Alberta Institute of Agrologists - Complaint Review and Hearing Tribunals

Abiiba, Funmi

Funmi Abiiba has a Bachelor's Degree in Economics from the University of South Africa, Master's in Business Administration from Coventry University, United Kingdom, Certificates in Project and Change Management from APMG (APM Group International) and Principles of Administrative Justice. Her work experience spans over ten years with Governments in South Africa, United Kingdom and Canada. She is currently Associate Vice President, Volunteer Management, Project Management Institute, Southern Alberta Chapter and serves as a Member on the Calgary Subdivision and Development Appeal Board.

Chow, Geoff

Geoff Chow has a Master of Environmental Studies from York University and holds a Qualified Environmental Professional (QEP) designation from the Institute of Professional Environmental Practice. He is a retired Professional Biologist and is a retired Member of the Canadian Institute of Planners (M.C.I.P.) and the Alberta Professional Planners Institute. Geoff has served on the Chartered Professional Accountants Alberta (CPA) Discipline and Appeals Tribunal Roster for several terms and is cross-appointed for Alberta Institute of Agrologists Hearing Tribunals and Complaint Review Committee. His previous work in the field of environmental regulatory management included hearing management and participation, which provided tribunal process and panel member experience. This has been supplemented by the completion of the CPA Tribunal Roster Training.
