Out-Of-Country Health Services Committee

Hagen, Neil

Dr. Neil A. Hagen has been a physician member on the Out-of-Country Health Services Committee since 2014. Dr. Hagen is a recognized health services medical leader with a background of a pain specialist, and an academic Neurologist including General Neurology, Neurological Oncology and Palliative Care. Dr. Hagen’s professional life has been focused on direct clinical care, with more than 25 years of experience at the Foothills Medical Centre.

Dr. Hagen has also had involvement with Physician education and training. Dr. Hagen is a recognized expert in evidence based care, a medical leader with a particular interest in quality of care and a pain and opioid researcher.

Kassam, Narmin

Dr. Narmin Kassam is a General Internal Medicine specialist who serves in a number of leadership roles at the University of Alberta Hospital, carries a full and active patient case load and is currently the Deputy Clinical Head for the Department of Medicine. As a General Internist, she is uniquely qualified to serve on the Out-of-Country Health Services Committee as she has a global outlook on multiple disease states and is frequently faced with working with complex diseases. She is currently serving as the Governor for the Alberta Chapter of the American College of Physicians which provides her with the opportunity to meet with Governors from all over the United States of America and other international chapters. This provides a significant familiarity with the American and other health care systems. Dr. Narmin Kassam is a General Internal Medicine specialist who serves in a number of leadership roles at the University of Alberta Hospital, carries a full and active patient case load and is currently the Deputy Clinical Head for the Department of Medicine. As a General Internist, she is uniquely qualified to serve on the Out-of-Country Health Services Committee as she has a global outlook on multiple disease states and is frequently faced with working with complex diseases. She is currently serving as the Governor for the Alberta Chapter of the American College of Physicians which provides her with the opportunity to meet with Governors from all over the United States of America and other international chapters. This provides a significant familiarity with the American and other health care systems.

Health, Special Programs Manager

Biography not available

Jamieson, Peter Crawford

Dr. Peter Jamieson is a Family Physician in Calgary. He is currently the Medical Director of the Foothills Hospital while maintaining an active clinical pracice. Dr. Jamieson has served in leadership roles with multiple health care organizations including Alberta Health Services, the Canadian Society for Hospital Medicine, and the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technology in Health. He is appointed as a Clinical Professor in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Calgary.

Patel, Samir I

Dr. Samir I. Patel is a Radiation Oncologist with specialized training in proton beam radiotherapy. He currently practices at the Cross Cancer Institute and Stollery Children’s Hospital, as well as the University of Alberta Hospital where he serves as Co-Director of the Gamma Knife Radiosurgery Program. Dr. Patel is also serves as Provincial Chair of the Proton Therapy Referral Program and on the Board for the Make-a-Wish Foundation of Northern Alberta. He is as an Associate Professor in Oncology and Pediatrics with the University of Alberta. Dr. Patel is active in the development of clinical practice guidelines within Alberta Health Services.
