Alberta College of Social Workers - Council

Liskowich, Trevor

Trevor Liskowich has more than 25 years in the development and management of programs/services to improve the lives of people. This has included working with diverse populations including: people with developmental disabilities, people with mental health concerns, older adults, teenagers & youth. Trevor had established an inclused post-secondary educatio program at the University of Calgary as well as the Darrell Cook Family Managed Supports Resource Centre. He had also establsihed the first client-directed financial stewardship program in North America for people with mental health issues.

Delfs, Laura

Laura Delfs is an experienced lawyer having established a corporate commercial practice at a leading firm prior to transitioning to legal consulting work. She has held in-house counsel positions in the business, construction, municipal, professional governance, health and education sectors. Laura holds a B.Sc. and LL.B from the University of Alberta, and a LL.M in Law and Sustainable International Development from the University of Washington.

Billy, Allen

Allen is the Education Manager, undergraduate and post-graduate programs at the Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary and Dept. of Family Medicine, Albert Health Services. Allen has 30 years' experience in post-secondary education, primarily in Allied Health programs teaching a variety of Human Anatomy and Physiology courses. He served on the governance boards of the Canadian Association of Allied Health Programs and the North Shore Rescue Team Society. Allen has a doctorate in Zoology from the University of Texas at Austin.

Smith, Geraldine

Geraldine Smith is a Registered Nurse who lives in rural Alberta and who currently works in the field of mental illness and addictions, though has an extensive career working in rural acute care nursing also. Geraldine Smith has her Masters of Nursing and is part of the Faculty of the University of Lethbridge. Her primary interests are in mental health nursing, leadership and advocacy. Geraldine's committee experiences include serving as a member of the CARNA Hearing Tribunal, serving on the Academic Discipline Committee for the General Faculty Council at University of Lethbridge, as well as sitting on numerous committees within the University of Lethbridge Health Sciences Faculty.

Pickering, Brad

Mr. Bradley C. Pickering has served many years in the provincial and municipal government sector in senior leadership roles including Deputy Minister of Municipal Affairs, Deputy Minister of Tourism, Parks and Recreation, Deputy Minister of Sustainable Resource Development, and Deputy Solicitor General and Deputy Minister Public Security. He has also served on the boards of Travel Alberta, Alberta Capital Finance Authority, and the Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute.

Goldie, Elizabeth

Elizabeth (Liz) Goldie is a retired environmental geologist who is currently a beekeeper and beekeeping instructor and mentor. Liz is a director for the Calgary and District Beekeepers Association having previously served as secretary. She is active as a founding member of the United Beekeepers of Alberta Council and is a director of the Western Apicultural Society. Liz has volunteered with Meals on Wheels and the Canadian Mental Health Association. At CMHA, she instructed junior high and high school students about the myths, facts and stigma of suicide.
