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The Alberta Public Agencies Governance Act (APAGA) requires that all public agencies have a Mandate and Roles Document and a Code of Conduct. Both must be made available to the public. These documents are posted in the list of public agencies for all public agencies subject to the APAGA.

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1 Results
  • Alberta Human Rights Commission

    Alberta Human Rights Commission


    The Alberta Human Rights Commission is responsible for education and engagement to foster equality and reduce discrimination, resolving complaints, and adjudicating appeals when complaints cannot be resolved through other mechanisms. The Commission also oversees the administration of the Human Rights Education and Multiculturalism Fund.

    APAGA Applies

    • Yes

    Code of Conduct

    Mandate and Roles


    Establishing Legislation

    Position Name Appointment Date Expiry Date Appointment Method
    Chief of Commission and Tribunals Oviatt, Kathryn Dec 01 2022 Nov 30 2027 Order in Council
    P/T Member Ahanonu, C. Nduka Aug 21 2021 Aug 20 2024 Order in Council
    P/T Member Badejo, Sandra Aug 21 2021 Aug 20 2024 Order in Council
    P/T Member Bonora, Doris Aug 15 2022 Aug 14 2025 Order in Council
    P/T Member Dickins, Cynthia Oct 07 2022 Oct 06 2025 Order in Council
    P/T Member Scott, Karen Jun 29 2024 Jun 28 2027 Order in Council
    P/T Member Haykowsky, Teresa Rose Aug 15 2022 Aug 14 2025 Order in Council
    P/T Member Oshionebo, Evaristus Dec 01 2022 Aug 20 2024 Order in Council
    P/T Member Ringseis, Erika Aug 15 2022 Aug 14 2025 Order in Council
    P/T Member Shim, Wilma Aug 21 2021 Aug 20 2024 Order in Council
    P/T Member Whyte, Nathalie Oct 07 2022 Oct 06 2025 Order in Council
    P/T Member Bawa, Faraz Aug 18 2022 Aug 17 2025 Order in Council
    P/T Member Christianson, Dana Jun 20 2024 Jun 19 2027 Order in Council
    P/T Member Leclerc, Shawn Jun 20 2024 Jun 19 2027 Order in Council
    P/T Member Sherry, Leigh Jun 20 2024 Jun 19 2027 Order in Council
    P/T Member Gill, Jessica Aug 18 2022 Aug 17 2025 Order in Council
    P/T Member Wiltshire, Rod Jun 20 2024 Jun 19 2027 Order in Council
    P/T Member Abdelhamid, Rabie Jun 20 2024 Jun 19 2027 Order in Council
    Director Milliken, Nicholas Jul 05 2024 Jul 04 2027 Order in Council