024/03/28 2027/03/27 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Alberta Emergency Medical Services Standing Committee Senior Representative, Alberta Fire Chiefs Association Health Member 2024/03/28 2027/03/27 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Alberta Emergency Medical Services Standing Committee Senior Leadership Representative, Alberta Professional Firefighters and Paramedic Association Health Member 2024/03/28 2027/03/27 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Alberta Emergency Medical Services Standing Committee Fire Chief, Penhold Fire Department Health Member 2024/03/28 2027/03/27 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Alberta Emergency Medical Services Standing Committee Senior Strategist, Prairie Sky Strategy Health Member 2024/03/28 2027/03/27 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Alberta Emergency Medical Services Standing Committee Patient/Family Representative, by HQCA Health Member 2024/03/28 2027/03/27 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Alberta Emergency Medical Services Standing Committee Senior Representative & Paramedic Instructor, Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Health Member 2024/03/28 2027/03/27 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Alberta Emergency Medical Services Standing Committee Senior Medical Director, Alberta Health Services EMS Health Member 2024/03/28 2027/03/27 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Alberta Emergency Medical Services Standing Committee Frontline, Paramedics Health Member 2024/03/28 2027/03/27 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Alberta Emergency Medical Services Standing Committee Frontline, Paramedics Health Member 2024/03/28 2027/03/27 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Alberta Emergency Medical Services Standing Committee Frontline, Paramedics Health Member 2024/03/28 2027/03/27 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Alberta Emergency Medical Services Standing Committee Frontline, Paramedics Health Member 2024/03/28 2027/03/27 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Alberta Emergency Medical Services Standing Committee Registrar of the, Emergency Health Services Act, Assistant Deputy Minister of Acute Care Division, Alberta Health Health Chair 2024/03/28 2027/03/27 Ministerial Order No Remuneration
Alberta Emergency Medical Services Standing Committee CEO, Health Quality Council of Alberta Health Member 2024/03/28 2027/03/27 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Alberta Emergency Medical Services Standing Committee Senior Leadership Representative, Alberta Health Services Health Member 2024/03/28 2027/03/27 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Alberta Emergency Medical Services Standing Committee Provincial Director, Emergency Health Services, Alberta Health Health Member 2024/03/28 2027/03/27 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Alberta Emergency Medical Services Standing Committee Executive Director, Emergency Medical Services, Alberta Health Health Member 2024/03/28 2027/03/27 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Alberta Health Services Fong, Angela Health Member 2023/11/21 2025/11/07 Ministerial Order Other
Alberta Health Services Romanow, Evan Health Member 2023/11/08 2025/11/07 Ministerial Order Other
Alberta Health Services Edmonstone, Sandy Health Member 2023/11/08 2025/11/07 Ministerial Order Other
Alberta Health Services Oberg, Lyle Health Chair, Member 2023/11/08 2025/11/07 Ministerial Order Other
Alberta Health Services Farmer, Cynthia Health Member 2023/11/08 2025/11/07 Ministerial Order Other
Alberta Health Services Tremblay, Andre Health Member 2023/11/08 2025/11/07 Ministerial Order Other
Alberta Health Services Haggis, Paul Health Member 2023/11/08 2025/11/07 Ministerial Order Other
College of Acupuncturists of Alberta – Council Jones, Tamara Health Public Member 2021/01/20 2024/01/19 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Acupuncturists of Alberta – Council Ansah-Sam, Monica Health Public Member 2021/09/29 2024/09/28 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Alberta Dental Assistants - Council Adediran, Ayodele Health Public Members 2024/05/09 2027/03/31 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Alberta Dental Assistants - Council Jackman, Joshua Health Public Members 2022/10/11 2025/10/10 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Alberta Dental Assistants - Council Zhang, TJ Health Public Members 2022/04/20 2024/04/19 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Alberta Denturists - Council Gagliardi, Giuseppe Health Public Member 2021/09/29 2024/09/28 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Alberta Denturists - Council Brenan, Lora Health Public Member 2022/04/20 2025/04/19 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Alberta Psychologists - Council Tomlinson, Garrett Health Public Member 2022/04/20 2024/03/19 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Alberta Psychologists - Council Stanners, Michèle Health Public Member 2021/04/01 2024/03/31 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Alberta Psychologists - Council Andrews, Elaine Health Public Member 2021/01/20 2023/11/20 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Alberta Psychologists - Council Taylor, Joanne Health Public Member 2021/09/29 2024/09/28 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Chiropractors of Alberta Pelton, Patricia Health Public Member 2022/02/23 2024/05/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Chiropractors of Alberta Runka Owens, Ashley Health Public Member 2022/06/29 2025/06/28 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Chiropractors of Alberta Kim, Michael Health Public Member 2024/04/24 2027/04/23 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Dental Surgeons of Alberta Bayrock, Terrence Health Public Member 2021/09/29 2024/09/28 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Dental Surgeons of Alberta Crockatt, Scarlett Health Public Member 2021/08/10 2024/08/09 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Dental Surgeons of Alberta LaPerle, Shari Health Public Member 2022/04/20 2024/11/02 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Dental Surgeons of Alberta Chipeur, Barbara Health Public Member 2022/11/26 2025/11/25 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Dental Surgeons of Alberta Sandie, Nickolletta Health Public Member 2022/04/20 2023/03/20 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Dental Technologists of Alberta - Council Cooper, Douglas Health Public Member 2017/12/05 2020/10/06 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Dental Technologists of Alberta - Council Mardon, Catherine Health Public Member 2022/04/20 2024/03/20 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Dental Technologists of Alberta - Council Stahl, Brittany Health Public Member 2023/04/07 2026/04/06 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Dental Technologists of Alberta - Council Lock, Gary Health Public Member 2022/04/20 2025/04/19 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Dietitians of Alberta - Council Phung, Alex Health Public Member 2022/06/15 2025/06/14 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Dietitians of Alberta - Council Rabbie, Geoff Health Public Member 2022/04/20 2024/06/14 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Dietitians of Alberta - Council Amerongen, Cynthia Health Public Member 2024/06/20 2027/06/19 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Hearing Aid Practitioners of Alberta - Council Singh, Komal Health Public Member 2024/06/20 2027/06/19 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Hearing Aid Practitioners of Alberta - Council Dziwenka, Margitta Health Public Member 2022/06/15 2025/06/14 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Hearing Aid Practitioners of Alberta - Council Poirier, Paul Health Public Member 2022/06/15 2025/06/14 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Hearing Aid Practitioners of Alberta - Council Ingeveld, Gerald Health Public Member 2022/06/29 2025/06/28 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Hearing Aid Practitioners of Alberta - Council Noel, Karlana Health Public Member 2022/06/29 2025/06/28 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Alberta - Council Stebbins, Lisa Health Public Member 2017/03/21 2020/03/20 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Alberta - Council Osinchuk, Linda Health Public Member 2024/05/09 2027/03/31 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Alberta - Council Kent, Thomas Health Public Member 2024/06/06 2027/06/05 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Medical Laboratory Technologists of Alberta - Council De La Cruz Chavez, Domingo Health Public Member 2022/04/20 2023/03/20 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Medical Laboratory Technologists of Alberta - Council Carscallen, Jennifer Health Public Member 2021/06/23 2024/06/22 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Medical Laboratory Technologists of Alberta - Council Zeitner, Gary Health Public Member 2021/06/23 2024/06/22 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Midwives of Alberta - Council Bekevich, Melanie Health Public Member 2021/08/10 2024/08/09 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Midwives of Alberta - Council Cornfield, Catherine Health Public Member 2024/05/09 2027/04/06 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Midwives of Alberta - Council Schinbein, Dustin Health Public Member 2022/06/01 2025/05/31 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Midwives of Alberta - Council Crocker, David Health Public Member 2022/04/20 2023/05/08 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Midwives of Alberta - Council Cabaj, Chelsey Health Public Member 2022/04/20 2023/10/17 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Naturopathic Doctors of Alberta - Council Graham, Earl Health Public Member 2023/03/29 2026/03/28 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Naturopathic Doctors of Alberta - Council Bohn, Larry Health Public Member 2022/02/23 2025/02/22 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Naturopathic Doctors of Alberta - Council Valle, Patrizia Health Public Member 2024/05/09 2027/01/26 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Naturopathic Doctors of Alberta - Council Swanson, David Health Public Member 2022/06/29 2025/06/28 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Opticians of Alberta Ogbonna, Chin Health Public Member 2023/05/12 2026/05/11 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Opticians of Alberta Olatona, Olatunde Health Public Member 2024/06/06 2027/04/06 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Opticians of Alberta Olatona, Olatunde Health Public Member 2021/04/07 2024/04/06 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Opticians of Alberta Bentley, Lana Health Public Member 2019/11/26 2022/11/25 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Opticians of Alberta Seaborn, Cheryl Health Public Member 2024/04/24 2027/04/23 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Opticians of Alberta Kondics, Kayla Health Public Member 2024/04/24 2027/04/23 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta - Council Etokudo, Patrick Health Public Member 2024/06/23 2027/06/22 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta - Council Etokudo, Patrick Health Public Member 2021/06/23 2024/06/22 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta - Council Clark, Garnet Health Public Member 2024/06/20 2027/06/19 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta - Council Laboucan, Rhonda Health Public Member 2024/06/20 2027/06/19 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta - Council Merrifield, Robert Health Public Member 2024/06/20 2027/06/19 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta - Council Zhang, Pan Health Public Member 2024/06/20 2027/06/19 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta - Council Steinbach, Laurie Health Public Member 2022/04/20 2024/06/14 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Physiotherapists of Alberta Sproule, Sharon Health Public Member 2017/12/05 2020/12/04 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Physiotherapists of Alberta Evren, Lisa Health Public Member 2022/06/01 2025/05/31 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Physiotherapists of Alberta Horrigan, Dennis Health Public Member 2022/04/20 2023/05/08 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Physiotherapists of Alberta Schaffer, Sean Health Public Member 2022/06/15 2025/06/14 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Podiatric Physicians of Alberta - Council Tokar, Jennifer Health Public Member 2022/06/15 2025/06/14 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Podiatric Physicians of Alberta - Council Orakwue, Prince Health Public Member 2023/03/14 2026/03/13 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Registered Nurses of Alberta Ewasechko, Kim Arthur Health Public Member 2021/05/12 2024/05/11 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Registered Nurses of Alberta Roskey, Susan Health Public Member 2021/04/07 2024/04/06 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Registered Nurses of Alberta Obiefuna, Peter Health Public Member 2023/04/07 2026/04/06 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Registered Nurses of Alberta Armstrong, Steven Health Public Member 2017/12/05 2020/12/04 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Registered Nurses of Alberta Garner, Scott Health Public Member 2022/02/23 2025/02/22 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Registered Nurses of Alberta Sansregret, Bonnie Health Public Member 2022/09/27 2025/09/26 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Registered Psychiatric Nurses of Alberta - Council Kruchten, Bob Health Public Member 2022/06/15 2025/06/14 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Registered Psychiatric Nurses of Alberta - Council Johnstone, Dianne Health Public Member 2022/06/15 2025/06/14 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Registered Psychiatric Nurses of Alberta - Council Abdelhady, Hany Health Public Member 2022/04/20 2023/03/20 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Registered Psychiatric Nurses of Alberta - Council Peermohamed, Munira Health Public Member 2022/04/20 2023/03/20 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Registered Psychiatric Nurses of Alberta - Council Zelmer, Joseph Health Public Member 2022/04/20 2023/03/20 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Registered Psychiatric Nurses of Alberta - Council Oyedun, Adetoyese Health Public Member 2024/05/12 2027/05/11 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Respiratory Therapists of Alberta Singh, Raja Health Public Member 2022/04/20 2024/10/02 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Respiratory Therapists of Alberta Poltz, Tiffany Health Public Member 2022/06/15 2025/06/14 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Respiratory Therapists of Alberta Loven, Larry Health Public Member 2021/04/07 2023/11/26 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
College of Respiratory Therapists of Alberta Christopherson, Gary Health Public Member 2022/06/15 2025/06/14 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Expert Committee on Drug Evaluation and Therapeutics Ladhani, Naeem Health Member 2023/03/09 2025/09/19 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Expert Committee on Drug Evaluation and Therapeutics Gray, Margaret Health Chair & Member 2023/09/21 2025/09/30 Ministerial Order Other
Expert Committee on Drug Evaluation and Therapeutics Clarke, Caitlin Health Member 2023/09/20 2026/02/03 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Expert Committee on Drug Evaluation and Therapeutics Guirguis, Micheal Health Vice-Chair & Member 2022/06/27 2025/06/26 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Expert Committee on Drug Evaluation and Therapeutics Altman, Daniel Health Physician Member 2022/06/27 2025/06/26 Ministerial Order Other
Expert Committee on Drug Evaluation and Therapeutics Myers, Nicholas Health Physician Member 2022/06/27 2025/06/26 Ministerial Order Other
Health Information and Data Governance Committee ADM, Health Information Systems Division , Health Health Vice-Chair 2022/06/29 2025/06/28 Ministerial Order No Remuneration
Health Information and Data Governance Committee Registrar, CPSA Health Ex-Officio Member 2022/06/29 2025/06/28 Ministerial Order No Remuneration
Health Information and Data Governance Committee Krempien, James Health APA & AB college of Pharmacy Rep 2022/06/29 2025/06/28 Ministerial Order No Remuneration
Health Information and Data Governance Committee Executive Director, HIS Division, Information Management Branch, AB Health Health Ex-Officio Member 2022/06/29 2025/06/28 Ministerial Order No Remuneration
Health Information and Data Governance Committee Senior Provincial Director, Health Information Management , AHS Health Ex-Officio Member 2022/06/29 2025/06/28 Ministerial Order No Remuneration
Health Information and Data Governance Committee Chief Analytics Officer, AHS Health Ex-Officio Member 2022/06/29 2025/06/28 Ministerial Order No Remuneration
Health Information and Data Governance Committee Juhas, Michal Health Public Member 2022/06/29 2025/06/28 Ministerial Order No Remuneration
Health Information and Data Governance Committee ADM, Health Standards, Quality and Performance, AB Heal Health Ex-Officio Member 2022/06/29 2025/06/28 Ministerial Order No Remuneration
Health Information and Data Governance Committee Vice President, Provincial Clinical Excellence, AHS Health Ex-Officio Member 2022/06/29 2025/06/28 Ministerial Order No Remuneration
Health Information and Data Governance Committee Leigh, Richard Health Faculty of Medicine Rep 2022/09/01 2025/08/31 Ministerial Order No Remuneration
Health Information and Data Governance Committee Vice President, Health, Alberta Innovates Health Ex-Officio Member 2022/06/29 2025/06/28 Ministerial Order No Remuneration
Health Information and Data Governance Committee Executive Director, Health Standards, Quality and Performance Division, Analytics and Performance Reporting Branch, Albe Health Ex-Officio Member 2022/06/29 2025/06/28 Ministerial Order No Remuneration
Health Quality Council of Alberta - Board of Directors Sherman, Rajnesh Health Member 2024/06/26 2027/06/25 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Health Quality Council of Alberta - Board of Directors Gye, Emmanuel Health Member 2024/06/26 2027/06/25 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Health Quality Council of Alberta - Board of Directors LeMoal, Clifford Health Member 2024/06/26 2027/06/25 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Health Quality Council of Alberta - Board of Directors Lundy, Rick Health Member 2024/06/26 2027/06/25 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Health Quality Council of Alberta - Board of Directors Johnson, Clifford Health Member 2024/04/21 2027/04/21 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Health Quality Council of Alberta - Board of Directors Hawranik, Pamela Health Member 2024/04/21 2027/04/21 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Health Quality Council of Alberta - Board of Directors Colville, Jacquelyn Health Member 2023/05/21 2024/04/21 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Health Quality Council of Alberta - Board of Directors Powell, Dwight Health Member 2021/04/22 2024/04/21 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Health Quality Council of Alberta - Board of Directors Volume-Smith, Carlyn Health Member 2024/04/21 2027/04/21 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Hospital Privileges Appeal Board Roberge, Renee Health Member 2023/03/17 2026/03/16 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Hospital Privileges Appeal Board Smigorowsky, Marcie Health CARNA Member 2023/03/09 2025/11/17 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Hospital Privileges Appeal Board Loven, Larry Health Member 2023/11/18 2026/11/17 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Hospital Privileges Appeal Board Shanmuganathan, Hareishun Health Physician Member 2023/03/09 2026/03/08 Ministerial Order Other
Integration Council Deputy Minister, Mental Health and Addiction Health Member 2024/02/21 2027/02/20 No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Integration Council Minister, Mental Health and Addiction Health Member 2024/02/21 2027/02/20 No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Integration Council Deputy Minister, Seniors, Community and Social Services Health Member 2024/02/21 2027/02/20 No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Integration Council Chair, Alberta Health Services (AHS) Board Health Member 2024/02/21 2027/02/20 No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Integration Council Managing Director, Procurement and System Optimization Secretariat, Alberta Health Health Member 2024/02/21 2027/02/20 Ministerial Order No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Integration Council LaGrange, Adriana Health Chair & Member 2024/02/21 2027/02/20 Ministerial Order No Remuneration
Integration Council Minister, Technology and Innovation Health Member 2024/02/21 2027/02/20 No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Integration Council Deputy Minister, Technology and Innovation Health Member 2024/02/21 2027/02/20 No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Integration Council Chair, Health Quality Council of Alberta Board of Directors Health Member 2024/02/21 2027/02/20 No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Integration Council CEO, Health Quality Council of Alberta Health Member 2024/02/21 2027/02/20 No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Integration Council President & CEO, AHS Health Member 2024/02/21 2027/02/20 No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Integration Council Minister, Seniors, Community and Social Services Health Member 2024/02/21 2027/02/20 No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Integration Council Deputy Minster, Health Health Member 2024/02/21 2027/02/20 No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Integration Council Associate DM, Health Health Member 2024/02/21 2027/02/20 No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
MSI Foundation Board of Trustees Petermann, Lisa Health Chair & Public Member 2022/04/04 2024/12/31 Ministerial Order Other
Out-Of-Country Health Services Appeal Panel Sheremeta, Lorraine Health Chair & Ethicist Member 2023/04/25 2026/04/24 Ministerial Order Other
Out-Of-Country Health Services Appeal Panel Gibson, Neil Health Vice-Chair & Physician Member 2023/03/01 2026/09/08 Ministerial Order Other
Out-Of-Country Health Services Appeal Panel Akindipe, Stephen Health Physician Member 2023/03/01 2026/02/28 Ministerial Order Other
Out-Of-Country Health Services Appeal Panel Jorgensen, Gayleen Health Physician Member 2023/04/17 2026/04/16 Ministerial Order Other
Out-Of-Country Health Services Appeal Panel Elzinga, Christine Health Physician Member 2022/09/09 2025/09/08 Ministerial Order Other
Out-Of-Country Health Services Appeal Panel Block, Ray Health Public Member 2022/04/21 2025/04/24 Ministerial Order Other
Out-Of-Country Health Services Committee Hagen, Neil Health Physician Member 2023/03/27 2026/03/26 Ministerial Order Other
Out-Of-Country Health Services Committee Health, Special Programs Manager Health Chair & GOA Employee 2023/02/13 2026/02/12 Ministerial Order No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Out-Of-Country Health Services Committee Kassam, Narmin Health Physician Member 2023/02/27 2026/02/26 Ministerial Order Other
Out-Of-Country Health Services Committee Jamieson, Peter Health Physician Member 2022/02/27 2025/02/26 Ministerial Order Other
Out-Of-Country Health Services Committee Patel, Samir Health Physician Member 2022/02/27 2025/02/26 Ministerial Order Other
Provincial Primary Care Network Committee PCN Physician Lead, Edmonton Zone Health Ex-Officio Member 2020/09/29 2025/09/17 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Provincial Primary Care Network Committee PCN Physician Lead, Central Zone Health Ex-Officio Member 2020/09/29 2025/09/17 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Provincial Primary Care Network Committee PCN Physician Lead, North Zone Health Ex-Officio Member 2020/09/29 2025/09/17 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Provincial Primary Care Network Committee PCN Physician Lead, South Zone Health Ex-Officio Member 2020/09/29 2025/09/17 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Provincial Primary Care Network Committee PCN Physician Lead, Calgary Zone Health Ex-Officio Member 2020/09/29 2025/09/17 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Provincial Primary Care Network Committee ADM, Alberta Health, Health Service Delivery Division Health Ex-Officio Member 2020/09/29 2025/09/17 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Provincial Primary Care Network Committee ADM, Alberta Health, Health Information Services Division Health Ex-Officio Member 2020/09/29 2025/09/17 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Provincial Primary Care Network Committee AMA Provincial PCN Programs, Senior Rep Health Ex-Officio Member 2020/09/29 2025/09/17 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Provincial Primary Care Network Committee Sr. Official, AHS, Edmonton Zone Health Ex-Officio Member 2020/09/29 2025/09/17 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Provincial Primary Care Network Committee Sr. Official, AHS, Central Zone Health Ex-Officio Member 2020/09/29 2025/09/17 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Provincial Primary Care Network Committee Sr. Official, AHS, North Zone Health Ex-Officio Member 2020/09/29 2025/09/17 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Provincial Primary Care Network Committee Sr. Official, AHS, South Zone Health Ex-Officio Member 2020/09/29 2025/09/17 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Provincial Primary Care Network Committee Sr. Official, AHS, Calgary Zone Health Ex-Officio Member 2020/09/29 2025/09/17 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Provincial Primary Care Network Committee Vice President/Medical Director, Clinical Operations, AHS Health Ex-Officio Member 2020/09/29 2025/09/17 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Provincial Primary Care Network Committee Vice President/Chief Operating Officer, Clinical Operations, AHS Health Ex-Officio Member 2020/09/29 2025/09/17 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Provincial Primary Care Network Committee Alberta Federation of Regulated, Health Professionals (AFRHP) Health Ex-Officio Member 2020/09/29 2025/09/17 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Provincial Primary Care Network Committee ADM Health, responsible for Primary Care Networks Health Chair 2020/09/29 2025/09/17 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Provincial Primary Care Network Committee Kolewaski, Linda Health Community Member Representative 2023/04/20 2025/09/17 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Public Health Appeal Board Chika-James, Theresa Health Member 2023/03/29 2026/03/28 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Public Health Appeal Board Kelly, Kevin Health Chair & Member 2023/07/08 2026/07/07 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Public Health Appeal Board Wearmouth, Vicki Health Vice-Chair & Member 2023/03/16 2026/03/15 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Public Health Appeal Board Bourassa, Paul Health Member 2024/06/23 2027/06/22 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Public Health Appeal Board Rolfe, David Health Member 2023/05/24 2026/05/23 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Tribunal Roster of Public Members under the Health Professions Act Rocchio, Barbara Health Public Member 2022/06/15 2025/06/14 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Tribunal Roster of Public Members under the Health Professions Act Wilson, Don Health Public Member 2022/06/29 2025/06/28 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Tribunal Roster of Public Members under the Health Professions Act Hull, Patricia Health Public Member 2022/06/29 2025/06/28 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Tribunal Roster of Public Members under the Health Professions Act Engen, Terry Health Public Member 2022/06/29 2025/06/28 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Tribunal Roster of Public Members under the Health Professions Act Buick, Glen Health Public Member 2022/06/15 2025/06/14 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Tribunal Roster of Public Members under the Health Professions Act Paniak, Vince Health Public Member 2022/06/15 2025/06/14 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Tribunal Roster of Public Members under the Health Professions Act Jossa, Dianna Health Public Member 2023/03/14 2026/03/13 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Tribunal Roster of Public Members under the Health Professions Act Otway, Andrew Health Public Member 2023/03/14 2026/03/13 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Tribunal Roster of Public Members under the Health Professions Act Ukpabi, Ugochukwu Health Public Member 2023/03/14 2026/03/13 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Tribunal Roster of Public Members under the Health Professions Act Bennett, Matthew Health Public Member 2022/06/29 2025/06/28 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Tribunal Roster of Public Members under the Health Professions Act Durnie, Darwin Health Public Member 2022/06/29 2025/06/28 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Tribunal Roster of Public Members under the Health Professions Act Flint, Sherry Health Public Member 2022/06/29 2025/06/28 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Tribunal Roster of Public Members under the Health Professions Act Gingrich, Sarah Health Public Member 2022/06/29 2025/06/28 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Tribunal Roster of Public Members under the Health Professions Act Guard, Lyle Health Public Member 2022/06/29 2025/06/28 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Tribunal Roster of Public Members under the Health Professions Act James, Andrea Health Public Member 2022/06/29 2025/06/28 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Tribunal Roster of Public Members under the Health Professions Act Adu, Kwaku Health Public Member 2022/06/15 2025/06/14 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Tribunal Roster of Public Members under the Health Professions Act Kelly, Kevin Health Public Member 2022/06/15 2025/06/14 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Tribunal Roster of Public Members under the Health Professions Act Dighe-Bramwell, Sarita Health Public Member 2022/06/15 2025/06/14 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Tribunal Roster of Public Members under the Health Professions Act Freeman, Catherine Health Public Member 2023/03/14 2026/03/13 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Tribunal Roster of Public Members under the Health Professions Act Ezike-Dennis, Emeka Health Public Member 2023/03/29 2026/03/28 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Advisory Council on Alberta-Ukraine Relations Armstrong-Homeniuk, Jackie Immigration and Multiculturalism Chair & MLA Member 2022/10/03 2024/10/03 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Advisory Council on Alberta-Ukraine Relations Boitchenko, Andrew Immigration and Multiculturalism Member 2022/10/03 2024/10/03 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Advisory Council on Alberta-Ukraine Relations Volosina, Juliana Immigration and Multiculturalism Member 2021/10/25 2024/10/24 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Advisory Council on Alberta-Ukraine Relations Platonova, Inna Immigration and Multiculturalism Member 2021/10/25 2024/10/24 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Alberta Anti-Racism Advisory Council Fares, Bassam Immigration and Multiculturalism Public Member 2022/06/08 2025/06/07 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 2, Part B
Alberta Anti-Racism Advisory Council Poon, Norman Immigration and Multiculturalism Public Member 2022/06/08 2025/06/07 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 2, Part B
Alberta Anti-Racism Advisory Council Walsh, Sheetal Immigration and Multiculturalism Public Member 2022/06/08 2025/06/07 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 2, Part B
Alberta Anti-Racism Advisory Council Azim, Ambreen Immigration and Multiculturalism Public Member 2022/06/08 2025/06/07 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 2, Part B
Alberta Anti-Racism Advisory Council Bhatti, Khaleel Immigration and Multiculturalism Public Member 2022/06/08 2025/06/07 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 2, Part B
Alberta Anti-Racism Advisory Council Chaudhry, Sania Immigration and Multiculturalism Co-Chair 2023/04/06 2025/06/07 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 2, Part B
Alberta Anti-Racism Advisory Council Birjandian, Fariborz Immigration and Multiculturalism Public Member 2024/01/28 2025/01/27 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 2, Part B
Alberta Anti-Racism Advisory Council Akindipe, Stephen Immigration and Multiculturalism Public Member 2024/01/28 2025/01/27 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 2, Part B
Alberta Anti-Racism Advisory Council Silverman, Abe Immigration and Multiculturalism Public Member 2024/01/28 2025/01/27 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 2, Part B
Alberta Anti-Racism Advisory Council Odame-Ankrah, Charles Immigration and Multiculturalism Public Member 2024/01/28 2025/01/27 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 2, Part B
Alberta Anti-Racism Advisory Council Hasan, Adil Zaki Immigration and Multiculturalism Public Member 2024/01/28 2025/01/27 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 2, Part B
Alberta Anti-Racism Advisory Council Hassan, Hyder Immigration and Multiculturalism Public Member 2022/06/08 2025/06/07 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 2, Part B
Alberta Anti-Racism Advisory Council Mohammed, Yusuf Immigration and Multiculturalism Public Member 2024/01/28 2027/01/27 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 2, Part B
Alberta Anti-Racism Advisory Council Beebe, Pamela Immigration and Multiculturalism Public Member 2022/06/08 2025/06/07 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 2, Part B
Alberta Anti-Racism Advisory Council Agbonison, Helen Immigration and Multiculturalism Public Member 2023/04/06 2026/04/05 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 2, Part B
Alberta Anti-Racism Advisory Council Aryal, Shreekanta Immigration and Multiculturalism Public Member 2023/04/06 2026/04/05 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 2, Part B
Alberta Anti-Racism Advisory Council Sains, Sonia Immigration and Multiculturalism Public Member 2023/04/06 2025/04/05 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 2, Part B
Alberta Anti-Racism Advisory Council Singh, Gurpreet Immigration and Multiculturalism Public Member 2023/04/06 2025/04/05 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 2, Part B
Alberta Anti-Racism Advisory Council Shaikh, Mike Immigration and Multiculturalism Co-Chair 2024/01/28 2027/01/27 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 2, Part B
Alberta Black Advisory Council Johnston-Taylor, Nketti Immigration and Multiculturalism Co-Chair 2024/02/09 2027/02/08 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Alberta Black Advisory Council Juru, Samuel Immigration and Multiculturalism Member 2024/02/09 2027/02/08 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Alberta Black Advisory Council Dobbins, Deborah Immigration and Multiculturalism Member 2024/02/09 2027/02/08 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Alberta Black Advisory Council Ali, Farah Immigration and Multiculturalism Member 2024/02/09 2027/02/08 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Alberta Black Advisory Council Morrissey, Brian Immigration and Multiculturalism Member 2024/02/09 2026/02/08 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Alberta Black Advisory Council Tyndale, Robert Immigration and Multiculturalism Member 2024/02/09 2026/02/08 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Alberta Black Advisory Council Osakuade, Akinseinde Immigration and Multiculturalism Member 2024/02/09 2026/02/08 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Alberta Black Advisory Council Okeke-Ihejirika, Philomina Immigration and Multiculturalism Member (Premier's Council) 2024/02/09 2026/02/08 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Alberta Black Advisory Council Mohammed, Yusuf Immigration and Multiculturalism Co-Chair 2024/02/09 2026/02/08 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Alberta Black Advisory Council Stahl, Brittany Immigration and Multiculturalism Member 2024/02/09 2027/02/08 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Alberta Black Advisory Council Uzoka, Faith-Michael Immigration and Multiculturalism Member 2024/02/09 2027/02/08 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Foreign Credential Advisory Committee Miller, Rachel Immigration and Multiculturalism Member 2024/06/28 2026/03/28 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Foreign Credential Advisory Committee Mwaba, Misheck Immigration and Multiculturalism Chair & Member 2024/06/28 2026/03/28 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Foreign Credential Advisory Committee McGillivray, Susan Immigration and Multiculturalism Member 2024/06/28 2026/03/28 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Foreign Credential Advisory Committee Nagendran, Jay Immigration and Multiculturalism Member 2024/06/28 2026/03/28 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Foreign Credential Advisory Committee Ilochonwu, Kene Immigration and Multiculturalism Member 2024/06/28 2026/03/28 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Foreign Credential Advisory Committee Bergman, Megan Immigration and Multiculturalism Member 2024/06/28 2026/03/28 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Foreign Credential Advisory Committee Chaudhary, G. Nabi Immigration and Multiculturalism Member 2024/06/28 2026/03/28 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Foreign Credential Advisory Committee Feth, Shauna Immigration and Multiculturalism Member 2024/06/28 2026/03/28 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Foreign Credential Advisory Committee Lake, Deidre Immigration and Multiculturalism Member 2024/06/28 2026/03/28 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Foreign Credential Advisory Committee Linke, Cam Immigration and Multiculturalism Member 2024/06/28 2026/03/28 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Foreign Credential Advisory Committee Randall, Bruce Immigration and Multiculturalism Member 2024/06/28 2026/03/28 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Foreign Credential Advisory Committee Reeves-Gibbs, Glenys Immigration and Multiculturalism Member 2024/06/28 2026/03/28 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Foreign Credential Advisory Committee Stacey, Cinnamon Immigration and Multiculturalism Member 2024/06/28 2026/03/28 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Premier's Council on Multiculturalism (Council) Ahola, Alphonse Immigration and Multiculturalism Member 2023/04/14 2026/04/13 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Premier's Council on Multiculturalism (Council) El Shafie-Mostafa, Dahlia Immigration and Multiculturalism Member 2023/04/14 2026/04/13 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Premier's Council on Multiculturalism (Council) Estrada, Erick Immigration and Multiculturalism Member 2023/04/14 2026/04/13 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Premier's Council on Multiculturalism (Council) Paul, Gurbachan Immigration and Multiculturalism Member 2023/04/14 2026/04/13 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Premier's Council on Multiculturalism (Council) Mah, Holly Immigration and Multiculturalism Member 2023/04/14 2026/04/13 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Premier's Council on Multiculturalism (Council) Warsame, Hussein Immigration and Multiculturalism Member 2023/04/14 2026/04/13 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Premier's Council on Multiculturalism (Council) Gadhia, Rekha Immigration and Multiculturalism Member 2023/04/14 2026/04/13 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Premier's Council on Multiculturalism (Council) Inzunza, Rolando Immigration and Multiculturalism Member 2023/04/14 2026/04/13 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Premier's Council on Multiculturalism (Council) Augusto-Celis, Sherrisa Immigration and Multiculturalism Member 2023/04/14 2026/04/13 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Premier's Council on Multiculturalism (Council) Kluge, Sheliza Immigration and Multiculturalism Member 2023/04/14 2026/04/13 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Premier's Council on Multiculturalism (Council) Eltayeb, Ali Immigration and Multiculturalism Member 2023/04/14 2025/04/13 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Premier's Council on Multiculturalism (Council) Rakka, Ali Immigration and Multiculturalism Member 2023/04/14 2025/04/13 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Premier's Council on Multiculturalism (Council) Saleh, Basir Immigration and Multiculturalism Member 2023/04/14 2025/04/13 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Premier's Council on Multiculturalism (Council) Rehill, Buta Immigration and Multiculturalism Member 2023/04/14 2025/04/13 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Premier's Council on Multiculturalism (Council) Yang, Bo Immigration and Multiculturalism Member 2023/04/14 2025/04/13 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Premier's Council on Multiculturalism (Council) Wu, Charlie Immigration and Multiculturalism Member 2023/04/14 2025/04/13 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Premier's Council on Multiculturalism (Council) Halpern, Jacqueline Immigration and Multiculturalism Member 2023/04/14 2025/04/13 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Premier's Council on Multiculturalism (Council) Ibrahim, Jibril Immigration and Multiculturalism Member 2023/04/14 2025/04/13 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Premier's Council on Multiculturalism (Council) Esmaeili, Payman Immigration and Multiculturalism Member 2023/04/14 2025/04/13 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Premier's Council on Multiculturalism (Council) Walters, Rick Immigration and Multiculturalism Member 2023/04/14 2025/04/13 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Premier's Council on Multiculturalism (Council) Chun, Sun Jong Immigration and Multiculturalism Member 2023/04/14 2025/04/13 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Premier's Council on Multiculturalism (Council) Cheuk, Thomas Immigration and Multiculturalism Member 2023/04/14 2025/04/13 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Premier's Council on Multiculturalism (Council) Sumalinog, Virginia Immigration and Multiculturalism Member 2023/04/14 2025/04/13 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Premier's Council on Multiculturalism (Council) Balogun, Wa Le Immigration and Multiculturalism Member 2023/04/14 2025/04/13 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Premier's Council on Multiculturalism (Council) Asare, Ebenezer Immigration and Multiculturalism Member 2023/04/14 2026/04/13 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Premier's Council on Multiculturalism (Council) Eapen, Thomas Immigration and Multiculturalism Member 2023/04/14 2025/04/13 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Premier's Council on Multiculturalism (Council) Okeke-Ihejirika, Philomina Immigration and Multiculturalism Member and Co-Chair 2023/04/14 2026/04/13 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Premier's Council on Multiculturalism (Council) Jimmy, Justin Immigration and Multiculturalism Member 2023/04/14 2026/04/13 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Premier's Council on Multiculturalism (Council) Anand, Sumita Immigration and Multiculturalism Member and Co-Chair 2023/04/14 2026/04/13 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Alberta Indigenous Opportunities Corporation Moneta, Maureen Indigenous Relations Director 2023/01/26 2026/01/25 Order in Council Other
Alberta Indigenous Opportunities Corporation Buffalo, Stephen Indigenous Relations Chair & Director 2023/01/27 2024/11/24 Order in Council Other
Alberta Indigenous Opportunities Corporation Bosgoed, Gary Indigenous Relations Vice-Chair & Director 2022/01/27 2024/11/24 Order in Council Other
Alberta Indigenous Opportunities Corporation Milentyev, Vitaliy Indigenous Relations Director 2022/05/04 2025/04/19 Order in Council Other
Alberta Indigenous Opportunities Corporation Littlechild, Ruby Indigenous Relations Director 2022/05/04 2025/04/19 Order in Council Other
Alberta Indigenous Opportunities Corporation Boucher, Jim Indigenous Relations Director 2022/05/04 2025/04/19 Order in Council Other
Alberta Indigenous Opportunities Corporation Sutherland, Ward Indigenous Relations Director 2023/04/06 2026/01/25 Order in Council Other
Alberta Indigenous Opportunities Corporation Shade, Hank Indigenous Relations Director 2023/04/06 2026/01/25 Order in Council Other
Alberta Indigenous Opportunities Corporation Graham, Roderick Indigenous Relations Director 2024/01/27 2027/01/26 Order in Council Other
First Nations Women's Council on Economic Security Otway, Meeka Indigenous Relations Member 2020/12/01 2024/11/30 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
First Nations Women's Council on Economic Security Life-Yeomans, Suzanne Indigenous Relations Member 2021/11/29 2024/11/30 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
First Nations Women's Council on Economic Security Anderson-Laboucan, Bertha Indigenous Relations Member 2021/11/29 2024/11/30 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
First Nations Women's Council on Economic Security Good Rider, Crystal Indigenous Relations Member 2021/11/29 2025/11/30 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
First Nations Women's Council on Economic Security Laboucan, Melinda Indigenous Relations Member 2021/12/01 2025/11/30 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
First Nations Women's Council on Economic Security Mah, Delilah Indigenous Relations Member 2021/12/01 2025/11/30 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Metis Settlements Appeal Tribunal Thompson, Floyd Indigenous Relations Chair 2024/03/16 2028/03/15 Ministerial Order Other
Metis Settlements Appeal Tribunal Collins, Phyllis Indigenous Relations Vice-Chair & Member 2024/03/16 2028/03/15 Ministerial Order Other
Metis Settlements Appeal Tribunal Callihoo, Dennis Indigenous Relations Non-Settlement Member 2024/03/16 2028/03/15 Ministerial Order Other
Metis Settlements Appeal Tribunal Lambert, Anne-Marie Indigenous Relations Non-Settlement Member 2024/03/16 2028/03/15 Ministerial Order Other
Métis Women's Council on Economic Security Bell, Jeanien Indigenous Relations Member 2023/04/27 2025/11/30 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Métis Women's Council on Economic Security Malcolm, Alberta Indigenous Relations Member 2021/11/29 2024/11/30 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Métis Women's Council on Economic Security Calliou, Candice Indigenous Relations Member 2020/12/01 2024/11/30 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Métis Women's Council on Economic Security Venne, Rachelle Indigenous Relations Member 2020/12/01 2024/11/30 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Métis Women's Council on Economic Security Sutter, Sandra Indigenous Relations Member 2020/12/01 2024/11/30 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Métis Women's Council on Economic Security Ebach, Sandra Indigenous Relations Member 2021/11/29 2025/11/30 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Métis Women's Council on Economic Security Picotte, Millie Ann Indigenous Relations Member 2021/11/29 2025/11/30 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Métis Women's Council on Economic Security Young, Raelene Indigenous Relations Member 2021/11/29 2024/11/30 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Premier's Council on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Two Spirit Plus People Venne, Rachelle Indigenous Relations Chair & Member 2022/09/29 2025/10/03 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Premier's Council on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Two Spirit Plus People Otway, Meeka Indigenous Relations Member 2022/09/29 2024/10/03 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Premier's Council on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Two Spirit Plus People Tegler, Charity Indigenous Relations Member 2024/04/18 2025/10/03 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Premier's Council on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Two Spirit Plus People Assistant Deputy Minister, Indigenous Health, Health Indigenous Relations Ex-Officio Member 2024/04/18 2024/10/03 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Premier's Council on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Two Spirit Plus People Executive Director, Indigenous Women's Initiatives, Indigenous Relations Indigenous Relations Ex-Officio Member 2024/04/18 2025/10/03 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Premier's Council on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Two Spirit Plus People Director, Indigenous Policy and Service, Justice and Solicitor General Indigenous Relations Ex-Officio Member 2022/09/29 2024/10/03 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Premier's Council on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Two Spirit Plus People Assistant Deputy Minister, Preventive Community Services, Community and Social Services Indigenous Relations Ex-Officio Member 2022/09/29 2025/10/03 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Premier's Council on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Two Spirit Plus People Cardinal, Ashleigh Indigenous Relations Vice-Chair & Member 2024/04/18 2024/10/03 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Premier's Council on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Two Spirit Plus People Uchytil, Cheryl Indigenous Relations Member 2022/09/29 2024/10/03 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Premier's Council on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Two Spirit Plus People Houle, Kimmy Indigenous Relations Member 2022/09/29 2024/10/03 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Premier's Council on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Two Spirit Plus People Nepinak, Josie Indigenous Relations Member 2022/09/29 2025/10/03 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Appeals Commission for Alberta Workers' Compensation Davison, Christopher Jobs, Economy and Trade F/T Commissioner - Employers 2023/05/01 2026/04/30 Order in Council RABCCA
Appeals Commission for Alberta Workers' Compensation Tran, Judy Jobs, Economy and Trade P/T Commissioner - Workers 2023/05/01 2026/04/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 2, Part A
Appeals Commission for Alberta Workers' Compensation Aizenobie, Aituaje Jobs, Economy and Trade P/T Commissioner - Workers 2023/05/01 2026/04/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 2, Part A
Appeals Commission for Alberta Workers' Compensation Christian, Gideon Jobs, Economy and Trade P/T Commissioner - Workers 2023/05/01 2026/04/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 2, Part A
Appeals Commission for Alberta Workers' Compensation Edmunds, Asheena Jobs, Economy and Trade F/T Commissioner - Workers 2024/05/01 2027/04/30 Order in Council Other
Appeals Commission for Alberta Workers' Compensation Heslop, Robin Jobs, Economy and Trade F/T Commissioner - Workers 2024/05/01 2027/04/30 Order in Council Other
Appeals Commission for Alberta Workers' Compensation Robblee, Colin Jobs, Economy and Trade F/T Commissioner - Workers 2024/05/01 2027/04/30 Order in Council Other
Appeals Commission for Alberta Workers' Compensation Weatherall, Miles Jobs, Economy and Trade Appeals Commissioner 2022/05/01 2025/04/30 Order in Council 2x CRO Schedule 2 Part A
Appeals Commission for Alberta Workers' Compensation Glavin, Gibson Jobs, Economy and Trade Appeals Commissioner 2024/05/01 2027/04/30 Order in Council 2x CRO Schedule 2 Part A
Appeals Commission for Alberta Workers' Compensation Kelly, Gregory Jobs, Economy and Trade F/T - Commissioner - Workers 2024/05/01 2027/04/30 Order in Council Other
Appeals Commission for Alberta Workers' Compensation Basarab, Sherryl Jobs, Economy and Trade F/T - Commissioner - Employers 2023/05/01 2025/04/30 Order in Council RABCCA
Appeals Commission for Alberta Workers' Compensation Necula, Michael Jobs, Economy and Trade P/T - Commissioner - Employers 2022/07/01 2025/04/30 Order in Council 2x CRO Schedule 2 Part A
Appeals Commission for Alberta Workers' Compensation Wong, Gia Jobs, Economy and Trade F/T - Commissioner - Employers 2024/05/01 2027/04/30 Order in Council Other
Appeals Commission for Alberta Workers' Compensation Godziuk, Gary Jobs, Economy and Trade Vice-Chair, F/T Commisioner - Workers 2021/05/01 2026/04/30 Order in Council RABCCA
Appeals Commission for Alberta Workers' Compensation Kavaz, Vesna Jobs, Economy and Trade Appeals Commissioner 2024/05/01 2027/04/30 Order in Council 2x CRO Schedule 2 Part A
Appeals Commission for Alberta Workers' Compensation Parish, Lynn Jobs, Economy and Trade Vice-Chair, F/T Commisioner - Employers 2022/05/01 2027/04/30 Order in Council RABCCA
Appeals Commission for Alberta Workers' Compensation Ryan, Colleen Jobs, Economy and Trade F/T - Commissioner - Workers 2022/07/01 2025/04/30 Order in Council RABCCA
Appeals Commission for Alberta Workers' Compensation Bonnett, Lori Jobs, Economy and Trade P/T - Commissioner - Employers 2024/05/01 2027/04/30 Order in Council 2x CRO Schedule 2 Part A
Appeals Commission for Alberta Workers' Compensation Gordon, Susan Jobs, Economy and Trade F/T - Commissioner - Employers 2023/07/01 2026/04/30 Order in Council RABCCA
Appeals Commission for Alberta Workers' Compensation Faulder, Lynn Jobs, Economy and Trade F/T - Commissioner - Employers 2023/05/01 2026/04/30 Order in Council RABCCA
Appeals Commission for Alberta Workers' Compensation Boissonneault, Denis Jobs, Economy and Trade P/T - Commissioner - Workers 2023/05/01 2026/04/30 Order in Council 2x CRO Schedule 2 Part A
Appeals Commission for Alberta Workers' Compensation Anderson, Frank Jobs, Economy and Trade F/T - Commissioner - Workers 2022/07/01 2025/04/30 Order in Council RABCCA
Appeals Commission for Alberta Workers' Compensation Paquette, Paul Jobs, Economy and Trade Appeals Commissioner 2022/05/01 2025/04/30 Order in Council 2x CRO Schedule 2 Part A
Appeals Commission for Alberta Workers' Compensation Fisher, Charles Jobs, Economy and Trade Appeals Commissioner 2022/05/01 2025/04/30 Order in Council 2x CRO Schedule 2 Part A
Appeals Commission for Alberta Workers' Compensation Brittain, Grace Anne Jobs, Economy and Trade F/T - Commissioner - Employers 2022/07/01 2025/04/30 Order in Council RABCCA
Appeals Commission for Alberta Workers' Compensation Whiting, Patty Jobs, Economy and Trade F/T - Commissioner - Employers 2023/05/01 2026/04/30 Order in Council RABCCA
Appeals Commission for Alberta Workers' Compensation Reimer, Robert Jobs, Economy and Trade F/T - Commissioner - Employers 2023/07/01 2026/04/30 Order in Council RABCCA
Appeals Commission for Alberta Workers' Compensation McAvoy, Marilyn Jobs, Economy and Trade P/T - Commissioner - Workers 2023/05/01 2026/04/30 Order in Council 2x CRO Schedule 2 Part A
Appeals Commission for Alberta Workers' Compensation Read, Carol Jobs, Economy and Trade P/T - Commissioner - Workers 2023/05/01 2026/04/30 Order in Council 2x CRO Schedule 2 Part A
Appeals Commission for Alberta Workers' Compensation Peckham, Gary Jobs, Economy and Trade Appeals Commissioner 2024/05/01 2027/04/30 Order in Council 2x CRO Schedule 2 Part A
Appeals Commission for Alberta Workers' Compensation Tiessen, Jamie Jobs, Economy and Trade Appeals Commissioner 2024/05/01 2027/04/30 Order in Council 2x CRO Schedule 2 Part A
Appeals Commission for Alberta Workers' Compensation Gilman, Donna Jobs, Economy and Trade P/T - Commissioner - Workers 2022/07/01 2025/04/30 Order in Council 2x CRO Schedule 2 Part A
Appeals Commission for Alberta Workers' Compensation Bogstie, Gordon Jobs, Economy and Trade P/T - Commissioner - Workers 2023/07/01 2026/04/30 Order in Council 2x CRO Schedule 2 Part A
Appeals Commission for Alberta Workers' Compensation McKenna, Jerry Jobs, Economy and Trade P/T - Commissioner - Employers 2023/07/01 2026/04/30 Order in Council 2x CRO Schedule 2 Part A
Appeals Commission for Alberta Workers' Compensation Chaudhry, Sania Jobs, Economy and Trade P/T Commissioner - Workers 2023/05/01 2026/04/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 2, Part A
Appeals Commission for Alberta Workers' Compensation Keil, Jodi Jobs, Economy and Trade F/T - Commissioner - Workers 2023/05/01 2026/04/30 Order in Council RABCCA
Appeals Commission for Alberta Workers' Compensation Moore, Robert Jobs, Economy and Trade F/T - Commissioner - Workers 2024/05/01 2027/04/30 Order in Council Other
Appeals Commission for Alberta Workers' Compensation Saunders, Jody Jobs, Economy and Trade F/T - Commissioner - Employers 2024/05/01 2027/04/30 Order in Council Other
Appeals Commission for Alberta Workers' Compensation Kelly, Kevin Jobs, Economy and Trade Appeals Commissioner 2024/05/01 2027/04/30 Order in Council 2x CRO Schedule 2 Part A
Appeals Commission for Alberta Workers' Compensation Amery, Mohamed Jobs, Economy and Trade Appeals Commissioner 2022/05/01 2025/04/30 Order in Council 2x CRO Schedule 2 Part A
Appeals Commission for Alberta Workers' Compensation Bentivegna, Giuseppa Jobs, Economy and Trade Appeals Commissioner 2022/05/01 2025/04/30 Order in Council 2x CRO Schedule 2 Part A
Appeals Commission for Alberta Workers' Compensation Clark, Christina Jobs, Economy and Trade Appeals Commissioner 2022/05/01 2025/04/30 Order in Council 2x CRO Schedule 2 Part A
Appeals Commission for Alberta Workers' Compensation Fernando, Joshua Jobs, Economy and Trade Appeals Commissioner 2022/05/01 2025/04/30 Order in Council 2x CRO Schedule 2 Part A
Appeals Commission for Alberta Workers' Compensation Humphreys, Michael Jobs, Economy and Trade Appeals Commissioner 2024/05/01 2027/04/30 Order in Council 2x CRO Schedule 2 Part A
Appeals Commission for Alberta Workers' Compensation Verma, Rohit Jobs, Economy and Trade Appeals Commissioner 2022/05/01 2025/04/30 Order in Council 2x CRO Schedule 2 Part A
Appeals Commission for Alberta Workers' Compensation Laycock, Todd Jobs, Economy and Trade Appeals Commissioner 2024/05/01 2027/04/30 Order in Council 2x CRO Schedule 2 Part A
Appeals Commission for Alberta Workers' Compensation Wispinski, Dale Jobs, Economy and Trade Chair & Chief Appeals Commissioner 2021/11/01 2026/10/31 Order in Council RABCCA
Appeals Commission for Alberta Workers' Compensation Heighington, Lisa Jobs, Economy and Trade P/T Commissioner - Workers 2023/05/01 2026/04/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 2, Part A
Labour Relations Board Eustergerling, Geoffrey Jobs, Economy and Trade Member 2022/02/27 2025/02/26 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Labour Relations Board Fitz, Raelene Jobs, Economy and Trade Member 2022/02/27 2025/02/26 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Labour Relations Board Galway, Corinne Jobs, Economy and Trade Member 2022/02/27 2025/02/26 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Labour Relations Board Leclair, Darren Jobs, Economy and Trade Member 2022/02/27 2025/02/26 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Labour Relations Board Schick, Jeremy Jobs, Economy and Trade Vice-Chair & Lawyer Member 2022/09/25 2027/09/24 Order in Council RABCCA
Labour Relations Board Klassen, Randolph Jobs, Economy and Trade Member 2022/05/04 2025/05/03 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Labour Relations Board Thibodeau, Trisha Jobs, Economy and Trade Member 2022/05/04 2025/05/03 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Labour Relations Board Armstrong, William Jobs, Economy and Trade P/T Vice-Chair & Member 2024/06/23 2027/04/30 Order in Council Other
Labour Relations Board Nekolaichuk, Gordon Jobs, Economy and Trade Vice-Chair & Lawyer Member 2021/08/01 2026/07/31 Order in Council RABCCA
Labour Relations Board Graham, Carol Jobs, Economy and Trade Member 2024/07/18 2027/04/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Labour Relations Board Olmstead, Wayne Jobs, Economy and Trade Member 2023/05/01 2026/04/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Labour Relations Board Ploof, Cal Jobs, Economy and Trade Member 2023/04/11 2026/04/10 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Labour Relations Board Schenk, Rodney Jobs, Economy and Trade Member 2022/05/04 2025/05/03 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Labour Relations Board Johnson, William Jobs, Economy and Trade P/T Vice-Chair & Lawyer Member 2024/01/01 2026/04/30 Order in Council Other
Labour Relations Board Cunliffe, Pemme Jobs, Economy and Trade PT Vice-Chair & Member 2024/02/16 2027/02/15 Order in Council Other
Labour Relations Board Kolba, Bill Jobs, Economy and Trade Member 2022/07/25 2025/07/24 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Labour Relations Board Marsden, Peter Jobs, Economy and Trade Member 2023/04/11 2026/04/10 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Labour Relations Board Soderstrom, Carl Jobs, Economy and Trade Member 2023/10/31 2026/04/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Labour Relations Board Burns, Jennifer Jobs, Economy and Trade Member 2022/07/25 2025/07/24 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Labour Relations Board Bokenfohr, Paul Jobs, Economy and Trade Member 2023/10/31 2025/04/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Labour Relations Board Bish, Brent Jobs, Economy and Trade Member 2024/07/18 2027/04/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Labour Relations Board Flannery, Lynda Jobs, Economy and Trade Member 2022/07/24 2025/07/23 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Labour Relations Board Schlesinger, Nancy Jobs, Economy and Trade Chair, Essential Services Commissioner 2021/01/01 2025/12/31 Order in Council RABCCA
Labour Relations Board Farkas, Kris Jobs, Economy and Trade Member 2022/07/24 2025/07/23 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Labour Relations Board Norton, Crystal Jobs, Economy and Trade Member 2023/10/31 2026/04/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Labour Relations Board Thibault, Karen Jobs, Economy and Trade Member 2023/10/31 2026/04/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Labour Relations Board Lacasse, Jacqueline Jobs, Economy and Trade Member 2022/07/24 2025/07/23 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Labour Relations Board Smith, Ian Jobs, Economy and Trade Vice-Chair & Lawyer Member 2021/11/20 2026/11/19 Order in Council RABCCA
Labour Relations Board Scott, Karen Jobs, Economy and Trade P/T Vice-Chair & Member 2024/03/15 2027/03/14 Order in Council Other
Labour Relations Board Begemann, Bill Jobs, Economy and Trade Member 2023/04/11 2026/04/10 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Labour Relations Board Brown, Allan Jobs, Economy and Trade Member 2023/10/31 2026/04/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Labour Relations Board Davis, Clayton Jobs, Economy and Trade Member 2023/10/31 2026/04/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Labour Relations Board Renke, Brygeda Jobs, Economy and Trade Member 2023/10/31 2026/04/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Labour Relations Board Semaine, Wassila Jobs, Economy and Trade P/T Vice-Chair & Member 2024/04/08 2029/04/07 Order in Council Other
Labour Relations Board Chaffey, Jeffrey Jobs, Economy and Trade Member 2023/05/01 2026/04/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Labour Relations Board Fowler, Laine Jobs, Economy and Trade Member 2023/05/01 2026/04/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Labour Relations Board Gervais-Arbane, Debbie Jobs, Economy and Trade Member 2023/05/01 2026/04/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Labour Relations Board McGreer, Katie Jobs, Economy and Trade Member 2023/05/01 2026/04/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Labour Relations Board Mulla, Adeel Jobs, Economy and Trade Member 2023/05/01 2026/04/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Labour Relations Board Rosinski, Leanne Jobs, Economy and Trade Member 2023/05/01 2026/04/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Labour Relations Board Small, Brian Jobs, Economy and Trade Member 2023/05/01 2026/04/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Northern Alberta Development Council Yao, Tany Jobs, Economy and Trade Chair 2024/03/27 2025/03/26 Order in Council No Remuneration
Northern Alberta Development Council Doucette, Melonie Jobs, Economy and Trade Member 2024/05/23 2025/05/22 Order in Council CRO Schedule 2, Part A
Northern Alberta Development Council MacEachern, Janet Jobs, Economy and Trade Member 2024/05/23 2025/05/22 Order in Council CRO Schedule 2, Part A
Northern Alberta Development Council Sewepagaham, Conroy Jobs, Economy and Trade Member 2024/05/23 2025/05/22 Order in Council CRO Schedule 2, Part A
Northern Alberta Development Council Shmyruk, Tony Jobs, Economy and Trade Member 2024/05/23 2025/05/22 Order in Council CRO Schedule 2, Part A
Northern Alberta Development Council Ungarian, Terry Jobs, Economy and Trade Member 2024/05/23 2025/05/22 Order in Council CRO Schedule 2, Part A
Northern Alberta Development Council Copeland, Craig Jobs, Economy and Trade Member 2024/05/23 2025/05/22 Order in Council CRO Schedule 2, Part A
Workers' Compensation Board Boyle, Mike Jobs, Economy and Trade Worker Member 2023/03/21 2026/03/20 Order in Council 2x CRO Schedule 2 Part A
Workers' Compensation Board Walker, Nancy Jobs, Economy and Trade Employer Member 2024/05/09 2027/05/08 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Workers' Compensation Board Phillips-Rickey, Mary Jobs, Economy and Trade Public Member 2023/03/21 2026/03/20 Order in Council 2x CRO Schedule 2 Part A
Workers' Compensation Board Block, Ray Jobs, Economy and Trade Chair & Member 2023/03/21 2026/03/20 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Workers' Compensation Board Frank, Brian Jobs, Economy and Trade Public Member 2021/12/08 2024/12/07 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Workers' Compensation Board Copping, Jordon Jobs, Economy and Trade Public Member 2024/05/09 2027/05/08 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Workers' Compensation Board Alexander, Trevor Jobs, Economy and Trade President & CEO 2019/03/18 Other RABCCA
Workers' Compensation Board Seo, Claire Jobs, Economy and Trade Worker Member 2024/05/09 2027/05/08 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Workers' Compensation Board McConkey, Brian Jobs, Economy and Trade Employer Member 2023/03/21 2026/03/20 Order in Council 2x CRO Schedule 2 Part A
Workers' Compensation Board Miller, Shawna Jobs, Economy and Trade Employer Member 2023/03/21 2026/03/20 Order in Council 2x CRO Schedule 2 Part A
Alberta Human Rights Commission Dickins, Cynthia Justice P/T Member 2022/10/07 2025/10/06 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Human Rights Commission Whyte, Nathalie Justice P/T Member 2022/10/07 2025/10/06 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Human Rights Commission Haykowsky, Teresa Rose Justice P/T Member 2022/08/15 2025/08/14 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Human Rights Commission Ringseis, Erika Justice P/T Member 2022/08/15 2025/08/14 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Human Rights Commission Bonora, Doris Justice P/T Member 2022/08/15 2025/08/14 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Human Rights Commission Ahanonu, C. Nduka Justice P/T Member 2021/08/21 2024/08/20 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Human Rights Commission Badejo, Sandra Justice P/T Member 2021/08/21 2024/08/20 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Human Rights Commission Oshionebo, Evaristus Justice P/T Member 2022/12/01 2024/08/20 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Human Rights Commission Shim, Wilma Justice P/T Member 2021/08/21 2024/08/20 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Human Rights Commission Oviatt, Kathryn Justice Chief of Commission and Tribunals 2022/12/01 2027/11/30 Order in Council RABCCA
Alberta Human Rights Commission Scott, Karen Justice P/T Member 2024/06/29 2027/06/28 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Human Rights Commission Milliken, Nicholas Justice Director 2024/07/05 2027/07/04 Order in Council Other
Alberta Human Rights Commission Abdelhamid, Rabie Justice P/T Member 2024/06/20 2027/06/19 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Human Rights Commission Christianson, Dana Justice P/T Member 2024/06/20 2027/06/19 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Human Rights Commission Leclerc, Shawn Justice P/T Member 2024/06/20 2027/06/19 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Human Rights Commission Sherry, Leigh Justice P/T Member 2024/06/20 2027/06/19 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Human Rights Commission Wiltshire, Rod Justice P/T Member 2024/06/20 2027/06/19 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Human Rights Commission Bawa, Faraz Justice P/T Member 2022/08/18 2025/08/17 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Human Rights Commission Gill, Jessica Justice P/T Member 2022/08/18 2025/08/17 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Judicial Nominating Committee Crowfoot, Chief Ouray Justice Member 2023/03/20 2026/03/19 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Judicial Nominating Committee Sara, Anand Justice Member 2023/12/15 2027/12/14 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Judicial Nominating Committee Nelson, Patricia Justice Member 2023/04/29 2026/04/28 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Judicial Nominating Committee Cenaiko, Harvey Justice Member 2023/04/29 2026/04/28 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Judicial Nominating Committee Cooper, Terrence Justice Member 2023/04/29 2026/04/28 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Judicial Nominating Committee Evans, John Justice Member 2023/04/29 2026/04/28 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Judicial Nominating Committee Nicholson, Christa Justice Chair & Member 2022/02/24 2025/02/23 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Judicial Nominating Committee Timbres, Melissa Justice Member 2023/04/29 2026/04/28 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Law Foundation Ogunsola, Seun Justice Member 2023/05/11 2025/05/10 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Law Foundation Buckley-Tkach, Sharon Justice Member 2023/05/11 2025/05/10 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Law Foundation Blake, Dawn-Lyn Justice Member 2023/05/11 2025/05/10 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Criminal Code Review Board Tanguay, Robert Justice Psychiatrist member 2023/11/22 2026/11/21 Order in Council Other
Criminal Code Review Board LeBlanc, Guy Justice Member 2023/03/29 2026/03/28 Order in Council Other
Criminal Code Review Board Lee, Lora Justice Member 2023/03/29 2026/03/28 Order in Council Other
Criminal Code Review Board Young, Steven Justice Member 2023/03/29 2026/03/28 Order in Council Other
Criminal Code Review Board Chichak, Maryann Justice Member 2021/10/25 2024/10/24 Order in Council Other
Criminal Code Review Board Ko, Patty Justice Legal Member 2022/05/25 2025/05/24 Order in Council Other
Criminal Code Review Board Louhela, Lori Justice Member 2023/04/29 2026/04/28 Order in Council Other
Criminal Code Review Board Marr, Todd Justice Legal Member 2023/06/06 2026/06/05 Order in Council Other
Criminal Code Review Board Forsyth, Heather Justice Member 2023/01/21 2026/01/20 Order in Council Other
Criminal Code Review Board Stovel, Laura Justice Psychiatrist Member 2021/06/09 2025/06/08 Order in Council Other
Criminal Code Review Board McCruden, Jane Justice Psychiatrist Member 2022/06/01 2025/05/31 Order in Council Other
Criminal Code Review Board Chipeur, Gerry Justice Member 2023/01/21 2026/01/20 Order in Council Other
Criminal Code Review Board Gordon, Alan Justice Psychiatrist Member 2021/06/09 2025/06/08 Order in Council Other
Criminal Code Review Board Hawranik, Gerald Justice Chair & Member 2023/01/31 2026/01/31 Order in Council Other
Criminal Code Review Board Mohamed, Zahra Justice Psychiatrist Member 2024/05/09 2027/05/08 Order in Council Other
Criminal Code Review Board Rourke, Margaret Justice Psychiatrist Member 2024/01/20 2027/01/19 Order in Council Other
Fatality Review Board McDougall, Jacqueline Justice Physician Member 2023/03/29 2026/03/28 Order in Council Other
Fatality Review Board Nelson, Byron Warren Justice Chair & Legal Member 2023/05/13 2026/05/12 Order in Council Other
Fatality Review Board Makofka, Peggy Justice Member 2022/03/23 2025/03/22 Order in Council Other
Judicial Council Wilkie, Jill Justice Member 2023/04/29 2026/04/28 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Judicial Council Kennedy, Gerard Justice Member 2024/07/09 2027/07/08 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Law Society of Alberta Louie, Levonne Justice Public Member - Lay Bencher 2022/09/08 2025/09/07 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Law Society of Alberta Neilson, Mary Ellen Justice Public Member - Lay Bencher 2022/09/08 2025/09/07 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Law Society of Alberta Wasylenko, Louise Justice Public Member - Lay Bencher 2022/09/08 2024/11/24 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Law Society of Alberta Buick, Glen Justice Public Member - Lay Bencher 2022/09/08 2025/09/07 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Notaries Public Advisory Committee Bryson, Corrina Justice Public Member 2022/10/17 2025/10/16 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Notaries Public Advisory Committee Registrar, Department of Justice and Solictor General Justice Secretary 2019/09/24 Ministerial Order No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Notaries Public Advisory Committee Kothari, Shamsher Justice Chair 2024/01/23 2027/01/22 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Rules of Court Committee Kenny, William Justice Member, The Law Society of Alberta 2022/08/31 2025/08/30 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Rules of Court Committee Hykaway, Cynthia Justice Member 2021/12/01 2024/11/30 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Canadian Centre of Recovery Excellence Kaufmann, Kimberly Mental Health and Addiction Chair 2024/06/21 2025/06/30 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Mental Health Review Panel Roster Cummins, Mary Mental Health and Addiction Psychiatrist Member 2023/04/13 2026/04/12 Ministerial Order Other
Mental Health Review Panel Roster John, Nicholas Mental Health and Addiction Psychiatrist Member 2023/04/13 2026/04/12 Ministerial Order Other
Mental Health Review Panel Roster MacArthur, Sarah Mental Health and Addiction Psychiatrist Member 2023/04/13 2026/04/12 Ministerial Order Other
Mental Health Review Panel Roster Fung, Eric Mental Health and Addiction Psychiatrist Member 2023/04/13 2026/04/12 Ministerial Order Other
Mental Health Review Panel Roster Mirok, Deepak Mental Health and Addiction Psychiatrist Member 2023/04/13 2026/04/12 Ministerial Order Other
Mental Health Review Panel Roster Bazlik, Bonnie Mental Health and Addiction Public Member 2023/04/13 2026/04/12 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Mental Health Review Panel Roster Hutchinson, Lynn Mental Health and Addiction Public Member 2023/04/13 2026/04/12 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Mental Health Review Panel Roster Armstrong, Matthew Mental Health and Addiction Public Member 2023/04/13 2026/04/12 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Mental Health Review Panel Roster MacDonald, Bradley Mental Health and Addiction Public Member 2023/04/13 2026/04/12 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Mental Health Review Panel Roster Tanguay, Karen Mental Health and Addiction Psychiatrist Member 2024/03/13 2027/05/30 Ministerial Order Other
Mental Health Review Panel Roster Bradford, Megan Mental Health and Addiction Public Member 2023/04/13 2026/04/12 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Mental Health Review Panel Roster Huot, Denis Mental Health and Addiction Vice Chair (Central) & Alternate Vice-Chair (South and North) 2023/01/01 2025/12/31 Ministerial Order Other
Mental Health Review Panel Roster Norris, Lynn Marie Mental Health and Addiction Public Member 2022/02/01 2025/02/04 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Mental Health Review Panel Roster DiPinto, Genna Mental Health and Addiction Public Member 2022/02/01 2025/02/04 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Mental Health Review Panel Roster Gupta, Mehul Mental Health and Addiction Public Member 2022/02/01 2025/02/04 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Mental Health Review Panel Roster Stovel, Laura Mental Health and Addiction Psychiatrist Member 2023/09/16 2026/09/15 Ministerial Order Other
Mental Health Review Panel Roster LaJeunesse, Tomy Mental Health and Addiction Psychiatrist Member 2023/09/16 2026/09/15 Ministerial Order Other
Mental Health Review Panel Roster Crockford, David Mental Health and Addiction Psychiatrist Member 2023/09/16 2026/09/15 Ministerial Order Other
Mental Health Review Panel Roster Bunting, Natalie Mental Health and Addiction Public Member 2023/09/16 2026/09/15 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Mental Health Review Panel Roster Beier, Marvin Mental Health and Addiction Public Member 2023/09/16 2026/09/15 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Mental Health Review Panel Roster Gautama, Bob Mental Health and Addiction Public Member 2023/09/16 2026/09/15 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Mental Health Review Panel Roster Laycock, Todd Mental Health and Addiction Public Member 2023/09/16 2026/09/15 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Mental Health Review Panel Roster Mockridge, Britton Mental Health and Addiction Chair (Central) & Vice-Chair (North & South) 2023/01/01 2025/12/31 Ministerial Order Other
Mental Health Review Panel Roster Pavelich, Joy Mental Health and Addiction Public Member 2023/09/16 2026/09/15 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Mental Health Review Panel Roster Windwick, Brent Mental Health and Addiction Vice-Chair (North) & Alternate Vice-Chair (Central and South) 2023/09/01 2026/08/31 Ministerial Order Other
Mental Health Review Panel Roster Hnatko, Gary Mental Health and Addiction Psychiatrist Member 2023/09/16 2026/09/15 Ministerial Order Other
Mental Health Review Panel Roster Milani, Ali-Reza Mental Health and Addiction Psychiatrist Member 2023/09/16 2026/09/15 Ministerial Order Other
Mental Health Review Panel Roster Milne, Denise Mental Health and Addiction Public Member 2023/09/16 2026/09/15 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Mental Health Review Panel Roster Buchanan, Samuel Mental Health and Addiction Public Member 2023/09/16 2026/09/15 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Mental Health Review Panel Roster LaJeunesse, Ronald Mental Health and Addiction Public Member 2023/09/16 2025/06/15 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Mental Health Review Panel Roster Rourke, Margaret Mental Health and Addiction Psychiatrist Member 2024/03/13 2027/03/15 Ministerial Order Other
Mental Health Review Panel Roster Pound, Colleen Mental Health and Addiction Public Member 2022/02/01 2025/02/04 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Mental Health Review Panel Roster Sproule, Sharon Mental Health and Addiction Vice-Chair (South) & Alternate Vice-Chair (North and Central) 2023/06/21 2026/06/20 Ministerial Order Other
Mental Health Review Panel Roster Steblecki Corns, Jane Mental Health and Addiction Chair (North) & Alternate Vice-Chair (Central and South) 2022/02/01 2025/03/15 Ministerial Order Other
Mental Health Review Panel Roster Greenaway, Malanie Mental Health and Addiction Public Member 2022/02/01 2025/02/04 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Mental Health Review Panel Roster Kreiner, Monica Mental Health and Addiction Public Member 2022/02/01 2025/06/15 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Mental Health Review Panel Roster Macphail, Emily Mental Health and Addiction Public Member 2022/02/01 2025/09/15 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Mental Health Review Panel Roster Colenutt, Avril Mental Health and Addiction Public Member 2023/04/13 2026/04/12 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Mental Health Review Panel Roster Porter, Joel Mental Health and Addiction Public Member 2023/09/16 2026/09/15 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Mental Health Review Panel Roster Jackman, Joshua Mental Health and Addiction Public Member 2022/02/01 2025/02/04 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Mental Health Review Panel Roster Klein, Linda Mental Health and Addiction Public Member 2023/04/13 2026/04/12 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Mental Health Review Panel Roster Kherani, Shaffin Mental Health and Addiction Public Member 2022/02/01 2025/06/15 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Mental Health Review Panel Roster Meakins, Debra Mental Health and Addiction Public Member 2022/02/01 2025/06/15 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Mental Health Review Panel Roster Al Faraj, Noura Mental Health and Addiction Psychiatrist Member 2023/09/16 2026/09/15 Ministerial Order Other
Mental Health Review Panel Roster Mohamed, Zahra Mental Health and Addiction Psychiatrist Member 2023/09/16 2026/09/15 Ministerial Order Other
Mental Health Review Panel Roster Petrov, Elena Mental Health and Addiction Psychiatrist Member 2023/09/16 2026/09/15 Ministerial Order Other
Mental Health Review Panel Roster Enns, Christine Mental Health and Addiction Public Member 2023/04/13 2026/04/12 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Mental Health Review Panel Roster Tuttle, John Mental Health and Addiction Psychiatrist Member 2022/02/01 2025/06/15 Ministerial Order Other
Mental Health Review Panel Roster Sellmer, Rory Mental Health and Addiction Psychiatrist Member 2022/02/01 2025/06/15 Ministerial Order Other
Mental Health Review Panel Roster Metelitsa, Yuri Mental Health and Addiction Psychiatrist Member 2022/02/01 2025/06/15 Ministerial Order Other
Mental Health Review Panel Roster Ladhani, Naeem Mental Health and Addiction Public Member 2023/04/13 2026/04/12 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Mental Health Review Panel Roster Butler, Patricia Mental Health and Addiction Public Member 2024/03/13 2026/03/15 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Mental Health Review Panel Roster Urness, Douglas Mental Health and Addiction Psychiatrist Member 2022/02/01 2025/02/04 Ministerial Order Other
Mental Health Review Panel Roster Shields, Gordon Mental Health and Addiction Public Member 2022/02/01 2025/06/15 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Mental Health Review Panel Roster Gordon, Alan Mental Health and Addiction Psychiatrist Member 2024/03/13 2027/05/30 Ministerial Order Other
Mental Health Review Panel Roster Watson, Doug Mental Health and Addiction Psychiatrist Member 2023/09/16 2026/09/15 Ministerial Order Other
Mental Health Review Panel Roster Osinchuk, James Mental Health and Addiction Psychiatrist Member 2023/04/13 2026/04/12 Ministerial Order Other
Mental Health Review Panel Roster Prowse, Deborah Mental Health and Addiction Chair (South) & Alternate Vice-Chair (North and Central) 2023/01/21 2026/01/20 Ministerial Order Other
Recovery Alberta Bales, Kerry Mental Health and Addiction Chair 2024/07/01 2026/06/30 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Alberta Boilers Safety Association Williams, Trevor Municipal Affairs Member 2022/10/01 2025/09/30 Ministerial Order Other
Alberta Elevating Devices and Amusement Rides Safety Association Slater, Doug Municipal Affairs Public Member 2023/05/01 2025/04/30 Ministerial Order Expenses Only
Calgary Metropolitan Regional Board ADM,Municipal Affairs, Public Safety Division Municipal Affairs GOA Rep 2017/12/05 Order in Council No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Calgary Metropolitan Regional Board Non-GoA Appointment, (Member) Municipal Affairs GOA Rep Order in Council No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Edmonton Metropolitan Region Board Non-GoA Appointment, (Member) Municipal Affairs Municipality Rep Non-GOA Appointment No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Edmonton Metropolitan Region Board ADM,Municipal Affairs, Public Safety Division Municipal Affairs GOA Rep 2017/12/05 Order in Council No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Selland, Glenn Municipal Affairs Member 2023/07/01 2026/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Steinke, Sheldon Municipal Affairs Member 2024/07/01 2027/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Sokolan, Gail Municipal Affairs Member 2024/07/01 2027/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal McRory, Susan Municipal Affairs Chair & Member 2024/07/01 2027/06/30 Order in Council RABCCA
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Mann, Terri Municipal Affairs Member 2024/07/01 2027/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Johnston, Bill Municipal Affairs Member 2024/07/01 2027/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Roberts, Donald Municipal Affairs Member 2024/07/01 2027/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Samuels, Barbara Municipal Affairs Member 2024/07/01 2027/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Hisey, Brenda Municipal Affairs Member 2024/07/01 2027/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Jones, Jack Municipal Affairs Member 2023/07/01 2026/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Mazumdar, Paul Municipal Affairs Member 2023/07/01 2026/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Mullen, Dierdre Municipal Affairs Member 2023/07/01 2026/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Weatherall, Miles Municipal Affairs Member 2024/07/01 2027/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Bews, Tamara Municipal Affairs Member 2023/07/01 2026/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Brook, Mary-Kay Municipal Affairs Member 2024/07/01 2027/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Lacasse, Line Municipal Affairs Member 2024/07/01 2027/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Kemmere, Al Municipal Affairs Member 2022/04/20 2025/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Dawson, Jeff Municipal Affairs Member 2024/07/01 2027/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Weleschuk, Ivan Municipal Affairs Member 2023/07/01 2026/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Krischke, Gregory Municipal Affairs Member 2022/07/01 2025/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Crouse, Nolan Municipal Affairs Member 2022/04/20 2025/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Yakimchuk, Lana Municipal Affairs Member 2023/07/01 2026/06/30 Order in Council RABCCA
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Tywoniuk, Nick Municipal Affairs Member 2023/07/01 2026/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Ayorech, Benjamin Municipal Affairs Member 2022/04/20 2025/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Woolsey, Dennis Municipal Affairs Member 2022/07/01 2025/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Rowland, Phil Municipal Affairs Member 2023/07/01 2026/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Vercillo, Michael Municipal Affairs Member 2023/03/29 2026/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Zezulka, Jerry Municipal Affairs Member 2023/07/01 2026/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Horrocks, Bryan Municipal Affairs Member 2023/03/29 2026/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Loven, Larry Municipal Affairs Member 2023/03/29 2026/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Thomas, David Municipal Affairs Member 2024/07/01 2027/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Williams, Earl Municipal Affairs Member 2024/07/01 2027/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Kim, Heesung Municipal Affairs Member 2022/07/01 2025/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal McNeil, Barbara Municipal Affairs Member 2022/04/20 2025/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Williams, Harold Municipal Affairs Member 2024/07/01 2027/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Dey, Dennis Municipal Affairs Member 2023/07/01 2026/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Meagher, Timothy Municipal Affairs Member 2023/07/01 2026/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Buchanan, Guy Municipal Affairs Member 2023/07/01 2026/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Kelly, Kevin Municipal Affairs Member 2022/04/20 2025/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Nagy, Alex Municipal Affairs Member 2022/04/20 2025/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Oberg, Mark Municipal Affairs Member 2024/07/01 2027/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Melton, Andrew Municipal Affairs Member 2022/07/01 2025/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Mozeson, Laurie Municipal Affairs Member 2022/07/01 2025/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Byron, Mila Municipal Affairs Member 2024/07/01 2027/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Chowdhury, Amit Municipal Affairs Member 2022/04/20 2025/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Dunham, Laura Municipal Affairs Member 2022/04/20 2025/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Dziadyk, Jon Municipal Affairs Member 2022/04/20 2025/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Fung, Kismet Municipal Affairs Member 2022/04/20 2025/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Greenfield, Donald Municipal Affairs Member 2022/04/20 2025/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Kavanagh, Mark Municipal Affairs Member 2022/04/20 2025/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Kelly, Steven Municipal Affairs Member 2022/04/20 2025/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Newcombe, Gary Municipal Affairs Member 2022/04/20 2025/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Rojas, Romeo Municipal Affairs Member 2022/04/20 2025/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Swanson, Michael Municipal Affairs Member 2022/04/20 2025/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Yackulic, Peter Municipal Affairs Member 2022/04/20 2025/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Symes, Judy Municipal Affairs Member 2023/03/29 2026/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Watkins, Ray Municipal Affairs Member 2023/03/29 2026/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Williamson, Michelle Municipal Affairs Member 2023/03/29 2026/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Anya, Orieji Municipal Affairs Member 2023/03/29 2026/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Fleming, Lawrence Municipal Affairs Member 2023/03/29 2026/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Mitchell, Janet Municipal Affairs Member 2023/03/29 2026/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Ofodile, Ijeoma Municipal Affairs Member 2023/03/29 2026/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Perry, Megan Municipal Affairs Member 2023/03/29 2026/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Bickford, Kevin (Barry) Municipal Affairs Member 2024/07/01 2027/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Danchuk, Lee (Derrel) Municipal Affairs Member 2024/07/01 2027/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Dziwenka, Garry Municipal Affairs Member 2024/07/01 2027/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Mathias, John Municipal Affairs Member 2024/07/01 2027/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Cooper, Mark Municipal Affairs Member 2024/07/01 2027/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Richardson, Gary Municipal Affairs Member 2024/07/01 2027/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Land and Property Rights Tribunal Macdonald, Matthew J. Municipal Affairs Member 2024/07/01 2027/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Safety Codes Council Abbas, Abbas Municipal Affairs Public Member, Fire Sub-Council 2022/02/01 2025/01/31 Ministerial Order No Remuneration
Safety Codes Council Rector, Stacey Municipal Affairs Public Member, Electric Sub-Council 2022/02/01 2025/01/31 Ministerial Order No Remuneration
Safety Codes Council Walker, Zachary Municipal Affairs Public Member, Building Sub-Council 2021/04/08 2024/04/30 Ministerial Order No Remuneration
Safety Codes Council Mah-Paulson, Tran Municipal Affairs Public Member, Gas Sub-Council 2021/04/08 2024/04/30 Ministerial Order No Remuneration
Safety Codes Council Colwell, Mitch Municipal Affairs Public Member, Plumbing Sub-Council 2021/04/08 2024/04/30 Ministerial Order No Remuneration
Safety Codes Council Chan, Mandy Wing Yin Municipal Affairs Public Member, Amusement Rides Sub-Council 2021/04/08 2024/04/30 Ministerial Order No Remuneration
Safety Codes Council Burghardt, Sarah Municipal Affairs Public Member, Elevators Sub-Council 2022/01/28 2025/01/31 Ministerial Order No Remuneration
Safety Codes Council Matthew, Jill Municipal Affairs Chair & Member 2022/07/05 2025/06/30 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Safety Codes Council Moore, Nyssa Municipal Affairs Public Member, Pressure Equipment Sub-Council 2023/11/30 2026/11/30 Ministerial Order No Remuneration
Safety Codes Council Hood, Ken Municipal Affairs Public Member, Electric Sub-Council 2023/11/30 2026/11/30 Ministerial Order No Remuneration
Safety Codes Council Lam, Carl Municipal Affairs Public Member, Passenger Ropeways Sub-Council 2023/11/30 2027/01/31 Ministerial Order No Remuneration
Safety Codes Council Muir, Karen Municipal Affairs Public Member, Barrier-free Sub-Council 2023/11/30 2027/01/31 Ministerial Order No Remuneration
Safety Codes Council Horrigan, Dennis Municipal Affairs Public Member, Private Sewage Disposal Systems Sub-Council 2022/02/01 2025/01/31 Ministerial Order No Remuneration
Special Areas Board Christianson, Jordon Municipal Affairs Chair & GOA Employee 2021/09/15 2025/09/14 Order in Council No Remuneration
Special Areas Board Noble, Doug Municipal Affairs Member 2024/04/23 2026/04/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Special Areas Board Slorstad, Brad Municipal Affairs Member 2024/04/23 2026/04/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Special Areas Board Wilson, Kevin Municipal Affairs Member 2024/04/23 2026/04/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Alberta Parole Board Wardley, Lisa Public Safety and Emergency Services Member 2024/02/01 2027/01/31 Order in Council Other
Alberta Parole Board Hanson, Rick Public Safety and Emergency Services Chair & Member 2024/02/01 2027/01/31 Order in Council Other
Alberta Parole Board Paterson, Craig Public Safety and Emergency Services Member 2023/03/29 2026/03/28 Order in Council Other
Alberta Parole Board Takacs, Shelly Public Safety and Emergency Services Member 2023/03/29 2026/03/28 Order in Council Other
Alberta Parole Board Tripathy, Angela Public Safety and Emergency Services Member 2023/03/29 2026/03/28 Order in Council Other
Alberta Parole Board Bourassa, Paul Public Safety and Emergency Services Member 2024/02/01 2027/01/31 Order in Council Other
Law Enforcement Review Board Mahmood, Usman Public Safety and Emergency Services Lawyer Member 2021/12/08 2024/12/07 Order in Council Other
Law Enforcement Review Board Ahanonu, C. Nduka Public Safety and Emergency Services Lawyer Member 2023/03/29 2026/03/28 Order in Council Other
Law Enforcement Review Board Aalbers, Angela Public Safety and Emergency Services Public Member 2021/07/23 2024/07/22 Order in Council Other
Law Enforcement Review Board McKenzie, David Public Safety and Emergency Services Lawyer Member 2021/12/08 2024/12/07 Order in Council Other
Law Enforcement Review Board Kelly, Kevin Public Safety and Emergency Services Chair & Lawyer Member 2022/05/25 2025/05/24 Order in Council Other
Law Enforcement Review Board Porter, Joel Public Safety and Emergency Services Public Member 2023/03/29 2026/03/28 Order in Council Other
Law Enforcement Review Board Foster, Victoria Public Safety and Emergency Services Lawyer Member 2022/06/01 2025/05/31 Order in Council Other
Law Enforcement Review Board Lali, Kanwal Public Safety and Emergency Services Public Member 2023/03/29 2026/03/28 Order in Council Other
Law Enforcement Review Board Buick, Glen Public Safety and Emergency Services Public Member 2022/05/25 2025/05/24 Order in Council Other
Law Enforcement Review Board Perry, Megan Public Safety and Emergency Services Lawyer Member 2023/03/29 2026/03/28 Order in Council Other
Law Enforcement Review Board Hahn, Brian Public Safety and Emergency Services Public Member 2023/11/22 2026/11/21 Order in Council Other
Law Enforcement Review Board Esmail, Nadeem Public Safety and Emergency Services Public Member 2022/09/16 2025/09/15 Order in Council Other
Public Security Indigenous Advisory Committee Nepinak, Josie Public Safety and Emergency Services Member 2022/10/06 2024/10/05 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Public Security Indigenous Advisory Committee Orr, Marlene Public Safety and Emergency Services Co-Chair 2023/11/27 2025/10/05 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Public Security Indigenous Advisory Committee Manywounds, Teddy Public Safety and Emergency Services Member 2023/11/27 2026/10/05 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Public Security Indigenous Advisory Committee MacPhee, David Public Safety and Emergency Services Member 2022/10/06 2024/10/05 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Public Security Indigenous Advisory Committee Oka, Tyler Public Safety and Emergency Services Member 2022/10/06 2024/10/05 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Public Security Indigenous Advisory Committee Sinclair, Scott Public Safety and Emergency Services Co-Chair 2023/11/27 2026/11/26 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Public Security Indigenous Advisory Committee Jackson, Darlene Public Safety and Emergency Services Member 2024/06/06 2026/06/05 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Public Security Indigenous Advisory Committee Bourque, Sharon Public Safety and Emergency Services Member 2023/11/27 2026/11/26 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Public Security Indigenous Advisory Committee Cunningham, Bradley Public Safety and Emergency Services Member 2022/10/06 2024/10/05 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Public Security Indigenous Advisory Committee Thiessen, Earl Public Safety and Emergency Services Member 2022/10/06 2025/10/05 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Victims of Crime and Public Safety Programs Committee Hawrelak, Chelsea Public Safety and Emergency Services Member 2024/06/19 2026/06/18 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Victims of Crime and Public Safety Programs Committee Quest, David Public Safety and Emergency Services Member 2024/06/06 2026/06/05 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Victims of Crime and Public Safety Programs Committee Smith, Shelley Public Safety and Emergency Services GOA Rep 2024/06/19 2026/06/18 Ministerial Order No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Victims of Crime and Public Safety Programs Committee Cusanelli, Christine Public Safety and Emergency Services Chair & Member 2024/02/22 2026/02/21 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Classification Appeal Board Kelly, John Public Service Commission Employer Appointee - GOA 2003/10/01 Ministerial Order No Remuneration
Classification Appeal Board Drennan, Carol Public Service Commission Union Appointee - AUPE 2008/10/01 Ministerial Order No Remuneration
Classification Appeal Board Perry, Bruce Public Service Commission Chair 2024/01/10 2027/01/09 Ministerial Order Other
Classification Appeal Board Currie, Ashley Public Service Commission Employer Appointee - GOA 2020/05/01 Ministerial Order No Remuneration
Classification Appeal Board Weinrich, Carrie Public Service Commission Employer Appointee - GOA 2020/05/01 Ministerial Order No Remuneration
Classification Appeal Board Lee, Jocelyn Public Service Commission Employer Appointee - GOA 2020/05/01 Ministerial Order No Remuneration
Classification Appeal Board Callahan, Laura Public Service Commission Employer Appointee - GOA 2020/05/01 Ministerial Order No Remuneration
Classification Appeal Board Watson, Lee Public Service Commission Union Appointee - AUPE 2020/05/01 Ministerial Order No Remuneration
Classification Appeal Board Coccimiglio, John Public Service Commission Employer Appointee - GOA 2020/05/01 Ministerial Order No Remuneration
Classification Appeal Board Lam, Abigail Public Service Commission Employer Appointee - GOA 2020/05/01 Ministerial Order No Remuneration
Classification Appeal Board Re, Melissa Public Service Commission Employer Appointee - GOA 2020/05/01 Ministerial Order No Remuneration
Classification Appeal Board Lawson, Shannon Public Service Commission Employer Appointee - GOA 2020/05/01 Ministerial Order No Remuneration
Classification Appeal Board Phaneuf, Megan Public Service Commission Director 2024/01/10 Ministerial Order No Remuneration
Classification Appeal Board Christopherson, Marina Public Service Commission Alternate Chair 2024/02/15 2027/02/14 Ministerial Order Other
Management Job Evaluation Appeal Board Christopherson, Marina Public Service Commission Rotating Chair, GOA Employee 2023/03/28 2025/03/27 Ministerial Order No Remuneration
Management Job Evaluation Appeal Board Cassidy, Jennifer Public Service Commission Rotating Chair, GOA Employee 2023/03/28 2025/03/27 Ministerial Order No Remuneration
Management Job Evaluation Appeal Board Carroll, Maggie Public Service Commission Employer Member - GOA 2023/03/28 Ministerial Order No Remuneration
Management Job Evaluation Appeal Board Forman, Angela Public Service Commission Employer Member - GOA 2023/03/28 Ministerial Order No Remuneration
Management Job Evaluation Appeal Board Shapiro, Tricia Public Service Commission Employee Member - GOA 2023/03/28 Ministerial Order No Remuneration
Management Job Evaluation Appeal Board Zomerman, James Public Service Commission Employee Member - GOA 2023/03/28 Ministerial Order No Remuneration
Management Job Evaluation Appeal Board Weenk, Jennifer Public Service Commission Employee Member - GOA 2023/03/28 Ministerial Order No Remuneration
Management Job Evaluation Appeal Board Lawson, Shannon Public Service Commission Employer Member - GOA 2023/03/28 Ministerial Order No Remuneration
Management Job Evaluation Appeal Board Latta, Leslie Public Service Commission Employer Member, GOA Employee 2020/05/01 Ministerial Order No Remuneration
Alberta Social Housing Corporation Minister, Seniors, Community and Social Services Seniors, Community and Social Services Chair 2005/05/20 Other No Remuneration
Alberta Social Housing Corporation Deputy Minister, Alberta Seniors Seniors, Community and Social Services President 2005/05/20 Other No Remuneration
Alberta Social Housing Corporation ADM, Housing Division, Seniors Seniors, Community and Social Services Vice President 2005/05/20 Other No Remuneration
Alberta Social Housing Corporation Senior Financial Officer, Seniors Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2005/05/20 Other No Remuneration
Alberta Social Housing Corporation Epp, Lowell Seniors, Community and Social Services Member, TBF Designate 2005/05/20 Other No Remuneration
Citizen's Appeal Panel Mueller, Caren Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2024/06/26 2027/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Zarb, Lise Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2023/04/25 2025/09/30 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Cunningham, Karen Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2023/04/25 2026/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Andrews, Debi Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2022/10/03 2025/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Bell, Elizabeth Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2023/04/25 2026/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Kenny, Kay Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2024/06/26 2026/02/18 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Dougall, Carol Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2024/06/26 2027/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Evans, Susan Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2022/10/03 2025/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Rodgers, Joseph Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2024/06/26 2027/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Urlacher, Eva Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2024/06/26 2027/04/07 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Lavoie, Dianne Seniors, Community and Social Services Vice-Chair & Member 2023/04/25 2026/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Catonio, Colin Seniors, Community and Social Services Vice-Chair & Member 2023/04/25 2026/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Heinemann, Eugene Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2023/04/25 2026/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Littlechild, Ruby Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2023/04/25 2026/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Tiessen, Jamie Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2024/06/26 2027/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Enns, Christine Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2022/10/03 2025/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Moorhouse, Timothy Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2023/04/25 2026/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Morris, Laurette Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2023/04/25 2026/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Kwiatkowski, Ken Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2024/06/26 2026/02/18 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Konelsky, Dawn Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2024/06/26 2027/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Sanderson, Kim Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2022/10/03 2025/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Jossa, Dianna Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2022/10/03 2025/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Stelmachovich, Donna Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2024/06/26 2026/02/18 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Friesen, Eunice Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2024/06/26 2027/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Kavaz, Vesna Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2024/06/26 2027/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Betts, Leanne Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2024/06/26 2027/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Calliou, Chris Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2024/06/26 2027/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Farkas, Kris Seniors, Community and Social Services Vice-Chair & Member 2023/04/25 2026/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Pohl, Catherine Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2024/06/26 2027/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Rosettis, Thomas Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2024/06/26 2027/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Polzin, Tim Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2023/04/25 2026/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Mullen, Dierdre Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2024/06/26 2027/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Dixon, Donna Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2023/04/25 2026/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Erickson, Robbyn Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2023/04/25 2026/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Hildebrand, Sandra Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2023/04/25 2026/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Meyette, Paul Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2023/04/25 2026/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Steinke, Elaine Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2023/04/25 2026/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Dighe-Bramwell, Sarita Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2024/06/26 2027/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Crockatt, Joan Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2024/06/26 2027/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Gunn, Gerald Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2024/06/26 2027/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Holloway, Amanda Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2024/06/26 2027/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Mankowski, Monica Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2024/06/26 2027/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Santiago, Tony Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2024/06/26 2027/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Georgsen, Samantha Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2024/06/26 2027/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Ascroft, Thomas Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2022/05/26 2025/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Dutt, Vimmi Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2022/05/26 2025/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Gogo, Dango Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2022/05/26 2025/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Hundal, Gurvinder Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2022/05/26 2025/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Main, Evelyn Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2022/05/26 2025/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel McMullin, Lisa Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2022/05/26 2025/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel St. Dennis, Monica Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2022/10/03 2025/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Stadnyk, Nichole Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2024/06/26 2027/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Claughton, Tim Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2023/04/25 2026/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Kassian, Brent Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2023/04/25 2026/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Kuhse, George Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2023/04/25 2026/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Tsang, Alexander Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2022/10/03 2025/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Gilbert, Pat Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2022/10/03 2025/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Knight, Tracy Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2022/10/03 2025/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Ray, David Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2022/10/03 2025/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Paterson, Richard Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2022/10/03 2025/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Caleffi, Vince Seniors, Community and Social Services Vice-Chair & Member 2022/10/03 2025/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Chipeur, Stephanie Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2022/10/03 2025/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Kadatz, Jeanine Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2022/10/03 2025/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Kam, Karsmina Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2022/10/03 2025/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel MacDonald, Bradley Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2022/10/03 2025/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Price, Anne Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2022/08/02 2025/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Gaudette, Bill Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2024/06/26 2027/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Halcrow, Lisa Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2024/06/26 2027/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Labonte, Shirley Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2024/06/26 2027/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Meier, Denis Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2024/06/26 2027/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Citizen's Appeal Panel Panasiuk, Joanne Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2024/06/26 2027/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Family Support for Children with Disabilities Provincial Parent Advisory Committee Gan, Caroline Seniors, Community and Social Services Parent Representative 2022/12/15 2025/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Family Support for Children with Disabilities Provincial Parent Advisory Committee Jobanputra, Suchi Seniors, Community and Social Services Parent Representative 2022/12/15 2025/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Family Support for Children with Disabilities Provincial Parent Advisory Committee Khalid, Nabeel Seniors, Community and Social Services Parent Representative 2022/12/15 2025/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Family Support for Children with Disabilities Provincial Parent Advisory Committee Nielsen, Jessica Seniors, Community and Social Services Parent Representative 2022/12/15 2025/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Family Support for Children with Disabilities Provincial Parent Advisory Committee Swanberg, Rachel Seniors, Community and Social Services Parent Representative 2022/12/15 2025/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Family Support for Children with Disabilities Provincial Parent Advisory Committee Wu, Ying Seniors, Community and Social Services Parent Representative 2022/12/15 2025/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Family Support for Children with Disabilities Provincial Parent Advisory Committee Butler, Mei Seniors, Community and Social Services Chair & Member 2022/12/15 2025/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Family Support for Children with Disabilities Provincial Parent Advisory Committee Gray, Heather Seniors, Community and Social Services Vice-Chair 2022/12/15 2025/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Family Support for Children with Disabilities Provincial Parent Advisory Committee Behnke, Tanin Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2023/04/11 2026/06/30 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Family Support for Children with Disabilities Provincial Parent Advisory Committee Delainey, Tina Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2023/04/11 2026/06/30 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Family Support for Children with Disabilities Provincial Parent Advisory Committee Hammerschmidt, Dawne Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2023/04/11 2026/06/30 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Family Support for Children with Disabilities Provincial Parent Advisory Committee Rizwan, Tania Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2023/07/01 2026/06/30 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Premier's Council on Charities and Civil Society Garrick, Lorette Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2023/04/03 2025/01/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Premier's Council on Charities and Civil Society Christie, Joel Seniors, Community and Social Services Chair & Member 2023/04/03 2026/01/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Premier's Council on Charities and Civil Society O'Neill, Liz Seniors, Community and Social Services Vice-Chair & Member 2023/04/03 2026/01/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Premier's Council on Charities and Civil Society Lovely, Jackie Seniors, Community and Social Services MLA Member 2023/04/03 2026/01/31 Ministerial Order No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Premier's Council on Charities and Civil Society Hassan, Hyder Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2023/04/03 2026/01/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Premier's Council on Charities and Civil Society Redwood, Kirby Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2023/04/03 2025/01/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Premier's Council on the Status of Persons with Disabilities McGregor, Jacob Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2023/02/15 2026/02/14 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Premier's Council on the Status of Persons with Disabilities Birkholz, Heath Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2023/07/01 2026/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Premier's Council on the Status of Persons with Disabilities Lovely, Jackie Seniors, Community and Social Services MLA Member 2023/02/15 2026/02/14 Order in Council No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Premier's Council on the Status of Persons with Disabilities Shaw, Dominic Seniors, Community and Social Services Chair & Member 2022/07/01 2025/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Premier's Council on the Status of Persons with Disabilities Pilz, Cindy Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2021/11/24 2024/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Premier's Council on the Status of Persons with Disabilities Suvanto, Katie Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2021/11/24 2024/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Premier's Council on the Status of Persons with Disabilities Hoebarth, Frank Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2022/07/01 2025/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Premier's Council on the Status of Persons with Disabilities Thiessen, Earl Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2022/07/01 2025/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Premier's Council on the Status of Persons with Disabilities Nakane, Shino Seniors, Community and Social Services Member 2022/07/01 2025/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Funeral Services Regulatory Board Gust, Deborah Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction Public Member 2021/10/30 2024/10/29 Ministerial Order Other
Alberta Funeral Services Regulatory Board Jackman, Joshua Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction Public Member 2021/10/30 2024/10/29 Ministerial Order Other
Alberta Funeral Services Regulatory Board Redekop, Jack Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction Public Member 2023/04/01 2026/03/31 Ministerial Order Other
Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis Commission Fujino, Jack Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction Member 2023/05/13 2026/05/12 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis Commission Drysdale, Wayne Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction Member 2023/05/13 2026/05/12 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis Commission Weissenberger, Angela Tu Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction Member 2022/11/05 2025/11/04 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis Commission Rhodes, Len Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction Chair & Member 2022/08/15 2025/08/14 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis Commission Harper, Elan Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction Member 2022/08/15 2025/08/14 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis Commission Moneta, Maureen Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction Member 2022/04/06 2025/04/05 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis Commission Zhang, TJ Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction Member 2022/11/05 2025/11/04 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis Commission Vavrek, Vincent Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction Member 2022/11/05 2025/11/04 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis Commission Grier, Patti Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction Member 2023/01/28 2026/01/27 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Motor Vehicle Industry Council Wilson, Don Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction Public-at-Large Member 2022/04/28 2025/04/27 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Motor Vehicle Industry Council Ducharme, Denis Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction Public-at-Large Member 2021/11/05 2024/10/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Motor Vehicle Industry Council Krizan, Brad Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction Chair and Member 2023/04/01 2026/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Motor Vehicle Industry Council Morrow, Russ Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction Public-at-Large Member 2022/04/28 2025/04/27 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Motor Vehicle Industry Council Sabo, Alison Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction Public-at-Large Member 2021/11/05 2024/10/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Motor Vehicle Industry Council Quest, David Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction Public-at-Large Member 2023/04/01 2026/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Horse Racing Alberta Agriculture & Forestry, Rep Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction Observer, GOA 2016/03/18 Other No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Horse Racing Alberta Treasury Board & Finance, Rep Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction Observer, GOA 2016/03/18 Other No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Horse Racing Appeal Tribunal Mason, Jill Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction Member 2024/07/16 2026/01/15 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Horse Racing Appeal Tribunal Harasymiw, Andrew Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction Chair & Member 2024/07/16 2026/01/15 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Horse Racing Appeal Tribunal Hook, Trevor Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction Member 2024/05/15 2027/05/14 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Horse Racing Appeal Tribunal Cox, Kimberley Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction Member 2024/05/15 2027/05/14 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Horse Racing Appeal Tribunal Kocuiba, John Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction Member 2024/05/15 2027/05/14 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Horse Racing Appeal Tribunal Wedman, Jeff Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction Member 2024/05/15 2027/05/14 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Real Estate Council of Alberta Lesperance, Jacquie Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction Public Member - Industry Council (c) 2024/01/26 2026/11/30 Ministerial Order Other
Real Estate Council of Alberta McDonald, Elan Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction Chair & Public Member - Board 2023/12/01 2025/11/30 Ministerial Order Other
Real Estate Council of Alberta Engen, Terry Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction Member 2023/12/01 2026/11/30 Ministerial Order Other
Real Estate Council of Alberta Ringseis, Erika Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction Member 2023/12/01 2026/11/30 Ministerial Order Other
Real Estate Council of Alberta Walter, Gregory Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction Public Member 2023/12/01 2025/11/30 Ministerial Order Other
Real Estate Council of Alberta Parihar, Jai Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction Public Member 2023/12/01 2026/11/30 Ministerial Order Other
Real Estate Council of Alberta Hamdon, Brad Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction Member 2023/12/01 2025/11/30 Ministerial Order Other
Real Estate Council of Alberta Laverdure, Brittanee Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction Member 2023/12/01 2025/11/30 Ministerial Order Other
Real Estate Council of Alberta Newell, Don Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction Member 2023/12/01 2026/11/30 Ministerial Order Other
Real Estate Council of Alberta Onyegbula, Nkem Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction Member 2023/12/01 2026/11/30 Ministerial Order Other
Real Estate Council of Alberta Ouellette, Guy Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction Member 2023/12/01 2025/11/30 Ministerial Order Other
Alberta Enterprise Corporation - Board of Directors Hunter, Derrick Technology and Innovation Member 2021/06/23 2024/06/22 Order in Council Other
Alberta Enterprise Corporation - Board of Directors Ferrara, Justin Technology and Innovation Member 2022/01/26 2025/01/25 Order in Council Other
Alberta Enterprise Corporation - Board of Directors Redmond, Ted Technology and Innovation Chair & Member 2021/08/15 2024/08/14 Order in Council Other
Alberta Enterprise Corporation - Board of Directors Fossum, Sharilee Technology and Innovation Member 2022/01/26 2025/01/25 Order in Council Other
Alberta Enterprise Corporation - Board of Directors Sadaranganey, Neil Technology and Innovation Member 2022/01/26 2025/01/25 Order in Council Other
Alberta Enterprise Corporation - Board of Directors Cannon, M. Elizabeth Technology and Innovation Vice-Chair & Member 2021/06/23 2024/06/22 Order in Council Other
Alberta Enterprise Corporation - Board of Directors Scarlett, Tracey Technology and Innovation Member 2022/01/26 2025/01/25 Order in Council Other
Alberta Innovates Wong, Richard Technology and Innovation Member 2024/05/23 2026/05/22 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Innovates Abbott, Jodi Technology and Innovation Vice-Chair & Member 2024/05/23 2027/05/22 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Innovates Severin, Brad Technology and Innovation Member 2024/05/23 2026/05/22 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Innovates Fernandez, Robert Technology and Innovation Member 2024/05/23 2027/05/22 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Innovates Williams, Tony Technology and Innovation Chair & Member 2024/03/26 2026/04/09 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Travel Alberta Beaupre, Terri Tourism and Sport Member 2023/03/29 2026/03/28 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Travel Alberta Stepanik-Keber, Gail Tourism and Sport Member 2021/10/20 2024/10/19 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Travel Alberta Singh, Kiren Tourism and Sport Member 2022/01/31 2025/01/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Travel Alberta Robb, M. Ryan Tourism and Sport Member 2021/10/24 2024/10/23 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Travel Alberta Southern-Heathcott, Linda Tourism and Sport Chair & Member 2021/10/24 2024/10/23 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Travel Alberta Yeates, Neil Tourism and Sport Vice-Chair & Member 2022/03/04 2025/03/03 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Travel Alberta Marios, Juanita Tourism and Sport Member 2021/06/23 2024/06/22 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Strategic Aviation Advisory Council Kincade, Kendra Transportation and Economic Corridors Member 2024/06/23 2028/06/22 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Strategic Aviation Advisory Council Pugliese, Ferio Transportation and Economic Corridors Member 2024/06/23 2028/06/22 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Strategic Aviation Advisory Council Gotfried, Richard Transportation and Economic Corridors Chair & Member 2024/06/23 2028/06/22 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Strategic Aviation Advisory Council Evans, Elizabeth Transportation and Economic Corridors Member 2024/06/23 2028/06/22 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Strategic Aviation Advisory Council Holden, Lynda Transportation and Economic Corridors Member 2024/06/23 2028/06/22 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Strategic Aviation Advisory Council Jimmy, Justin Transportation and Economic Corridors Member 2024/06/23 2028/06/22 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Strategic Aviation Advisory Council Andrus, Brian Transportation and Economic Corridors Member 2024/06/23 2028/06/22 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Strategic Aviation Advisory Council Curtis, David Transportation and Economic Corridors Member 2023/03/29 2025/12/31 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Strategic Aviation Advisory Council Ndule, Robert Transportation and Economic Corridors Member 2023/03/29 2025/12/31 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Strategic Aviation Advisory Council Tomlin, Denean Transportation and Economic Corridors Member 2023/03/29 2025/12/31 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Strategic Aviation Advisory Council Dinsdale, Chris Transportation and Economic Corridors Member 2024/06/23 2028/06/22 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Strategic Aviation Advisory Council Keehn, Myron Transportation and Economic Corridors Member 2024/06/23 2028/06/22 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Strategic Aviation Advisory Council Rosentreter, Cole Transportation and Economic Corridors Member 2024/06/23 2028/06/22 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Strategic Aviation Advisory Council Skermer, Richard Transportation and Economic Corridors Member 2024/06/23 2028/06/22 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Strategic Aviation Advisory Council Stewart, William Transportation and Economic Corridors Member 2024/06/23 2028/06/22 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part B
Accreditation Committee Hull, Patricia Treasury Board and Finance Chair & Public Member 2023/01/24 2025/09/30 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Accreditation Committee Cooper, Terry Treasury Board and Finance Public Member 2023/01/24 2025/01/08 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Accreditation Committee Der, Donald Treasury Board and Finance Member, Life Insurance Rep 2023/01/24 2026/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Accreditation Committee Fischer, Patty Treasury Board and Finance Member, General Insurance Rep 2024/05/27 2027/05/28 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Alberta Employment Pension Tribunal Andrews, V. Lynn Treasury Board and Finance Appeals Commissioner 2022/05/04 2025/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 2, Part A
Alberta Employment Pension Tribunal Prefontaine, Mark Treasury Board and Finance Chief Appeals Commissioner 2022/05/04 2025/03/31 Order in Council CRO Schedule 2, Part A
Alberta Employment Pension Tribunal Liteplo, Ronald Treasury Board and Finance Deputy Chief Appeals Commissioner 2022/05/04 2025/03/31 Order in Council CRO Schedule 2, Part A
Alberta Employment Pension Tribunal Morrison, Daniel Treasury Board and Finance Appeals Commissioner 2022/05/04 2025/03/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 2, Part A
Alberta Investment Management Corporation Singh Dhillon, Navjeet Treasury Board and Finance Director 2022/10/01 2025/09/30 Order in Council Other
Alberta Investment Management Corporation Horsman, Jon Treasury Board and Finance Director 2023/07/01 2026/06/30 Order in Council Other
Alberta Investment Management Corporation Montemurro, Jason Treasury Board and Finance Director 2024/03/13 2027/03/12 Order in Council Other
Alberta Investment Management Corporation Hunter, Joel Treasury Board and Finance Director 2024/04/21 2027/04/20 Order in Council Other
Alberta Investment Management Corporation Clark, Phyllis Treasury Board and Finance Director 2022/01/26 2024/12/31 Order in Council Other
Alberta Investment Management Corporation Kroner, Ken Treasury Board and Finance Chair & Director 2024/01/01 2025/12/31 Order in Council Other
Alberta Investment Management Corporation Renaud, Roger Treasury Board and Finance Director 2022/11/05 2025/11/04 Order in Council Other
Alberta Investment Management Corporation Keohane, James Treasury Board and Finance Director 2021/05/27 2024/05/26 Order in Council Other
Alberta Investment Management Corporation Whitmarsh, Theresa Treasury Board and Finance Director 2022/04/01 2025/03/31 Order in Council Other
Alberta Investment Management Corporation Mitchelmore, Lorraine Treasury Board and Finance Director 2022/01/01 2024/12/31 Order in Council Other
Alberta Pensions Services Corporation Whittaker, Meryl Treasury Board and Finance Director 2022/10/01 2025/09/30 Shareholders Resolution Other
Alberta Pensions Services Corporation MacKinnon, Janice Treasury Board and Finance Director 2021/10/26 2024/10/19 Shareholders Resolution Other
Alberta Pensions Services Corporation McInnes, Brenda Treasury Board and Finance Director 2021/10/26 2024/10/19 Shareholders Resolution Other
Alberta Pensions Services Corporation MacDonald, Colin Treasury Board and Finance Director 2021/10/26 2024/10/19 Shareholders Resolution Other
Alberta Pensions Services Corporation Roszell, Claudia Treasury Board and Finance Director, Independent 2023/10/19 2026/10/18 Shareholders Resolution Other
Alberta Pensions Services Corporation Hamilton, Denise Treasury Board and Finance Director 2023/10/19 2026/10/18 Shareholders Resolution Other
Alberta Pensions Services Corporation Hannah, Richard Treasury Board and Finance Director 2022/10/01 2025/09/30 Shareholders Resolution Other
Alberta Securities Commission Curran, Trudy Treasury Board and Finance Member 2023/04/01 2026/03/31 Order in Council Other
Alberta Securities Commission Kim, Karen Treasury Board and Finance Member 2023/04/01 2026/03/31 Order in Council Other
Alberta Securities Commission Oosterbaan, James Treasury Board and Finance Member 2023/04/01 2026/03/31 Order in Council Other
Alberta Securities Commission Magidson, Stan Treasury Board and Finance Chair & Member 2021/07/01 2026/06/30 Order in Council RABCCA
Alberta Securities Commission Cotter, Thomas Treasury Board and Finance Vice-Chair & Member 2020/04/01 2026/03/12 Order in Council RABCCA
Alberta Securities Commission Harding, Gail Treasury Board and Finance Member 2022/04/01 2025/03/31 Order in Council Other
Alberta Securities Commission Crossley, Raymond Treasury Board and Finance Lead Independent Member 2024/04/01 2025/03/31 Order in Council Other
Alberta Securities Commission Horn, Kari Treasury Board and Finance Vice-Chair & Member 2024/05/01 2030/04/30 Order in Council RABCCA
Alberta Securities Commission Bootle, Matthew Treasury Board and Finance Member 2022/04/01 2025/03/31 Order in Council Other
Alberta Securities Commission Tingle, Bryce Treasury Board and Finance Member 2022/05/04 2025/03/31 Order in Council Other
Alberta Securities Commission Mair, Douglas Treasury Board and Finance Member 2024/04/01 2027/03/31 Order in Council Other
ATB Financial Kelly, Michael Treasury Board and Finance Member 2022/06/16 2025/06/15 Order in Council Other
ATB Financial Smitten, Don Treasury Board and Finance Member 2022/06/16 2025/06/15 Order in Council Other
ATB Financial Davidson, Jim Treasury Board and Finance Member 2023/06/16 2026/06/15 Order in Council Other
ATB Financial Fraser, Andrew Treasury Board and Finance Member 2023/06/16 2026/06/15 Order in Council Other
ATB Financial Logan, J. Robert Treasury Board and Finance Member 2023/06/16 2026/06/15 Order in Council Other
ATB Financial Bashir, Naseem Treasury Board and Finance Director 2024/06/16 2027/06/15 Order in Council Other
ATB Financial Flynn, Kara Treasury Board and Finance Director 2024/06/16 2027/06/15 Order in Council Other
ATB Financial Matthew, Jill Treasury Board and Finance Member 2022/06/16 2025/06/15 Order in Council Other
ATB Financial Hertz, Joan Treasury Board and Finance Chair & Member 2022/01/01 2024/12/31 Order in Council Other
ATB Financial Saint-Laurent, Maryse Treasury Board and Finance Member 2022/06/16 2025/06/15 Order in Council Other
ATB Financial Minhas, Manjit Treasury Board and Finance Member 2022/06/16 2025/06/15 Order in Council Other
ATB Financial Neilson, Mary Ellen Treasury Board and Finance Member 2023/06/16 2026/06/15 Order in Council Other
Audit Committee Minister, Treasury Board and Finance Treasury Board and Finance Member, Ex-Officio 2009/09/14 Order in Council No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Audit Committee Nickerson, Suzanne Treasury Board and Finance Member 2024/02/01 2025/12/31 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Audit Committee Godwin, Michael Treasury Board and Finance Chair & Member 2024/02/01 2025/12/31 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Audit Committee Aherne, Patrick Treasury Board and Finance Member 2024/04/24 2027/04/23 Order in Council 2x CRO Schedule 1 Part A
Audit Committee McCallum, Heather Treasury Board and Finance Member 2024/04/24 2027/04/23 Order in Council 2x CRO Schedule 1 Part A
Audit Committee Falkenberg, Keith Treasury Board and Finance Member 2024/04/24 2027/04/23 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Audit Committee Ifidon, Ola Treasury Board and Finance Member 2024/04/24 2027/04/23 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Automobile Insurance Rate Board Merriman, Chris Treasury Board and Finance Superintendent, Ex-Officio 2023/12/12 Ministerial Order No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Automobile Insurance Rate Board Manten, Catherine Treasury Board and Finance Member, Consumer Rep 2024/05/09 2027/05/15 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Automobile Insurance Rate Board Bruce, Christopher Treasury Board and Finance Member 2022/07/01 2025/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Automobile Insurance Rate Board Lazar-Tippe, Rita Treasury Board and Finance Member 2022/07/01 2025/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Automobile Insurance Rate Board Matthews, Patricia Treasury Board and Finance Vice-Chair & Member 2021/07/23 2024/07/22 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Automobile Insurance Rate Board Jeworski, Jay Treasury Board and Finance Member 2023/07/23 2026/07/22 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Automobile Insurance Rate Board Hotte, Jamie Treasury Board and Finance Chair & Member 2023/06/01 2026/05/31 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Automobile Insurance Rate Board Vavrek, Vincent Treasury Board and Finance Member 2023/06/01 2026/05/31 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Credit Union Deposit Guarantee Corporation Bérubé, Camille Treasury Board and Finance Director, Credit Union Central 2021/05/01 2024/04/30 Order in Council 2x CRO Schedule 1 Part A
Credit Union Deposit Guarantee Corporation McGowan, John Treasury Board and Finance Director 2021/05/01 2024/04/30 Order in Council 2x CRO Schedule 1 Part A
Credit Union Deposit Guarantee Corporation Morris, Kenneth Treasury Board and Finance Director, Credit Union Central 2023/05/01 2026/04/30 Order in Council 2x CRO Schedule 1 Part A
Credit Union Deposit Guarantee Corporation Beloin, Laurene Treasury Board and Finance Director 2021/05/01 2024/04/30 Order in Council 2x CRO Schedule 1 Part A
Credit Union Deposit Guarantee Corporation Hiebert, Paulina Treasury Board and Finance Director 2022/05/01 2025/04/30 Order in Council 2x CRO Schedule 1 Part A
Credit Union Deposit Guarantee Corporation McKillop, James Treasury Board and Finance Director 2022/05/01 2025/04/30 Order in Council 2x CRO Schedule 1 Part A
General Insurance Council Oviatt, Kathryn Treasury Board and Finance Member 2022/06/29 2025/06/28 Order in Council Other
Insurance Adjusters' Council Evren, Lisa Treasury Board and Finance Member 2021/10/30 2024/10/29 Order in Council Other
Insurance Councils Appeal Board Marshall, Mary Treasury Board and Finance Member 2021/08/25 2024/08/24 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Insurance Councils Appeal Board Harris, Gwen Treasury Board and Finance Public Member 2023/02/01 2026/01/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Insurance Councils Appeal Board Kent, Thomas Treasury Board and Finance Member 2024/03/12 2027/02/15 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
LAPP Corporation Banfield, Victor Treasury Board and Finance Employee Nominee (HSAA) 2024/06/06 2026/12/31 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
LAPP Corporation White, Ronda Treasury Board and Finance Employer Nominee (AHS) 2024/06/06 2026/12/31 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
LAPP Corporation Nicolay, Robert Treasury Board and Finance Employer Nominee 2022/01/01 2024/12/31 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
LAPP Corporation Agoto, Terry Treasury Board and Finance Chair 2022/01/01 2024/12/31 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
LAPP Corporation Marsden, Peter Treasury Board and Finance Employee Nominee 2024/06/06 2026/12/31 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
LAPP Corporation Sander, Darren Treasury Board and Finance Vice-Chair 2024/06/06 2026/12/31 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
LAPP Corporation Bradshaw, Steve Treasury Board and Finance Employee Nominee 2023/02/09 2025/12/31 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
LAPP Corporation Weninger, Joanne Treasury Board and Finance Non-Union Employees Rep 2023/07/01 2025/12/31 Ministerial Order CRO Schedule 1, Part A
LAPP Corporation Devlin, Noelle Treasury Board and Finance Employer Nominee 2022/01/01 2024/12/31 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
LAPP Corporation Stiuca, Antonia Treasury Board and Finance Employer Nominee 2022/01/01 2024/12/31 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
LAPP Corporation Bahtia, Robert Treasury Board and Finance Employee Nominee 2023/02/09 2025/12/31 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Life Insurance Council Mahmood, Usman Treasury Board and Finance Member 2024/04/10 2027/04/09 Order in Council Other
Management Employees Pension Board Beesley, Dale Treasury Board and Finance Employee Nominee 2023/03/29 2026/03/28 Order in Council No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Management Employees Pension Board Patershuk, Shannon Treasury Board and Finance Employer Nominee 2023/02/09 2025/12/31 Order in Council No Remuneration, Ex-Officio
Management Employees Pension Board MacLeod, Jonathan Treasury Board and Finance Employer Nominee 2024/06/06 2027/06/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Management Employees Pension Board Stelmach, Les Treasury Board and Finance Employer Nominee 2023/03/29 2026/03/28 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
PSPP Corporation Andriachuk, Bonnie Treasury Board and Finance AUPE Appointee 2022/05/25 2025/04/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
PSPP Corporation Gilchrist, Todd Treasury Board and Finance U of A Appointee 2022/03/01 2025/02/28 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
PSPP Corporation Cordeiro, Liliana Treasury Board and Finance AUPE Appointee 2023/01/01 2025/12/31 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
PSPP Corporation Groch, Emilian Treasury Board and Finance GoA Appointee 2022/03/01 2025/02/28 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
PSPP Corporation Prokopy, Ross Treasury Board and Finance GoA Appointee 2021/08/10 2024/08/09 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
PSPP Corporation Swann, Kerry Treasury Board and Finance NASA Appointee 2022/05/25 2025/04/30 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
PSPP Corporation Lardner, David Treasury Board and Finance Chair, AUPE Appointee 2022/03/01 2025/02/28 Order in Council Other
PSPP Corporation Goodwin, Jan Treasury Board and Finance AUPE Appointee 2021/12/08 2024/12/07 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
SFPP Corporation Storer, Monica Treasury Board and Finance Employer Nominee 2022/03/01 2024/12/31 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
SFPP Corporation Elliott, Jason Treasury Board and Finance Employer Nominee 2022/01/01 2024/12/31 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
SFPP Corporation Jubinville, Denis Treasury Board and Finance Chair 2023/02/09 2024/12/31 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
SFPP Corporation Paton, David Treasury Board and Finance Employee Nominee 2023/02/09 2025/12/31 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
SFPP Corporation Burdyny, John Treasury Board and Finance Employee Nominee 2023/02/09 2025/12/31 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
SFPP Corporation LaDouceur, Kurtis Treasury Board and Finance Employee Nominee 2023/02/09 2025/12/31 Order in Council CRO Schedule 1, Part A
Teachers' Pension Plans Board of Trustees (operating as Alberta Teachers' Retirement Fund Board) Holowinsky, Maria Treasury Board and Finance Employer Nominee GOA 2023/05/07 2027/05/06 Order in Council Other
Teachers' Pension Plans Board of Trustees (operating as Alberta Teachers' Retirement Fund Board) Haggis, Paul Treasury Board and Finance Employer Nominee GOA 2023/02/09 2026/12/31 Order in Council Other
Teachers' Pension Plans Board of Trustees (operating as Alberta Teachers' Retirement Fund Board) Wiles, Timothy Treasury Board and Finance Member 2023/03/25 2027/03/24 Order in Council Other
Teachers' Pension Plans Board of Trustees (operating as Alberta Teachers' Retirement Fund Board) Marcellus, Sandra Treasury Board and Finance Employee Nominee ATA 2020/12/19 2024/12/18 Order in Council Other
Teachers' Pension Plans Board of Trustees (operating as Alberta Teachers' Retirement Fund Board) Francis, Greg Treasury Board and Finance Employee Nominee ATA 2020/10/21 2024/10/20 Order in Council Other
Teachers' Pension Plans Board of Trustees (operating as Alberta Teachers' Retirement Fund Board) Langdale, Brad Treasury Board and Finance Employee Nominee ATA 2023/02/09 2026/12/31 Order in Council Other
Teachers' Pension Plans Board of Trustees (operating as Alberta Teachers' Retirement Fund Board) Ufodike, Chioma Treasury Board and Finance Employer Nominee GOA 2023/03/14 2027/03/13 Order in Council Other
Teachers' Pension Plans Board of Trustees (operating as Alberta Teachers' Retirement Fund Board) Matos, Alexandria Treasury Board and Finance Member 2021/10/06 2025/10/05 Order in Council Other