How to apply

Applications are currently being accepted for the vacancies listed below. You may also register and sign up for notifications about new opportunities.

You can track the status of public agency appointment competitions here. Please note that competitions will be removed from the status list 2 weeks after the appointment has been made.

It is recognized in Alberta as a fundamental principle and as a matter of public policy that all persons are equal. Diversity and inclusion are valued and supported on the boards of Alberta’s public agencies.

Competition Status Terms

Open: Accepting applications for current opportunities.

Screening: Applications are under review to identify candidates for interviews.

Interviewing: Interviews are underway with the selected applicants. Only those selected for interviews will be contacted to advance to the next step in the appointment process.

Approval(s) in progress: A recommended candidate(s) has been identified and the recommendation is progressing through the Government of Alberta's approval processes.

Completed: The recommended candidate has been formally appointed.

Ministry Role Public Agency Closing Date Status View
Advanced Education Committee Members and Chair Land Agent Advisory Committee 2024/08/02 Open View Details
Health Public Member Expert Committee on Drug Evaluation and Therapeutics 2024/08/16 Open View Details
Health Physician Members Expert Committee on Drug Evaluation and Therapeutics 2024/08/16 Open View Details
Education Teacher/Teacher Leaders, and Public Members _Generic Recruitment Posting (EDU) 2024/08/12 Open View Details
Health Public Member and Chair, Indigenous Advisory Council _Generic Recruitment Posting (HEALTH) 2024/08/31 Open View Details
Health Public Members, Health Professions College Councils _Generic Recruitment Posting (HEALTH) 2024/08/30 Open View Details
Arts, Culture and Status of Women Public member, Co-chair/représentante ou représentant du public, coprésidente ou coprésident Conseil consultatif de l'Alberta en matière de francophonie / Alberta Advisory Council on the Francophonie 2024/08/02 Open View Details
Health Public Member and Chair Regional Advisory Councils (Health) 2024/08/31 Open View Details