Recruitment posting

Law Enforcement Review Board

Competition #: 844
Ministry : Public Safety and Emergency Services
Opening Date : 2025/03/11
closing Date : 2025/04/01
Role : Part-time Board Members

It is recognized in Alberta as a fundamental principle and as a matter of public policy that all persons are equal. Diversity and inclusion are valued and supported on the boards of Alberta's public agencies.

Role Required

The Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Services is seeking applications for lawyers interested serving as part-time board members, for the Law Enforcement Review Board.

The Law Enforcement Review Board office is located in Edmonton. Currently, all hearings are held virtually. Part-time board members may be required to travel in-person hearings, which would be conducted in the municipality where the incident occurred.
About the Agency

Established under the Alberta Police Act, the Law Enforcement Review Board (Board) provides an independent civilian review of public complaints concerning police officer conduct. The Board is a quasi-judicial appeal tribunal that hears appeals by citizens or police officers from discipline decisions made by chiefs of police and by disciplinary hearing officers. Appeals are typically heard by panels of three members

Role Description

As a Board member, you will participate in, and at times preside over hearings, conduct impartial reviews of extensive and complex police service investigations or disciplinary proceedings, consider the submissions of parties, the law and the evidence, and write formal appeal decisions.

Skills and Experience Required

Candidates need to hold a law degree and be in good standing with the Law Society of Alberta.

Ideal candidates will need to demonstrate a clear record of participating in transparent and principled adjudicative decision processes. Excellent verbal and written communication skills are vital. Strong inter-personal and collaborative skills, experience in a consensus-based team environment, and demonstrated fairness and integrity are also essential.

Knowledge of administrative proceedings, experience interpreting and applying legislation, conducting hearings, prior board or committee experience or leadership experience is preferred. The Board welcomes candidates presenting varied backgrounds, careers, community roles, and geographical representation.

Final candidates will be asked to undergo a security screening.

Experience, Knowledge, Skills, and Competencies:

  • Proven analytical and problem-solving skills to assess complex information and varying points of view, with a strong reputation for sound judgment, integrity and principled decision making.
  • A reputation for demonstrating accountability, and a commitment to fair and transparent processes.
  • Exceptional capacity for collaboration with a consensus focused approach and a background in working on panels of one to three members.
  • Working knowledge of administrative hearing proceedings including interpreting and applying legislation and drafting decisions.
  • Knowledge of administrative law and experience in a related quasi-judicial tribunal environment, participating in hearings and conducting reviews of the record and applying the appropriate standard of review is desirable.
  • Legal members require a law degree and must be a member in good standing of the Law Society of Alberta.
  • Understanding of effective governance practices and prior experience working with community or government boards, committees or councils is preferred.
  • Superior organizational skills and abilities to meet deadlines and deliver written decisions within expected timelines.
  • Strong writing ability, which is necessary in order to prepare clearly-articulated adjudicative tribunal decisions that can withstand judicial scrutiny on appeal.
  • Excellent listening and verbal communication skills.
  • Proven strengths in facilitation, mediation or dispute resolution practices.
Remuneration and Time Commitment

Remuneration is by honorarium for time spent attending review hearings and conducting other board business. The board members’ expenses are reimbursed in accordance to the Government of Alberta’s Travel, Meal and Hospitality Expenses Policy.

Order in Council 265/2005 establishes the following rates of remuneration payable to the members of the LERB:

(a) for a member who is a lawyer:

    • $200.00 up to and including 4 hours in any day, or
    • $400.00 for over 4 hours and up to and including 8 hours in any day, and
    • $50.00 per hour after 8 hours.

An equivalent of five to seven full days per month is required for board activities. Hearings are scheduled three months in advance and members must be available to participate in board hearings scheduled during regular business hours. However, file reviews, preparation for hearings, decision writing and review may be conducted after hours or on weekends.

Position Profile
Additional Documentation

In addition to your cover letter and resume, we require a biography. Click HERE to download the biography form.

Once your biography and other required forms are completed, save them to your PC. When you click on submit application, you will be prompted to upload additional documents. Drag and drop or upload your completed biography form and others requested into the ‘Drop files below or click to upload’ section

Contact Information

Executive Search, Alberta Public Service Commission

Phone: 780-408-8460


How To Apply

Carefully read the Recruitment Posting and the Position Profile to ensure this is an appropriate opportunity for you. Applicants are advised to provide information that clearly and concisely demonstrates how their qualifications meet the advertised requirements.

Online applications are preferred. To apply, click on the 'apply' button, create or sign into your account in the ePAAS system; upload your resume, view the listing under Current Opportunities and click on 'submit application'. The uploaded resume will be automatically attached.

Provide a short 4 line biography using the Biography template found under additional documents section. Your biography should include your name, current work experience, board/committee experience and relevant education. Please note that biographies may be edited for length and clarity.

Once your biography and other required form(s) are completed, save it to your PC. When you hit 'submit application', you will be prompted to upload additional documents. Drag and drop (or upload) your completed cover letter, biography and other form(s) into the 'Drop files below or click to upload' section before clicking the 'apply' button.

If you are unable to apply online, please submit a cover letter and resume, quoting the recruitment posting competition number, to the contact provided on the posting. We thank all applicants for their interest. All applications will be reviewed to assess which candidates' qualifications most closely match the agency's requirements. Only those selected for interviews will be contacted to advance to the next step in the appointment process. You can check the status of each competition on-line at

The personal information in ePAAS is collected pursuant to section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. The information will be used to administer and manage recruitment for current and future public agency appointment opportunities. Questions regarding the collection, use, or disclosure of this information, may be directed to the Public Agency Secretariat, Public Service Commission, 3rd Floor, Peace Hills Trust Tower, 10011 109 Street, Edmonton, AB T5J 3S8 or by calling 780-644-3060. Applicants will be required to identify any real or perceived conflicts of interest and may be required to undergo additional screening.

Please Note: Successful applicants will have the following information about them made publicly available on the Public Agency Secretariat Website: name, biography, public agency, and position title.

Agency Website:
Link to Enabling Legislation:
