College of Dental Technologists of Alberta - Council

Cooper, Douglas James Walter

Douglas Cooper has a back ground of over 30 years working in labour relations.

of over 30 years working in labour relations.

Douglas Cooper has a back ground of over 30 years working in labour relations. He has served on a variety of boards and commissions in Alberta over many years, including the Alberta Labour Relations Board, the Appeals Commission for the Worker’s Compensation Board and as a public member for the council of the College of Dental Technologists of Alberta.

Mardon, Catherine Ann

Catherine Mardon has a Bachelor of Science, a Bachelor of Arts, a Master of Theological Studies, and a Doctorate in Jurisprudence. She is a retired attorney with extensive training in mediation. She has authored 10 books and has more than 30 years in board governance. She serves as a special advisor to the Glenrose Hospital on their Medical Ethics Board, and her advocacy for those with mental illness was recognized with Queen Elizabeth II’s Diamond Jubilee Medal and the Lieutenant Governor’s Circle on Mental Health and Addiction’s True Grit Award.

Lock, Gary

Gary Lock is a Realtor who works with CIR Realty in Airdrie. Gary has represented SAIT on the provincial exam board in developing final exams. Gary holds a certificate as a EMT-A from SAIT and a diploma as an EMT-P from SAIT. Gary started as a volunteer firefighter in Nanton in 1979; worked as a paramedic/firefighter in Airdrie and Fort McMurray. Spent 15 years at SAIT, teaching EMS and in different administration positions. Gary has held a designation as a Realtor since 2007. Competencies required for members of the council of the College of Dental Technologists of Alberta include critical thinking, risk management and understanding of industry/sector. Ronald (Gary) Lock was directly recruited and appointed based on meeting the competencies, skills and attributes as described above.

Stahl, Brittany

Brittany Stahl is a Water Resources Engineer who works with Stantec Consulting Ltd. to support growth and development in the context of developer and regulator's goals. She has experience volunteering with the Bow River Basin Council and Mount Pleasant Community Association committees and board. Brittany is a member in good standing with the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta since 2008. She holds a M.Sc. in Water Resources Engineering Management from Heriot-Watt University.
