Fatality Review Board

Nelson, Byron Warren

Bryon Warren Nelson is the Managing Partner with Inns Law. He serves as Chair on the Athabasca University Board of Governors, is a director with the Food Banks Alberta's Provincial Board of Directors, and is a long-time volunteer with the Shriners Hospitals for Children. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science from the University of Calgary, and received his law degree with honours from the University of Wales, Cardiff. He was admitted to the board of the Law Society of Alberta in 1998. Byron Nelson was directly recruited and appointed to the Fatality Review Board on the basis of acceptably meeting the competencies, skills and attributes required by the Board.

McDougall, Jacqueline

Dr. Jacqueline McDougall received her Bachelor of Science in Cellular, Molecular and Microbiology from the University of Calgary in 1987. She subsequently completed her Doctor of Medicine degree at the University of Calgary, followed by Family medicine Residency at the University of Alberta, Misericordia Hospital. In 1998, she focused her practice to community based care. Dr. McDougall is dedicated to maintaining a high level of proficiency in medical practice through ongoing medical education and as a facilitator for a small group learning through the Foundation for Medical Practice Education’s Practice Based Small Group Learning Program.
