Management Employees Pension Board

Patershuk, Shannon

Shannon Patershuk is a retired actuary, experienced in pension plan valuations, benefits, and risk management. At large insurance and actuarial firms she developed benefit programs for clients in the non-profit sector. As a consultant she advised employers on legislation, financial decision making and trends for benefits programs. Ms. Patershuk has a Bachelor of Commerce Hons. Degree from the University of Manitoba, majoring in Actuarial Science and Marketing, and was recognized by the Canadian Institute for Actuaries for her volunteer work.

Beesley, Dale

Mr. Dale Beesley is Assistant Deputy Minister of the Public Safety Division in Alberta Municipal Affairs. Mr. Beesley has over 20 years of experience in government in various roles, including Executive Director of Pension Policy in Alberta Treasury Board and Finance. In that role Mr. Beesley led the development of policy and provided advice on public sector pension plans in Alberta, including the Management Employees Pension Plan. Mr. Beesley is a Chartered Management Accountant and has led numerous large-scale projects in government.

Stelmach, Les

Les Stelmach is a senior vice president and portfolio manager at Franklin Bissett Investment Management. He has over two decades of experience in financial markets. Mr. Stelmach holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree in Finance, with Distinction, from the University of Alberta and is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) charterholder. He serves as a director of the Ed Stelmach Community Foundation and has previously served as a board member of the Calgary Homeless Foundation, where he served on the Audit and Risk Committee.

MacLeod, Jonathan

Mr. Jonathan MacLeod is a partner and portfolio manager with Richardson Wealth, with over 20 years of experience. Mr. MacLeod manages diversified portfolios for individuals, businesses and institutions and is experienced with risk management, asset allocation and investment analysis. He has a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Alberta, has taken numerous Canadian Securities Institute courses. Mr. MacLeod has been a Chartered Financial Analyst since 2003.
