Alberta Recycling Management Authority

Rich, Kate

Kathleen (Kate) Rich, M.Sc. and P.Geo., has led various strategies for the public and private sectors related to energy, climate change, water and land management – all with a focus on sustainable development. She has lived and worked in several cities across Canada and internationally. Her current role is the Assistant Deputy Minister of Water and Circular Economy in Alberta Environment and Protected Areas.

Pickering, Brad

Brad Pickering is a retired Deputy Minister, having served 17 years in various senior leadership roles as the Deputy Minister of Municipal Affairs, Tourism, Parks and Recreation, Sustainable Resource Development, Public Security/Deputy Solicitor General, and the Chief Executive Officer of the Alberta Environmental Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting Agency. He currently is the Board Chair of Alberta Recycling Management Authority, Vice Chair of Legal Aid Alberta and a Director on Norquest College and Alberta College of Social Workers.
