Foreign Credential Advisory Committee

Mwaba, Misheck

Biography not available

Bergman, Megan

Biography not available

Chaudhary, G. Nabi

Biography not available

Feth, Shauna

Biography not available

Ilochonwu, Kene

Mr. Ilochonwu is a lawyer with Woodfiber LNG, where his primary focus is strategic business initiatives and commercial agreements. Kene currently sits on the Board of the Law Society of Alberta and the Airdrie Subdivision and Appeal Board. Kene received the King's Counsel designation, the QEII Platinum Medal, and the 2023 Alberta Newcomer Recognition Award. Kene holds a Master's degree in law from the University of Strathclyde .

Lake, Deidre

Biography not available

Linke, Cam

Biography not available

McGillivray, Susan

Biography not available

Miller, Rachel

Biography not available

Nagendran, Jay

Biography not available

Randall, Bruce

Biography not available

Reeves-Gibbs, Glenys

Biography not available

Stacey, Cinnamon

Biography not available