Health Quality Council of Alberta - Board of Directors

Powell, Dwight

Dwight Gregory Powell is a retired physician who volunteers time related to improving the Health Care System. Greg is chair of the Patient Family Advisory Committee and sits as a Board Member of the Foothills Country Hospice Society. Greg has trained as a specialist in Emergency Medicine. He received the Order of Canada, was inducted into the Canadian Aviation Hall of Fame and has other career related awards. Greg holds a BSc and M.D. from UBC, certification in Family Medicine from U of C (ret.) and a FRCPC from McGill. He is currently Professor Emeritus from Family and Emergency Medicine at U of C.

Hawranik, Pamela

Dr. Pamela Hawranik is a Professor at Athabasca University and previously held the role of Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies and interim Associate Vice President Research. She holds a PhD in Health Policy and Evaluation from the Faculty of Medicine, and a Masters of Nursing and Bachelor of Nursing from the University of Manitoba. She has been on numerous provincial and national boards, such as Canadian Nurses Association, Western Deans of Graduate Studies, Canadian Hospice & Palliative Care Association, and various long term care facilities.

Johnson, Clifford

Clifford D. Johnson, Q.C., ICD.D, is a seasoned lawyer and businessman. He is a retired member of the Law Society of Alberta and past member of the Law Society of England and Wales. He spent 20 years at a major international law firm. Positions included National Management Committee, Calgary Managing Partner and Energy Group Leader. business, non-profit, private club and education organization positions have included Chairman, CEO, President, EVP, Director and Corporate Secretary. Extensive governance experience as an advisor.

Volume-Smith, Carlyn

Dr. Carlyn Volume-Smith is a Chief Stakeholder Relations Officer at the Alberta School Employee Benefit Plan (ASEBP). She has over two decades of health care administration experience with expertise in shaping operational and clinical teams in the health care and health benefit insurance sectors. Carlyn is a licensed Clinical Pharmacist who holds a Masters Degree (Health Promotion) and a Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences, focussing on the impact of health policy changes on patients and clinicians.

Sherman, Rajnesh

Dr. Raj Sherman is an ER Physician, Assistant Clinical Professor & former STARS physician. He has served as President of the Emergency Physicians at the AMA, on the U of A Senate, MLA for Edmonton-Meadowlark 2008-2015, Parliamentary Assistant to Minister of Health, CPSA council member and on the Governance and Finance & Audit committees of CPSA. He received a gold pin for his service with STARS. Dr. Sherman received his M.D., from the University of Alberta in 1990 with a specialization in Family & Emergency Medicine.

Gye, Emmanuel

Dr. Gye is a family and lifestyle physician who practices in Airdrie, Alberta. He is a clinical assistant Professor with the University of Calgary. He has served on various committees and boards. This include the Section of Family Medicine with the Alberta Medical Association, the Alberta Primary Care Alliance, the Coalition for Primary Healthcare and Junkai Initiative. Dr. Gye has been awarded the Queen Elizabeth 11 Platinum Jubilee medal for his community service.

LeMoal, Clifford

Mr. LeMoal has been an Advanced Care Paramedic for 40 years with EMS in Alberta. He has been chair of the Continuing Competence Committee with the College of Paramedics, member of the national licensing paramedic exam committee as well as a medical guideline advisory committee with Emergency Medical Services. Mr. LeMoal is the recipient of the Federal EMS Exemplary Services Award, is an accomplished educator and develops textbooks for EMS and industry. He holds a Masters in Learning and technology and a Diploma in Paramedicine.

Lundy, Rick

Mr. Lundy is the founder and former President of Open Arms Patient Advocacy and the Minds Over Matter Mental Health Society. Through these organizations, he has assisted hundreds of health care users and has facilitated numerous systemic changes, making the health care system safer and more efficient. He has served on 20 different boards as a Board of Director where he was President of 8 of them. Mr. Lundy also consults with organizations regarding best practices for boards and specializes in board governance.

Colville, Jacquelyn

Jacquelyn Colville is an experienced executive and community leader, with a demonstrated commitment to governance and extensive experience serving on and advising boards. She has been involved with the HQCA Board as an external member and Audit Committee Chair since August 2017. Currently, she is the Chair of the Funding Priorities Committee of the Stollery Children's Hospital Foundation, as well as the CFO of Midnight Sun Financial. Jacquelyn holds the ICD.D designation, and is a CPA, CA, BComm.
